Tuesday, May 17, 2022

A Series of Unusual Experiences

“Ha”, exclaimed Tu [Shane], “the back door!”

“Might be” said Myrtle [Andrew], “or might not be.”

After finishing off our scouting of the area we assembled back at the mine and reported to Captain Marion. It was resolved to head back down the mine shaft first thing the next morning, and we all had a good night’s rest, with no unwelcome interruptions.

In the morning we all rose for a hearty breakfast, noting that no one was left in bed marmalading! Then we prepared for tunnel exploration and confined battles, and all climbed back into the mine shaft cages and clattered back down into the mine shaft. At the big chamber at the bottom of the shaft we lit out lanterns, strapped on our shields, drew our weapons, and cautiously advanced back into the newest drift.

Bear [Ian] and Tu [Shane] lead off, with Myrtle [Andrew] and Dexter [Jamie] directly behind them, closely followed by Oliver [Jeff] and Debbie [Steven], then Gillard [Kevin] and Ouzo [Darryl], with Scuttle [Chris] at the rear. We had our lanterns blazing, big guys in the front, and were feeling confident that we could handle whatever we found in the darkness ahead!

We passed the location where we found and recovered the first body yesterday and pushed on along the drift. Tu [Shane] soon yelled back that we were coming up on three more bodies, definitely dead. Given all the yelling and noise we were making, Debbie [Steven] decided that fighting music would be appropriate and started up a joyful little tune to lift our spirits [Bless spell giving +1 to all our attack rolls]

“Sushhh” whispered Bear [Ian], “I think I hear something”

Suddenly a very loud growling noise came echoing from the darkness ahead, quickly followed the sound of heavy “feet” thumping towards us.

“Brace” yelled Tu [Shane].

Bear [Ian] and Tu [Shane] braced back, with their shields held out to the front, as a large, feathered creature came barrelling up the tunnel in front of us. And it was indeed an Owl Bear!

“Ha”, screamed Tu [Shane], “I’ve got this”

Battle commenced.

Debbie’s [Steven] music played on, shouts of encouragement rang out from the rear, Oliver [Jeff] fired off a few Magic Missiles, Bear [Ian] and Tu [Shane] battled on and eventually Bear [Ian] went down, Gillard [Kevin] stepped in, Myrtle [Andrew] cast Cures, Bear [Ian] got back up, and Gillard [Kevin] finally got in the killing strike with her magical armour piercing short sword.

Ouzo [Darryl] picked some feathers from the corpse, Tu [Shane] again cut out the beak and claws for his trophy collection, then we pressed on down the drift hoping that there was just the one monster inhabiting the area.

We passed another dead body, obviously one of the mine guards, dressed in chain mail, and after a further fifty yards we find the drift had broken into a large natural cavern. There was one other exit from the cavern, no doubt towards the surface, and the Owl Bear’s “nest” was easy to spot in the back corner of the cavern. Adjacent to the nest was a pile of old bones, and a partially eaten body of an elven fighter. We retrieved some chain mail, a long sword, bow, and assorted jewellery from the elven body, and turned towards the tunnel that led onward.

Bear [Ian] and Gillard [Kevin] took the lead and we pushed on into the narrower and totally natural tunnels beyond the cavern. We explored a few passages (that got narrower and narrower) before we finally found another large cavern with a creek flowing across it and out a large entrance to the outside. Sure enough, peering out into the light we saw that this was indeed the cave entrance we had discovered  yesterday.

We had not really found anything of interest, and certainly no other creatures or tracks, during our exploring so we headed on back to the Owl Bear cavern, gathered up all the “loot”, and started off to make our way back to the main mine shaft and then up the elevators to the camp.

“Wait” exclaimed Tu [Shane] as we passed the Owl Bear carcass. “Let’s just check its stomach, seeing as it eats all sorts of people and stuff”

Voila, lots of gross smelly icky stuff including a relatively intact hand with a ring on its index finger.
Into the loot pile with that, and then Oliver’s [Jeff] Detect Magic reveals that the ring and the elf’s Long Sword are both magical items.

“That’ll be mine then” states Dexter [Jamie] as he picks up the Long Sword and gives it a few experimental swishes around the cavern. [Jamie shares top rank on the treasure distribution list but has the only character that can use a long sword and pretty much automatically claims it. Then subsequently drops a rank on the list]

Back aboveground at the mine camp we reported to Captain Marion. Tu [Shane] waved the Owl Bear beak and claws in front of her.

“All sorted” he confirmed, “and we’ll take the sex slave thanks!”

“Noo, you shood be taking mee” shouts Dubull the gnome from the slave cage, “I am much more skilled than that skinny good for nuting (snicker) piece of human fluff, who can’t even see in the dark!”

We received the three gems previously offered and collected the girl. Her name is Tanya Hyde, and she used to work for Zarbo (the suspected werewolf) at the Slavers Lookout, and she also knew Zara (the girl we had originally been hired to find) from there. We stayed that night in the mine encampment and prepared to set off first thing in the morning. Preparation involved relearning and casting cures (Myrtle [Andrew]) until everyone was back at full health, re-memorising a full complement of magical spells (Oliver [Jeff]), gathering supplies (Scuttle [Chris], “And I didn’t even have to pay”), and getting a good night’s rest (everyone).

The trip back to Toluene was relatively uneventful. We got to the first fortified camp around midday of the first day, noticed that the ghoul bodies had been dragged off into some nearby marches, and decided to carry on for the rest of that day before finding an overnight camp, far away! Which seemed to be a fine thing as the night passed with no excitement, apart from some brief arguments about who should keep the slave girl warm!

The next day was also uneventful, and we passed the next fortified camp around midday. We noticed there some recent Orc tracks and carried on through the afternoon to camp on the trail that night. The night was not quite so uneventful as Myrtle [Andrew] and Oliver [Jeff] woke everyone during the second watch after hearing some extremely load and very nearby bird-like screeches.

“Orcs” whispered Tu [Shane], “keep the noise down”

Everyone quietly drew their weapons and we all kept low and quiet. VINGT-ET-UN was with us [successful roll against the maximum party Luck score (Myrtle-18)], and although we heard more screeching noises and the trampling of many booted feet passing nearby, everything quietened down after about ten minutes and the rest of the night passed with no more excitement.

In the morning we took a look over where the noises had originated and found two dead bodies of very strange creatures. They looked a bit like horses, but definitely not.

“Maybe Red Dragons?” queried Dexter [Jamie, the Ranger. After a very poor roll]

“Well, certainly not the wolves or 25-30 Orcs that passed through here last night” stated Tu [Shane].

We nervously carried on back towards town and arrived there somewhat later. [The DM messed up the trip duration and we arrived back safety a day quicker than it took us heading out!]

We returned the wagon back to the miners’ office, collected our 200gp per person reward, sold the various bits of armour and non-magical jewellery and gems (for 450 gp), and cautiously snuck the Halflings, and other members of the party known to the suspected Werewolf Zarbo, back to the Mistress and Crop. Oliver [Jeff] hustled off to the Mages Guild and organised some magical Identification of the Long Sword and Ring, at a cost of 400 gp. The Ring would be done overnight, and the Long Sword the following day.

There was much talk around town about a terrible attack that had occurred a few days ago in Penstoke (where we had come from a few weeks ago). Apparently, the REAL “temple” (more like a small shrine and austere priest’s accommodation) had been sacked and burned to the ground. The REAL priest, two local Paladin’s, and some other worshipers had been killed!

“Well, at least they can’t blame us for that” stated Scuttle [Chris].

We quizzed Tanya about her prior employer Zarbo, his friends, his typical movements, and the layout of the Slavers Lookout. A mister Malcom Clough owned the “Inn”, while Zarbo "ran"
the business there. Apparently, Zarbo and his two burly “friends”, Toby and Jack, were want to disappear for days on end, every so often. Tanya provided us with a description of the establishment, and particularly the few areas that Tu [Shane] had not managed to frequent during his previous exploits with the girls there. This included the owner’s private room on the ground floor, the presence of a locked cellar.

“Never been in there though” she noted.

Tu [Shane] and Dexter [Jamie] concoct a plan to visit the Slavers Lookout each night, “Just to see if Zarbo is around”, so they head off while the rest of the party settle in for a quiet night laying low in our rooms at the Mistress and Crop. We had taken two rooms on the second floor, one for the ladies and the other for the men. Of course, we set watches in each room, just in case.

 And weird stuff happened overnight! During the second watch (Oliver [Jeff] and Scuttle [Chris]) the door to their room silently swung open revealing a shadowy figure slipping in through the opening. Scuttle prodded Bear [Ian] and Ouzo [Darryl] to wake them, and Oliver [Jeff] let fly a Magic Missile. The figure bolted back out through the door and raced off down the stairs with Ouzo [Darryl] in hot pursuit. The rest of those in the men’s room alerted the ladies and followed after Ouzo [Darryl] as he disappeared into the misty darkness of the town.

Scuttle [Chris] pointed out that the strange figure had left bloody footprints on the floor, and bloody smears on the door handle and door frame! And by then Ouzo [Darryl] had actually disappeared.

“Did you see which way he went?” asked Bear [Ian], peering unsuccessfully down the three gloomy streets leading off from the door.

Sometime later, Ouzo [Darryl] appeared out of the darkness and spun some tale about following the figure into the restricted area at the centre of town, and onto the grounds of an old manor house with a clock tower. He said that once he heard the sound of growling dogs from the rear of the house, he had retreated and returned.

After some discussion among the party about what this might all mean, and what might have led the strange figure to attack the men’s room in particular, everyone settled back down for the rest of the night. Traps were set, and furniture piled against doors, in both the rooms!

Not long later, towards the end of the second watch, Oliver [Jeff] and Scuttle [Chris] heard a sharp crump as the trap on their door was triggered, and they again saw the door swinging open to reveal the same shadowy figure slipping into the room. This time they opened a lantern to bathe the figure in light, and Oliver [Jeff] cast another Magic Missile. As the burning missile delivered four points of magical damage, the light revealed a young boy, albeit around six feet tall, dressed in tattered rags. He appearance was otherwise normal, but as he turned and fled back down the corridor, they noticed that he was leaving bloody footprints on the ground, and the handle was also smeared with blood!

“Maybe It’s your dagger Oliver?” postulated Myrtle [Andrew] who had joined us after hearing this latest disturbance.

Oliver [Jeff] transferred to the lady’s room for the rest of the night, just to try and determine if it was his dagger attracting this very strange creature. Everyone stayed awake on heightened alert, just waiting for something to happen.

Sure enough, during the last watch, the window to the men’s room exploded inward and the same odd boy climbed in clutching a knife. He jumped to the floor just as Bear [Ian] launched himself in full attack mode. Bear’s [Ian] sword passed straight through the boy’s chest, as though he was made of insubstantial mist. But the boy’s return knife strike stabbed into Bear’s sword arm, and he felt more than just the injury! A chilling cold sensation penetrated his arm at the wound and began to creep along his arm towards his body.

The boy struck again before Bear [Ian] could get in a second (and probably ineffective) attack, which punched a knifed shape hole right through his shield, but fortunately did not cause any damage to him. And then, before he could launch his retaliatory strike, the boy just disappeared. One second he was there waving his knife about, and the next there was nothing. Bear [Ian] stumbled forward as the momentum of his thwarted attack caused him to overbalance.

Myrtle [Andrew] healed Bear’s [Ian] wound, and we erected a temporary covering across the broken window. We decided that Myrtle [Andrew] would stay on in the men’s room and try her Detect Undead spell if it returned.

“It’s all still chilly and weird” stated Bear [Ian], looking down at his wounded arm.

About an hour later, just before light, a dagger blade appeared through the sheet pinned up across the window, and a large gash was cut down through it. The damn boy creature tumbled in through the opening and rolled up into an attack stance just in front of Bear [Ian]. They both missed each other, and Dexter [Jamie] swung at it with his new magic sword, unfortunately missing. Then the boy struck back at Dexter [Jamie] and knocked him down with a 5 hp gash. Myrtle [Andrew] cast the Detect Undead spell and yelled “Not undead”. Oliver [Jeff] grasped the hilt of the cursed dagger to check for vibrations.

“My cursed dagger isn’t vibrating” yelled Oliver [Jeff].

Just then Scuttle [Chris] appeared from the darkness behind the boy and speared his silver dagger straight into the back of the boy’s neck, aiming to sever his spine. But the dagger just passed straight through it as though he wasn’t even there, and then he wasn’t there! Just disappeared, like a bad smell in a hurricane.

“What the ….” stammers Scuttle [Chris] as everyone looked around, checking the corridor and the street outside the window. Myrtle [Andrew] casts a Cure on Dexter [Jamie] and states “Let’s hope that’s the end of this nonsense, I have no more spells!”

The rest of the night (about one hour) passed quietly and in the morning Bear [Ian] and Oliver [Jeff] notice something even more weird than the strange happenings that night. The window wasn’t broken at all, no one apart from them recalled any of those events from the night, Myrtle [Andrew] and Oliver [Jeff] had their full complement of spells, and everyone felt fully rested, as though they had a great night’s sleep with no strange shenanigans!

“That’s super weird!” exclaimed Bear [Ian].

After some breakfast (room service, as no one was very keen to frequent the common room) and some friendly ribbing of Bear [Ian] and Oliver [Jeff], the group splits up to attack the day.

Oliver [Jeff] heads to the Mages Guild to collect the Ring, Identified overnight as a +2 Ring [+2 to all saving throws], drops off the magic Long Sword for its Identification, and then does some research regarding the Manor House that Ouzo [Darryl] mentioned during the strange “dream” from overnight. The Ring was given to Oliver [Jeff, shared the current highest rank on the treasure distribution list, and successfully rolls against Chris to claim the item].

Ouzo [Darryl] heads out to check with his local “contacts” about when Zarbo (the suspected were‑creature) and his two cronies last disappeared from the city.

Dexter [Jamie] unsuccessfully checks for bloody footprints or any other tracks around the local area, and Myrtle [Andrew] meets with the Art Dealer who wanted the party to “recover” some of his pieces that he was forced to abandon in the restricted “red zone” in the centre of town.

“What have you recovered so far?” he asked.

Myrtle [Andrew] replied “blah, blah, blah” and fobbed him off with some empty platitudes and promises that he would be the first to hear once we had recovered any of his goods.

At the end of the day Oliver [Jeff] picked up the Long Sword [+1 OV and +1 Damage] from the Mages Guild and delivered it to Dexter [Jamie] at our Inn. The Halflings, Scuttle [Chris] and Gillard [Kevin], laid low in our rooms, while Ouzo [Darryl] headed out to keep a watch on the Slavers Lookout, and Tu [Shane] and Dexter [Jamie] headed over to the Slavers Lookout to keep an eye on Zarbo.

“We won’t even look at the girls” winked Tu [Shane] as he followed Dexter [Jamie] out the door.

During the night, the party members remaining at The Mistress and Crop suffered from similar strange dream-type effects that had occurred the previous night. There were sightings of the same strange boy and people went missing, but then turned up in odd places. It was all very inexplicable!

But sometime just after midnight, Tu [Shane] and Dexter [Jamie] returned from their excursion to the Slavers Lookout. Ouzo [Darryl] also returned and reported that he had seen Zarbo and his two cronies leave the Slavers Lookout after midnight, had followed them to a house at the edge of town where they stayed for only a short time before heading out of town through the main gates.

“They’ll be gone for a few days” stated Ouzo [Darryl] “if they stick to their normal pattern”

“It’s now or never” confirms Dexter [Jamie].

So we all equipped up for a sneaky exploration of the Slavers Lookout, and head out into the misty darkness, makeing our way stealthily across town.

“chink, chink, chink, … chink, chink, chink … chink, chink, chick”

“Shut up already” whispers Ouzo [Darryl] from the darkness ahead.

At the back entrance to the Slavers Lookout, first Ouzo [Darryl] and then Scuttle [Chris] fiddle with the lock for a bit and decide that the front door will be easier.

“But look at this strange symbol etched on the door” points out Ouzo [Darryl], “some sort of five petal arrangement within a circle”.

We all look, then we all stealthily creep round to the front door.

“chink, chink, chink, … chink, chink, chink … chink, chink, chick”

First Ouzo [Darryl] and then Scuttle [Chris] fiddle with the front door lock for a bit, until Scuttle [Chris] steps back, wipes his brow, and whispers “After you”.

Ouzo [Darryl] eases the door open and skulks in first, followed by the rest of us.

We are unable to unlock the door to the owner’s room on the ground floor, behind which we can hear snoring sounds, but Ouzo [Darryl] makes quick work of the lock to the cellar and most of the party descends quietly down into the cellar behind Ouzo [Darryl].

“chink, chink, chink, … chink, chink, chink … chink, chink, chick”

Tu [Shane] and Oliver [Jeff] position themselves to either side of the door to the owner’s room and settled in to keep guard there in case he woke and came out to investigate.

The cellar appeared to be a dead end, just containing a few storage boxes, crates of wine, and other dusty junk that you might find in the cellar of the local Inn and flophouse. But a more thorough investigation revealed a trapped Secret Door. Myrtle [Andrew] points out the likely opening mechanism to Debbie [Steven], everyone steps well back, and she has a good poke around. [Debbie has the best saving throws in the party and is often voluntold to open traps etc.]

A sparking and violent electrical discharge washes over Debbie’s armour and she lets out a small squeal. [luckily only 2 points of electrical damage after failing her saving roll]

Baer [Ian] leads the way into the narrow passage revealed after the Secret Door swung open. Then in single file behind Bear followed Myrtle [Andrew], Dexter [Kevin], Ouzo [Darryl], Debbie [Steven], and Gillard [Kevin] bought up the rear.

The passage led straight ahead and soon opened up into a small room carved into the rock. An opening in the floor at the centre of the room revealed iron steps leading down into darkness.

Meanwhile, back up on the ground floor of the Inn, Tu [Shane] and Oliver [Jeff] heard a brief piercing whistle from behind the door of the owner’s room and prepared themselves for a scuffle. Tu [Shane] drew his sword, while Oliver [Jeff] rehearsed his Magic Missile spell and began to sweat!

The door swung violently open, and a huge dog bounded through, closely followed by a bare‑chested man in sleeping shorts but carrying a hefty cudgel.

“Blam” went Oliver’s [Jeff] Magic Missile into the man [3 points of damage]

Tu [Shane] attacked the dog, which was right in front of him, but his swing was way too high, and he stumbled forward into the dog’s violent attack.

[Shane rolled a 1, followed by a miss, and “fumbled”. Stumble forward into opponent’s free extra attack at +2. This resulted in two attacks by the dog on Tu, one fortunately missed, but the other rolled six damage, reduced by 3 due to Tu’s Chain Mail armour, resulting in a 3-point wound]

“Blam” went Oliver’s [Jeff] second Magic Missile into the man [5 additional points of damage] and he collapsed to the ground.

The huge dog had its jaw clamped around Tu’s [Shane] left arm and was vigorously worrying at him. Hindered by the dog’s grip, Tu [Shane] struggled to hit it, and to do much damage when he did.

“Blam” went Oliver’s [Jeff] third and final Magic Missile into the dog [4 points of damage].

Tu [Shane] and the dog were snarling and shouting at each other, spinning around and trying to get in decent blows, to no avail. The dog’s teeth were fortunately skittering off Tu’s [Shane] armour, but unfortunately Tu [Shane] was struggling to get in any decent blows.

Oliver [Jeff] whipped out the cursed dagger and had a swing but couldn’t hit successfully.

Finally, Tu [Shane] managed to get in a lucky blow, and the dog collapsed to the floor, a pool of blood slowly expanding out from its body.

Tu [Shane] found the owners keys in his room, and the owner was shortly gagged, well tied, and locked into his own room.

“We better go help the others now” Tu [Shane] boldly exclaimed.







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