- Phoebe Lacrosse. Human Barbarian from Pugtown – Andrew
- Griza Muso. Human Thief from Lakeside – Jeff
- Balder Dash. Gnome Wizard from Toluene - Jamie
- Bush Tucker. Human Rogue from Spite Anti - Darryl
- Red Feuersturm. Human Temple Fighter of Hob from Toluene - Chris
- MARMALADING: Malcom Gandhi. Gnome Thief from Brian – Kevin
- MARMALADING: Napolean Twig. Elf Priest of Caribou Gorn from Pugtown - Ian
- Joe Manco. Human Fighter from Toluene – Shane
- Galena Alfdis. Elf Priestess of Vingt et Un from Palantir - Steven
by Jeff
"So" asked Bush, "What's the plan?"
The Massimo island plan |
Red had blinked his eyes open, wiped off the sticky marmalade that had dribbled over his face, and gathered his fragmented wits. [A four-week vacation, with a week boozing up on a cruise ship and another lounging around in Queenstown will do that]
"Where are we?" grunted Red, "What's this tower? Can I burn it?"
"Shhhh" whispered Phoebe, "We are on a small island, looking for Simeon Massimo"
"We think he could be in there" Phoebe finished.
"Oh" replied Red quietly.
"So, we are still on the quest to get that guy aye. I'm so looking forward to my +1 studded leather armour reward for this" Red concluded, rubbing his hands together in anticipation.
"Don't get ahead of yourself Red, we still need to catch the guy" noted Balder.
"No traps" noted Griza, crouched down in front of the door, "and not even locked"
Griza and Bush exchanged glances, eyebrows raised.
"Too easy mate" noted Bush.
"I agree" replied Griza, "I'll just take a look up at the roof before we barge in the front"
And Griza started up the side of the tower, swinging easily up the clumps of ivy that covered the walls. It wasn't until he was about halfway up, about 6m above the ground, that he noticed something odd with the ivy. It was writhing about under his hands and feet, almost as though the ivy was trying to restrain him. It was, and it did. Grabbing his knife and attempting to slash the ivy away from his limbs, Griza was soon wrapped tightly and held fast against the side of the tower wall.
"Hellppp" Griza mumbled from beneath the ivy.
Fortunately, Bush had been watching the climb and already had his rope lasso whirling above his head. With a deft throw the lasso spun over Griza's wrist, which was luckily protruding out of the ivy, and Bush drew it tight.
Phoebe and Red leant their weight, and Griza was quickly ripped out of the clutching ivy's grasp with a POP, and he tumbled off the side of the tower towards the ground. Balder cast a Feather Fall spell and Grizza floated gently to the ground, landing lightly on his feet.
"Ow" Griza complained, "That ivy has thorns"
"And you damn near ripped my arm off with all that pulling" he grumbled. "But thanks"
[I failed my attack role to cut my way out of the thorns, made my Luck roll to have something free to get lassoed, took 4 points of damage from the wrenching, and made my Save against the poison exuded by the ivy's thorns]
"Well, I guess the roof is out" concluded Griza, "It's the door then!"
Swinging the front door slowly open, Griza peered in. A dusty old entrance parlour, musty and smelling of things long dead and rotten, the room didn't appear recently used at all.
"There be creepy undead things in there!" noted Balder, his neck hairs all standing up on end.
"Do we need to be going in there at all?" asked Bush, "I not liking the vibe"
"What about a Locate spell?" suggested Galena, "On that pendant thing Simeon wears"
So, Galena cast a Locate Object on the pendant.
We had used a similar Locate to find the pendant when we were back on the mainland, which had indicated it was out here on the island. Napolean had used his magic locating twig for that, but Napolean had slumped to the ground in a [Covid positive] marmalade state, so we were forced to use up some of our dwindling supply of Magic Points to cast an actual spell.
"Back there" reported Galena, pointing back at the old, ruined keep, "But down below somewhere"
We figured that the most likely places for an old stair down would be under one of the four corner towers of the keep, or perhaps within the magically enchanted room in collapsed building, which room we didn't want to attempt to enter due to its magical aura and the magical trap on the door!
We searched the towers.
The first was totally collapsed, mossy stone masonry littering the ground within the stumps of the original tower walls. Nothing to see, and nothing found.
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Bats covered the underside of the roof |
The third tower was similar, bats all over the underside of the roof, masonry rubble from the partially collapsed walls strewn across the ground. But tucked between the rubble we spotted an old wooden trapdoor, partially buried.
Red and Phoebe put their mighty strength to good use, and soon the wooden trapdoor was clear. All eyes turned to Balder.
"Not sensing anything" Balder noted.
All eyes then turned to Griza.
After crouching over the old trapdoor for a short period, Griza looked up.
"No magic, no traps, no noise" he pronounced.
The trapdoor was lifted, revealing a dark shaft that dropped away into the earth, a rusty old ladder pinned to one side. Griza went first, to reconnoitre, his magic spectacles perched on his nose. The ladder continued to the bottom of the shaft which dropped into a very large cave. One small entrance led off from the opposite side. The roof of this cave was also covered in bats. Huge bats, much bigger than those tiny ones up in the roof of the Keep towers. Griza silently climbed back up the ladder to report.
Red dropped a Silence spell down the shaft.
"That should do it" Red chuckled, "Won't hear us, and couldn't navigate even if they did"
Phoebe led the next climb, Balder immediately behind, with the rest following.
"Maybe I should just stay and guard the top here?" stammered Bush, peering down into the gloom.
But after glancing up at the the blanket of bats across the roof of the old tower above him, he eventually scurried down after the others.
The start of the lower caves |
"No traps" reported Griza, after studying the lock for a minute.
"But definitely magic" noted Balder.
"Oh" exclaimed Griza, backing up, "I shouldn't try to pick that then"
"What about that magic key we found in the other tower?" suggested Joe.
The magic key was produced, and as Griza slipped it towards the lock the bit blurred slightly and changed shape to slide smoothly into the keyhole. "Click"
Griza carefully swung the door open a crack and peered in. A small room maybe four meters across by six meters wide, a stairwell running up on the far left, a closed door to the near right marked with a death rune, and a rough circular opening in the wall directly ahead. No people or creatures, although stone rubble littered the ground around the circular opening.
"Someone smashed through that wall" noted Phoebe.
"I bet that stair goes up to the magic room we found in the keep above" mused Balder, "You know, based on the distance and direction we have travelled along this tunnel"
"Straight ahead through that opening then" suggested Red, "You know, based on the last known location of that pendant we identified, ... and that ugly looking rune thing on that door"
Griza took point, Balder just behind him, and they led the party through the opening and into the rough tunnel beyond. The tunnel twisted and turned, angling to the left, and eventually opened up into a much larger cavern. Griza tried to pierce the darkness with his magic spectacles, but there was nothing to see. Balder's neck hairs began to prickle and rise up.
"Undead here" Balder whispered.
"And this is in the wrong location" declared Red, "Better head back to that other door"
We retreated back down the tunnel to the small room.
Griza checked out the stairwell first. As he cautiously peered over the top steps into the room above, a fire burst into life in a stone fireplace, and torches flickered on in scones placed around the walls. Now quite familiar with this type of presence activation magic, Griza wasn't perturbed at all, and glanced around the room. Some type of Necromancers workroom he figured, taking in the desk covered in papers, the blood-stained table covered with knives and clamps, and the large collection of jars and vials loaded with powders, dead insects, and other unmentionable things. No people or creatures, and everything covered in thick layers of dust.
"No traps" reported Griza and then slipping the magic key into the lock.
Another small room, three caged cells along the left wall in front of the door, all empty, and another door in the far wall past the cells. No people or creatures. Griza scuttled across the room to the door.
"No traps" reported Griza slipping the magic key into the lock.
Another room, maybe three times the size of the small one we were currently in. Straight in front of the door, and bedded into the stone floor, was a slightly raised black obsidian slab, sarcophagus sized and covered in strange markings. To the left beyond the obsidian slab stood half a dozen large vats, lidded, about one and a half meters high and half a metre in diameter. On the far left, in the same wall as the door we were peering through, was another door. The only other door!
Everyone looked down at the strange makings on the obsidian slab.
"You shouldn't look at it though!" Red exclaimed.
[Canker, the God of suffering and death, is not well liked by the other Gods, and certainly not by Hob]
"It's definitely magical" noted Balder, "And it's humming a bit"
Skirting carefully around the obsidian slab, Griza approached the other door.
"No traps" he exclaimed and slipped the magic key into the lock.
Another small room, purpose very apparent! A pair of iron maidens stood against the far wall, a stretching rack and Judas cradle to the left, a large wooden table in the centre held an assortment of knives, spikes, needles, thumbscrews, and even a matching set of pears of anguish.
No people, creatures, bodies, or doors though.
"This is disappointing" grunted Bush, poking through the torture instruments on the table.
"That is magic" noted Balder, pointing at one of the smaller thumbscrews.
"Let me see" commanded Galena, testing the thumbscrew, and then slipping it into her bag.
"Now where?" wondered Phoebe.
A more thorough search of the torture room revealed a secret door, in the right-hand wall.
Griza had it open in seconds, and once again led off into the dark tunnel beyond.
"We're heading in the wrong direction again" noted Red.
"Sshhh" whispered Phoebe, "Let's go a bit further to be sure"
The tunnel twisted around to the left, then came to an intersection. Straight ahead the tunnel was blocked off with an old portcullis, iron bars slightly rusted, but solid and sturdy. To the right a man-made passage led off into the dark.
"Undead up ahead" stated Balder, rubbing the back of his neck.
"That way" instructed Red, "To the right. That's more where we want to go!"
Griza led off to the right. Almost immediately the passage was blocked by a solid metal door.
"No traps" Griza declared.
"Ha, just kidding" Griza continued, "Definitely some kind of magical trap on this lock"
"Magic door confirmed" stated Balder.
Griza took a deep breath and slipped the magic key carefully into the lock. "Click"
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The magic key was proving useful |
The floor and walls were lined with a series of dark grey and light grey tiles, arranged in an 8x8 grid in a checkerboard pattern. The door had opened near the middle of the wall, let's call it d1, an opening in the left wall at the far corner, let's call it a8, led off somewhere to the left, and a seriously well carved imp brandishing two swords rested at the end of the wall to our left, at a1. Of particular note, and in total contrast to the other rooms we had recently been in, there wasn't a speck of dust anywhere!
"What's the bet it's all magical" grunted Joe.
"It's all magical" confirmed Balder.
"Don't step in yet" cautioned Phoebe.
"No traps" chuckled Griza, "I don't think a magically activated demon imp is classed as a trap"
Bush produced a rope, and Phoebe was securely attached to one end. Red and Joe gripped the rope, and Phoebe, drawing a big breath, took the first step in, d1.
[Richard made Andrew roll a save vs. divine magic (powered by the Gods), which Andrew chose to spend Luck points on to make sure it succeeded. As Phoebe took every other step, Richard made Andrew roll vs. divine magic]
Making sure to keep on the colour not matching the imp's tile, Phoebe carefully stepped and jumped across the tiles to the opening on the far left. d1-c2-c4-c6-a8.
"Stairs" called Phoebe, "Give me some slack and I'll check what's up here"
Phoebe disappeared into the opening and explored the stairs. She was back pretty quickly and reported that the stairs just went up to a small landing where a ladder led up to a wooden trapdoor in the stone ceiling above. Apparently, the trapdoor was blocked from above by something heavy. Phoebe had given it her all but couldn't budge it.
"Likely that second corner tower" stated Red, "That's where I think we would be"
As Phoebe carefully made her way back across the tiles, stepping exactly along the reverse path she took on the way across, she failed one of her divine magic saves! Everyone held their breathe to see what would happen. Would the magic imp activate and attack Phoebe with its two wicked swords, or would Phoebe just disappear with a POP, and be transported into some magic jar somewhere, or would the stone tiles swing open and drop Phoebe into a spike filled pit?
Nothing happened.
[Let's not bother with the saves any more suggested Andrew. OK responded Richard with a grin]
We retreated back down the tunnel to the room with the large, closed vats and the sarcophagus sized magical obsidian slab. Keeping off that slab, a careful search of the walls of the room was conducted. No secret doors here apparently.
Bush and Phoebe shot back to the checkerboard room, and keeping to the tile colour previously used, carried out a careful search of all the walls there. No secret doors there either.
"So, what now cobbers?" queried Bush.
"Maybe one of the vats has a hidden trapdoor in its bottom?" suggested Griza.
"Don't open them" warned Galena, "This isn't a nice place, and I hate to think what's in them"
But they were all able to be slid on the floor, and their edges lifted
"Maybe the magic sarcophagus slab will teleport somewhere?" suggested Griza.
The "immediately all follow" plan was enacted, and Balder, Phoebe, Red, and Galena stepped simultaneously onto the obsidian slab. The faint humming intensified, and the whole slab began to drop down into the floor.
"Crickey" yelled Bush as the first four slowly dropped out of sight, "It's some form of lowery thing"
The "lowery thing" deposited the first four into a small room, large wax candles were strewn across all the flat surfaces, and they all burst into flame at once. Strange runes were carved into the floors and walls, but there were no people and no creatures. But at least there was a door! A sturdy metal bound wooden door was located in one of the walls. The first four stepped off the slab, which slowly raised back to the room above, and the rest of the party descended, Bush, Griza, and Joe.
"Magic door" noted Balder.
"No traps" declared Griza, who slipped the magic key into the lock.
A burst of light and bolts of electrical energy threw Griza back across the room, where he slumped against the stone wall, quite unconscious.
"So much for the great magic key" declared Bush, peering at the melted and fused piece of metal still dangling from the lock, "I would have liked that for myself"
Healing spells were cast, using up even more of the meagre Magic Points left to the party.
[Healing rolls started out poorly with a 2, followed by a 3. The electrical damage totalled 8, and Griza was then only on 4 points out of a maximum of 11. A third Heal was cast, success, 6 more hit points! Almost perfect, but 3 Magic points consumed]
Griza grinned wryly as he stumbled back to his feet.
"It should be open now" he noted.
Listening first for any noise beyond, Griza pushed the door slowly open. The door opened into the right hand end of a long room running off to the left. Pairs of black circular obsidian columns formed a central aisle down the length of the room. Right in the centre of the room stood a raised stone dais supporting a black obsidian sarcophagus. There was no lid, but it was too high to see inside from the door. At the far-left end of the room, beyond the central dais, a stone door plugged the only other exit from the room. This door appeared to be covered in carvings of demonic Canker symbols.
Balder's neck hairs had sprung up with an audible snap.
"Ah ..." Balder called, "Undead much!"
But nothing was moving and there was no sound from the room, so Phoebe pulled her mirror out from her kit and strode boldly over to the central dais. Lifting the mirror overhead, Phoebe peered into the sarcophagus.
"Nothing" she reported.
"Um..." Galena stuttered, "That could be good, or very very bad!"
"The sarcophagus is definitely magic" declared Balder.
Phoebe clambered up onto the table, careful not to touch the sarcophagus, and looked over the edge.
"Bad" she yelled, "Loris is lying in here, dressed in white robes"
"I have a wooden stake" yelled Bush, rummaging in his backpack.
[Darryl utilised his Resourceful talent, spent two Luck points, and found a wooden stake in his pack]
Just then, the far door swung open, and Simeon himself stepped into the room. Draped in velvet robes, he glided slowly forward towards us, the door closing behind him with a solid clunk.
"Oh shit" squealed Bush, "Crap on a bloody cracker"
But we were prepared. Plans and backup plans had been considered, discussed, and discarded, and other plans made. What was a terrifying Vampire or two but more Undead to rid from the world!
"Silence" cast Balder at the floor at the end of the room, rendering Simeon unable to cast spells.
"Take that" yelled Bush, leaping up onto the dais and pounding his stake through Loris's chest.
"Charge" yelled Red, brandishing his magical two-handed mace and racing forward.
Simeon just grinned and dispersed into a cloud of gas which drifted back through the door.
Red, Phoebe, and Joe were right behind him, the rest of the party following. Actually, Bush wasn't following. He was standing up in the sarcophagus and staking Loris over and over. "Take that, and that, and that" he was yelling.
As Red rushed through the door first, he found himself in a long room, oriented left to right, with another stone table in the centre. This time there was a naked elven woman strapped down to the table, and various knives and other devices of ill intent rested around the table's edge. The gaseous vampire could barely be seen, but Phoebe's keen gaze noticed it sucking quickly through a series of small holes along the top edge of another door on the far side of the table. Griza cautiously approached the door.
"No traps" reported Griza from in front of the lock.
"Locked though. I could open it, but not sure we want to barge into the unknown with a vamp!"
"I have a plan" suggested Balder.
While Bush "took care" of Loris, recovering a portion of jawbone to fulfil out contractual requirements, Griza and Galena rescued the woman from the table, and Phoebe, Balder, Joe, and Red each quaffed a half potion of Gaseous Form [We had discovered two Gaseous Form potions from the tower back on the mainland, along with the magic key, some Healing potions, and a Diminution potion] and followed Simeon through the small holes in the door.
Our gaseous crew flowed out of the holes into a short corridor, then into a squarish room dominated by four black obsidian pillars symmetrically arranged. Behind each pillar was a face carved into the stone walls of the room, each face depicting someone in agony, features twisted in pain and suffering. Directly opposite the short entrance corridor, beyond the pillars, a stairway led upwards.
There was no sign of the gaseous Simeon, so they flowed on across the room, between the pillars, and up the stairwell. An apparent dead end, so they flowed back down into the pillar room and drifted around a bit. Each of the screaming faces in the wall had an open mouth, and an open throat. Taking one face each, the gaseous crew flowed through the mouth and down the throat. Nothing. Flowing back into the room, they noticed that Red hadn't returned from his face.
Back in the room with the captive woman, Bush had appeared with Loris's jawbone, still partially covered in desiccated flesh, and sporting all its teeth, and Griza and Galena had freed the elven woman from the table. Tabatha was her name, and she was very grateful to be released. She had been snatched from the main road while travelling and had resigned herself to die on the slab when we had arrived.
Galena found Tabatha some clothing while Griza went to open the lock so they could follow the others. Surely they would have dealt with Simeon by now he figured. "Click", and they were through.
Striding into the pillar room, Bush, Griza, Galena, and Tabatha found Phoebe, Joe, Balder, and Red just solidifying from their gaseous form. Apparently, Red had found a small hidden chamber, about 2mx2m in size, down the throat of one of the stone faces on the wall. It had taken him a little time to check it out, finding nothing of interest in there at all.
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Simeon up close & personal |
Rushing across the pillar room and up the stairs again, the party undertook a thorough search at the dead end. Sucess! A secret door was revealed, which swung open into the checkerboard room, at tile h8. Back on the trail of Simeon the vamp and led by Phoebe everyone carefully hopped across the tiles to the stairs. Phoebe rushed up the stairs first, magic sword drawn, and was almost immediately confronted by Simeon the vamp, back in human form, his vampire fangs barred and grinning hideously.
The stairwell went silent as Balder cast a Silence spell.
Phoebe and Simeon clashed in a silent flurry of motion.
Phoebe stagged back to the bottom of the steps, blood trickling from her face, as Simeon attacked again and again, moving impossibly fast. Phoebe staggered back from the stairwell onto the first tile, and Simeon moved off back up the stairs.
[Andrew had been attempting to dodge the attacks from the vampire. Dodge is a contested combat skill whereby if your dodge roll succeeds and is equal to or better that your opponents, you manage to dodge his attack. If dodging, you are unable to make an attack of your own as all your efforts are focussed on avoiding or blocking you opponent. Andrew failed Phoebe's first dodge and was struck for 7 points of damage, and had to make a saving throw against poison, which he made. Phoebe felt a nasty chilling pulse flash across her following the hit but managed to resist the vampire's necromantic effects. The second dodge was successful, but Phoebe was forced to retreat under the vampires' flowing attacks]
Bush let fly one of his magic arrows which pierced Simeon in the back, at which point his shape blurred and morphed into a large bat which raced away up the stairs.
"Fireball?" queried Balder excitedly.
"Hell no" screamed Joe, "You'd kill us all"
Phoebe grabbed one of the last the Healing potions from Bush and chugged it down. Then Phoebe and Joe rushed up the stairs. Simeon was gone. Combining their considerable strength, Phoebe and Joe managed to push open the trapdoor. The fallen masonry rubble from the tower was thrown aside and the trapdoor sprung open.
"Quick" yelled Balder, "The stables. He will be going for his creepy horse"
Running around the old keep, we made our way towards the stables, but before we got there the stable door was flung open and the black horse charged out, Simeon mounted on its back. Fire flashed from its hoofs and dark wings spread out from its back. It turned away from us and began to somehow climb up into the air.
"No you don't" yelled Balder, casting a Fireball directly at them.
CRUMP [10 points of damage was inflicted by the Fireball]
Bush sighted another magic arrow and drew back his bowstring.
TWANG [6 points of damage from the magic arrow]
As the maelstrom of flames subsided, we spotted the horse, crispy and laying dead on the ground. A faint hit of a gaseous form could be seen disrupting the smoke and heading towards the mainland.
"Catch this you bastard" yelled Balder, spending his last magic points to cast a Magic Missile.
ZZZZAAAPP [3 points of damage from the Magic Missile]
But the gas drifted purposefully away, heading back towards the mainland and the main buildings there.
"How are we going to find him now?" wailed Bush, secretly relieved that the vampire was gone.
"Can we use the Locate?" asked Joe.
"Not Napolean's twig" responded Balder, considering Napolean's current marmalading state.
"Not my spell" complained Galena, "Not enough magic power left"
"What about the compass?" asked Griza, "We left that back at the house attuning to the pendant"
"Bingo" Balder yelled, "Let's go, and let's go quickly"
We rushed back to the end of the island, through the tunnel, up the fiery demon shaft, up to the main hose kitchen, and back to the upstairs study where we had stashed the compass to allow it to attune.
"That way" shouted Balder, pointing out past the gatehouse and towards the coast road.
"But the wolves" noted Bush, "And the gatehouse guards with the roof mounted ballista thing"
"We'll avoid the gatehouse" instructed Joe, "But we'll have to chance the wolves"
"A few wolves" scoffed Balder, "No worries for you tough fighters"
Of course there were four of them, and not just ordinary wolves!
These were large skeletal wolves with fiery red eyes.
And we were very low on magic power.
"Give me a sword" yelled Tabatha the rescued elf.
A vicious combat ensued. The skeletal wolves were resistant to damage, bladed weapons were only doing half their normal damage as these creatures had no flesh to hack and chop. In addition, any successful attack by the wolves triggered a save vs. divine magic or suffer a form of necromantic hit point draining in subsequent rounds. Joe, Phoebe, Red, and Griza engaged a wolf each. Tabatha, with Phoebe's non-magical second sword, jumped in to assist Joe.
Joe, with his bladed weapon, took a hit in the first round and failed his save. Ouch.
But Red wielding his brutal two-handed mace dealt some serious damage to his opponent.
Griza took a hit in the second round but made his save. Phew
Joe made a critical hit and managed some extra damage (halved), but killing his wolf. Yay
Phoebe took a hit in the third round and failed her save. Oh no.
Joe and Red managed to wipe out another wolf, but Joe was taking draining damage every round now.
Tabatha the handy elf, managed to kill a third wolf. Going better now it seemed.
Griza took a hit in round four, 5 damage, but made his save. Lucky.
Joe takes 3 points of draining damage, was feeling ill and pulled out of the combat.
Phoebe takes 6 points of draining damage and pulls out of the combat to join Joe.
They both split the last Healing potion, and get some points back, 4 for Joe, but only 1 for Phoebe.
Joe takes another 5 points of draining damage and has to sit down with his head on his knees.
Phoebe takes another 4 points of draining damage and collapses, thrashing about violently on the ground and obviously seriously injured.
Meanwhile, Griza has made a critical hit into a wolf [rolled a 1, but the wolf's contested roll is also a 1 and as a result there is no damage either way, essentially a furious flurry of combat with no hits] Sigh!
And Red took a hit and failed his save. Things were beginning to look serious again!
Joe takes another 4 points of draining damage and collapses into convulsions on the ground. Yikes.
Galena figures that Holy Water must help against the wolf draining damage and pours a vial of her Holy Water down Joe's throat as he thrashes about. The convulsions stop, but he is still unconscious.
Red makes a mighty hit against the last wolf, but as a result of his previous saving throw failure, take 4 points of draining damage, and wasn't looking forward to the next few minutes.
Red grabs a vial of his own Holy Water and chugs it down, stopping the ongoing draining damage.
Red shares another vial of his Holy Water with the unconscious Phoebe, halting her convulsions.
First Aid is administered to Joe and Phoebe, which brings them back to consciousness.
"That looked tough" noted Bush wryly.
The howling of more wolves sounds from back behind the house and we staggered away, clambered over the low stone wall that surrounds the property, and headed off up the track towards the coast road.
The locating compass led us all the way back to Spite Battle, to the main graveyard!
"We're not going in there are we? asked Bush.
"We must hurry, while it is damaged and hopefully unconscious" declared Balder.
"But" worried Bush, "No healing left, sick fighters, no magic power!"
"I think it will take weeks to recover" noted Galena, "Lets rest up first"
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