Tuesday, November 12, 2024

What's the Plan?


  • Phoebe Lacrosse. Human Barbarian from Pugtown – Andrew
  • Griza Muso. Human Thief from Lakeside – Jeff
  • Balder Dash. Gnome Wizard from Toluene - Jamie
  • Bush Tucker. Human Rogue from Spite Anti - Darryl
  • MARMALADING: Red Feuersturm. Human Temple Fighter of Hob from Toluene - Chris
  • MARMALADING: Malcom Gandhi. Gnome Thief from Brian – Kevin
  • Napolean Twig. Elf Priest of Caribou Gorn from Pugtown - Ian
  • Joe Manco. Human Fighter from Toluene – Shane
  • Galena Alfdis. Elf Priestess of Vingt et Un from Palantir - Steven
By Ian

Our group regroup in the house study. Everyone is tired and hungry. The night is passing into the early hours. At some point someone notices that the light that was shining weakly from the harbour has gone out or away - either way it is all darkness and mist outdoors. All is quiet except for the occasional  howl from the patrolling wolves.

Wearily the gang list out the remaining questions:
  1. Now that we have searched everything, where the heck is Simeon? He MUST have a workshop somewhere?
  2. Where to we hold up to get our spells back and heal? Balder is dying in this house and can't stay here?
  3. What were the lights in the harbour? What were they expecting?

"Well, we did only quickly search the stables at the time? Should we go there and pick apart the place?" offered Griza. 

"Yeah, might as well. We have all but run out of places to look at now. Maybe Balder will feel better there and we can rest up?"

As quietly as they could, the party head to the rear mansion door, through the smelly kitchen.

[The party roll a very lucky roll] The wolves were near but not close enough to cause any problems. The party cross the damp, foggy 30 or 40 meters between the house and the stables. Damn that is dark and cold.

Once inside, everyone looks around the stables. There are two stalls that house rather stunning horses. Based on their stature and quality, they looked very much like veteran light war horses.

Napolean steps forward "I have been studying zeee animal handling..." [Ian has upgraded Napolean's Animal handling skill as it aligns with a talent that allows 2 dice per check]

After a period of time needed to befriend the horses, Napolean manages to form a bond and they are happy for him to handle. Not so much for anyone else...

That night the stables are secured, watchers are set to the fighters as the spell casters all take grapes and wafers and opt for the full re-charge.

The night passes very peacefully and the spell point recovery was terrific with high rolls all round. Enough for the group to press on now that the sun is up.

"Ok, what's the plan?"

It's another predictable, damp and murky day ahead. The mists swirl around the buildings. The very few sounds from the surrounding areas travel with ease in all directions.

Rotting offal
Everyone is now back in the kitchen (holding their noses from the stench of the rotten offal from previous days). A quick explore around the mansion shows nothing has changed. Nothing moved. Nothing stirred. Exactly the same as the group left everything. 

"Well, I guess that is good news then? Or is it bad news?"

The party spend some time discussing options for the day:
"Should we identify the Simeon portrait that is magical? That might tell us the triggers and the destinations?" 

"Nahhh, we don't have all day for that. Besides, Balder would have to do it and he is looking very ill. Probably should make one part of today's plan to get Balder away from this house and area."

Joe stirs from his slumped marmalade position. A big stretch and yawn and he shakes his head awake, "What's the plan, team?"

The decision was made to take out the large, bald undead 'thing' (Mr Zombie) that sits between the house and the cave system under the tower. At least there would be a clear path when ever wanted without needing to cross above ground. The party make their way to the underground room before the monster and magical chair.

Balder casts Enchant Weapon on Joe's two-handed sword to give an additional boost +2 to hit and ability to hit magical creatures. Therefore Joe takes lead on combat, and the party opens the door to the room.

The creature calmly turns to look at the opening door. It stands and starts rapidly moving to engage the intruders.

A couple of frantic rounds and a well-organized attack, sees the creature destroyed quickly enough. Joe took some minor damage, but was in no trouble. It turned out the creature did not need a magic weapon to hit but had a LOT of resilience (HPs).

Once the creature is destroyed and disassembled to remove any chance of coming back, the group head to the cells and disemboweling table where, yet again, there was no change in the room. Nothing different or moved.

A further detailed search was conducted and, yet again, nothing new was discovered. Nothing missed.

"Ok then, what's the plan????"

More discussions and deliberations. Hmmmm.... "Where the heck IS this guy. He MUST be here somewhere?"

This starts Bush off: "Ahhh yeah, must be that fire room. Bet THAT is a secret tunnel". 

Eyes roll... "Yeah sure Bush - this isn't an action play. Talk about cliché".

"Nah, nah, I mean it. Bet ya a double-ty-dingo that is the tunnel". Bush is ignored...

The group move to the study where the magic portrait of Simeon is. 
"Hmmmmm. We could try and locate object on that fancy necklace of his???" Some smarty thought.

 "Yeah, that necklace looks pretty unique? Can't be too many that look that garish in the world?"

So, Napoleon, who is carrying the location twig (15 charges), programs up the necklace and lets fire a charge. The stick leaps, shudders and gets a clear hit!!!! That means that the item at least is within 500 paces. 

"Wow, that is odd. It is pointing straight out the harbour?". They move across the mansion site and triangulate with another locate charge from the twig. Confirmed. Out to sea through the fog.

"Ok, what's the plan then?". 

"He must have been on that boat? What a smarty he is then."

More pondering. The group run low on ideas.

Jonathan Livingston Napolean
"I can try something." Offers Napolean. "Although it is misty, it does seem to lift and fall? If I time it ok, I could be a seagull [druid ability] and head out the harbour for five minutes, and see if there is a boat moored there?"

Brilliant! Worth a try.

As the mists part slightly, and a faint extra ray or two of sunlight feebly tries to shine through, Napolean changes to the gull and heads out the harbour as fast as seagull can fly.

[At this point a luck roll is needed (darn and Napolean's luck is very poor. Something like 6 out of 20. A '1' is rolled; fate has worked in favour of the group.]

"We will not be using a boat any time soon."
As the gull heads up the harbour, a large monstrous sea serpent breaches the surface. It is huge. It effortlessly dives back under the waves and its large body follows. 

"Hmmmm. Guess we are not going to be using a boat any time soon. That was lucky spotting that from the air."

At the four-minute mark, and when the timer was thin on remaining 'at sea' time, finally an island appears in the distance, about 500m from the shore. "Ahhh, not a boat at all!". 

A very quick tour revealed an island about 500m x 200m. The island had a small rocky outcrop and scrub to one end, but otherwise very barren. Wind and ocean swept, there is very little chance of anything growing there. There is an old ruined jetty (no boat moored).

There were a series of 12ft high black statues in a formation near a central ruined keep and courtyard. The ruin was square in shape with a crumbling tower in each corner. The walls were in tatters and well beyond any normal definition of 'wall'. You could ride horses through the gaps.

Further on from the ruined keep and courtyard, toward the coast line that faces the mainland, there was a high tower. Napolean guessed that it was the same design as the one on the mainland. Who knows for sure? Seemed to be about the same and that is enough.

A strange black obelisk three-sided square (one side missing) was formed into the side of the island. The missing side was toward the tower. From this distance and speed, the guess is the same stuff as the statues. Looks very similar for sure. That is it,. Time is out. Napolean races back to the land and snaps back to Elf form just in time.

"Amazing recon. That provided a LOT of information and hints to answers. Seems the locate and the island would suggest we finally know where Simeon is!"

"Awesome. We are doing well now. What's the plan?"

More discussions and ideas floated.

"I tells ya" - oh no, it's Bush again... "It's that bloody fire pit. It's the secret tunnel to the island". "Ok Bush, how about YOU climb down into the fire and the demon and confirm that for us!!!".
Bush quietly replies, "Yeah, yeah, whatever. Suit yourselves. Just saying is all. You might want to check it out".

Back to the study. The group are sitting in front of Simeon's magic portrait again. "Now what???". In frustration, Balder reaches up and touches the portrait. I swirl of colour and wind and 'blip' he was gone. The others all look at each other. Oh well. They go through in quick succession. One after another the party members touch the portrait and are gone.
[everyone had to roll vs arcane save. Not one person failed! 100% saved]

The party were all together in the room at the top of the tower that was 30m from the mansion. It's the room that Gandhi had described. They all knew that there were a couple of undead guards in the floor below. They made sure the stairs downward were blocked off and secure.

The room they were in was very dusty and smelt damp and musty. Nothing had moved here for many, many months. It seemed to be a simple and comfortable (in its day) library or study room. Main feature is a desk in the middle of the room. Covered in dust and dirt.

The party search round and notice that there was ONE change from when Gandhi had first explored. There were a series of fresh humanoid footprints in the dust surrounding the desk. Not walking to or from the desk. Just AROUND the desk. Careful inspection showed that there was a single gap in the series of books on the desk, where the was one slot that was now dust free where a book has been removed. It seemed fairly clear that Simeon had teleported in, grabbed a book of interest and left again.

The investigation also revealed a death rune on a top drawer of the desk (magical trap). 

"Griza!!! We need your help".

"Wait!" Balder steps forward. "Don't risk it. Allow me..." 

Balder concentrates, waves his hands and blurts some gibberish. The room FILLS with ash and the party all cough and splutter. "What the????" 

[Jamie 'the 20' once again rolled for his spell check and fumbled with a 20. Luckily with the 2 luck Jamie spent, one option was to fill the room with ash. That seemed to be the less harmful option!]

Brave Balder decides to try again and, alas, fails - but at least not a fumble this time! But 2 points is lots of power points (total 6) from his pool.

Griza steps forward and the rest of the party scramble out onto the room parapet. They are all strapped in and cowering behind anything solid. That means they are all hiding behind Phoebe and Joe!

Griza tries the disarm and -karrrrummmmmpppph- the trap goes off. Griza and Balder who are still in the room make their saves vs. Arcane and take a modest half damage to a lightning bolt. Napolean chuckles. "I know that one!".

Galina heals up the electric damage. Well, should we say that Galina wanted to heal - but fails the spell check with a fumble. Her strength drops to '1' and she falls to the floor, unable to hold the weight of her own clothes or head. That wears off after a few minutes.

Napolean does the cures while Galina closely examines the floor wood grains.

The draw contained a small number of interesting items:
- 2x potions of gaseous form
- 1 bag of identify gems
- 1 bag of coins
- A magic key

Bush Tucker chooses to climb
All the party (except Bush) pass through the portrait again. While there was a moment of "Hey, what if there is another portrait on the island...." But no... everyone is ok and ends up back in the study of the main mansion. 

Bush choses to climb down the outside of the tower and cross the ground back into the house and the cells under the tower. He quietly waits there for something to happen.

"Cool. Now what's the plan?"

Again the next action is considered. "I think Bush was going to wait in the cell room. Let's go there". They move to the cell room and catch up with Bush. They try the magic key in the cell doors and sure enough - that is the master key for the cells. Another handy find if anyone gets accidentally teleported to them.

"Well, that is all done. Now what's the plan?"

Running low on things to do and try? 

"Fire tunnel!" a strong outback voice offers from the back of the room. The group decide to lower Bush down the well. They make sure he is safely tied and lower him down to explore. Nothing unusual. Solid walls leading a long way down to cold, dark, fresh water.

Everyone sits in the room with the well. The warm door is just there. Party members look to each other and away. Bush is there rubbing the door. "Yeah well, this is about it now! Ya sees. This is the place to look next. It's the fire demon hole I tell ya".

Shoulders slump and eyes roll. "Ok Bush, lets check out the fire demon and pit 'somehow'. It's on YOU if it all goes bad.". 

"NO WORRIES MATE!" Bush is elated. Finally!

Balder and Phoebe gently open the door. Bush is there peaking in too. Nothing has changed with the fire still venting from the pit and the statues still in place around the room. Balder and Phoebe make their Arcane saves and the room all looks still. Balder considers that it may very well be that the fire and statues are real, but the demon was an illusion?

Bush gets shoved from behind and stumbles, arms flailing, into the room. He trips and falls on his knees. Joe follows and both Joe and Bush fail their Arcane saves and a large fiery hand starts emerging from the fire pit. Napolean and Galina look in to see the commotion and they also see the hand of the demon reaching across the room. Joe and Bush scarper. The others cower in the safety of the well room.

Griza enters the room and seems ok. He studies the statues and reports back to the others. "Hey, why don't you try and cover zee statues and pentagrams" suggests Napolean? "It maybe zat zee pentagrams are zee source of zee power? Just an idea?"
The party search the mansion and return with a number of sheets and tablecloths and start covering the statues. As each is covered, the intensity of the fire diminishes. Eventually the last statue is covered and the flames go out. The party enter the room (no saves needed now) and peer down the fire pit.

Balder looks down. "Damn. There is a ladder and tunnel...."
Bush is dancing around the room. A kind of weird, music-less line dance with his thumbs tucked into his oversized belt buckle. Boots and knees firing in all directions. The party have never seen him move so much?

Griza leads the party off, down the firepit and into the tunnel. This is single file and seems to be heading toward (and under) the harbour.

Half a km later, the party emerge from a small cave onto the rocky outcrop waste area at the far left of the island. No change to the heavy mist and drizzle. Plenty of movement cover for sure.

Griza quickly scouts the island as per the description above. He checks the black statues and sees that they are some kind of very hard obsidian that matches the strange obelisk structure. Being near the obelisks and statues gives Griza and uneasy feeling. Beautiful in their own way. But sinister in other ways. One for the magic users to sort out he thinks.
Ruined Keep

He returns and the party agree that it is safe to move to the ruined keep. They get there and hide as best they can. The place is desolate and broken. Two buildings are odd in that they are not so ruined. A small square building in the middle of the keep grounds, to one side of what looks like a total collapsed building. Within the area of the collapsed building is a single room that still looks solid. It is not rusty or worn in any way. A quick check determines another magic trap on the door in the building room. Another Death rune.

The other building is a stable. In the stable is an intensely dark stallion that stares at the group. "Ahh, lets just leave that horse there shall we?" The group unanimously agree. Well Napolean would be keen to meet, another day perhaps.

Marine ghoul
A close up investigation of the tower shows that it is indeed a copy of the 4 story tower on the mainland. Arrow slits all around and, on the island, the front door not trapped and is unlocked.

Griza explores the dilapidated buildings near the rotten jetty and foul smells emit from underneath. A look under had a series of revolting eyes peering back. Kind of marine ghouls. Griza beats a hasty retreat. No sense in hanging around there.

The group gather at ruined keep.

"What a day! Terrific work. It's two bells before light and we really don't want to be on this island at night"

  • Balder has not deteriorated any further and feels ok on the island
  • Party is down on spell points
  • Party is healthy on fighters

The next decision is whether to press on and plan A the tower, or to rest up and rebuild resources. One for the start of next Tuesday!

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