Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Green Dragons and Ham


  • Phoebe Lacrosse. Human Barbarian from Pugtown – Andrew
  • Griza Muso. Human Thief from Lakeside – Jeff
  • Balder Dash. Gnome Wizard from Toluene - Jamie
  • MARMALADING: Bush Tucker. Human Rogue from Spite Anti - Darryl
  • Red Feuersturm. Human Temple Fighter of Hob from Toluene - Chris
  • Malcom Gandhi. Gnome Thief from Brian – Kevin
  • Napolean Twig. Elf Priest of Caribou Gorn from Pugtown - Ian
  • Joe Manco. Human Fighter from Toluene – Shane
  • Galena Alfdis. Elf Priestess of Vingt et Un from Palantir - Steven
By Ian 

From Dragons to Keeps

Amortha's cave
Napoleon walks carefully and quietly back through the woods to the party's camp. He relates all the findings like the human-sized bed and a recent carcass in the cave system - no other worthy mentions. 

The party speculate... 

"Could this be a were-dragon?" 

"Just how powerful is it????"

"Not sure" responds Napoleon. "Thank le Caribou Gorn for I deed not see zee dragon at all. I am very 'appy wiv zat to be 'on'est."

Throughout the night, the group discuss and plan what the next steps might be. Not too many options but a smart and careful plan emerged eventually. Balder suggested that a nimble gnome, like Gandhi, could explore the narrow 'gnome size' rear tunnels without too much risk of alerting Amortha, the colossal green dragon. 

The greatest choice was should he chose the dry tunnel or the wet tunnel....

Gandhi decided wet would be the way to go and off he went - just after dark, with the rest of the party waiting at the cave/tunnel entrance eagerly awaiting his safe return.

The water was shallow and cool. The small stream weaved among natural boulders and walls. Ancient stalactites and stalagmites formed in the natural cave. Many moss and mould covered rocks with small climbs up and down bore Gandhi further into the cave. All seemed very normal, natural and safe - all be it, uncomfortably small.

Approximately 300m later, the cramped narrow gnome-sized cave opened to a more accommodating human-sized cave. 

Gandhi was sampling the dank cave air and determining if there was a directional air flow (there was) when a loud crashing and rumbling sound happened BACK in the narrow gnome tunnel. Between Gandhi and the party. A deep, bass belly-laugh from ahead easily bounced around the cave walls and reached Gandhi. Darn. Loud rocks and crashing behind.... Rather ominous laughter from ahead....

Gandhi retraced his steps back to a rock-fall only about 80m from the expansion to human sized area. The cave was totally blocked toward the safe exit out. 

Meanwhile, the party at the cave entrance totally failed to hear anything from the cave [ 20 fail on a Hear Noise roll ]. 

"Gandhi must be doing really well. We have not heard a THING! That has to be good news, right?".

Gandhi edges forward. He makes a successful sneak roll and moves to a point where the tunnel ends and a large dark shape fills a much larger cavern. All the while the laughing and chortling continues. Someone (or something) ahead is certainly amused.

Gandhi eventually makes out the shape of the 40 m dragon!!! Lying in its cave, looking out through the main cavern exit - away from Gandhi. Gandhi sneaks perfectly from his cave entrance to an alternative exit cave.

"HELLO LITTLE GNOME. I DO KNOW YOU ARE THERE" booms a voice slowly and laced with age.

Gandhi freezes and thinks.... Crap!

"Hello, Mr Dragon" a very timid, wobbly gnome voice staggers across the cavern. 

Gandhi shuffles through his back pack and retrieves a pair of saved frilly knickers. He proceeds to wee on them to be ready for any noxious chlorine gas that Amortha might send his way. The perfect counter to chlorine gas from a green dragon has always been urine-soaked panties (well, at least in Gandhi's mind anyway). It's odd just how many solutions to problems involve ladies' undergarments in Gandhi's thought processes.


A clattering of scales the size of table tops and meters of sinew and muscle mobilise as Amortha turns slowly to face Gandhi.

"WHERE IS THE OTHER GNOME" Amortha repeats.

Various dialogue and nonsense is shared between Gandhi and Amortha the Green.

"I don't think you will be seeing Balder any time soon" Gandhi finally proclaims and he heads to an exit from the main chamber. 

It turns out to be a natural, nearly circular room with a pyramid of old bones in the middle of the room - about 6m diameter. The pile of bones has a peak that is faintly illuminated from above. Gandhi moves to the centre of the room, clambers over the pile of bones and looks directly upward. He sees signs of distant stars through a very small aperture. It does not take too much to realise that this is the base of the altar-sacrifice chute, from the top of the hill.

Gandhi starts the climb of his life. First stage was to the ceiling opening. .


"Ummm.... Well.... You know... I am going now if that's ok with you?"


"Oh, Napoleon and Tiny. Yes. I travel with them. We ALL protect the forest. We LOVE to protect the forest. Would you like the Druid to visit????" trembles Gandhi hoping for permission to leave.

"NO" clearly booms the green dragon.

"Oh, ok... Will you let me go????" whimpers Gandhi.


Gandhi has a cunning plan, and while precariously clinging to the ceiling, he rummages through his gear and finds another lovely silky pair of frilly knickers he had procured from Thursa (for special occasions of course). This would classify as one heck of a special occasion.

Gandhi throws the knickers into the room as a parting gift and climbs up the shaft. He reaches the top. There are now TWO skeletons on the altar there (there was one last time). They do not move. 

Two hours after the party saw the rear of Gandhi enter the steam cave, a heat source moves toward the group from the forest.

"It's GANDHI!!!!" Everyone is relieved. 

Everyone moves back to camp and re-groups. Gandhi relates the last two hours and the party (yet again) consider the next steps. And what they might be??? 

The conclusion of these discussions has a clear plan. Unfortunately this plan hinges on the fact that Gandhi emphatically states that Amortha the Green Dragon would *love* a visit by a Druid.

The party decide to head to the main cave entrance immediately. The time is 3 bells after nightfall (10pm) and 1 hour to the cave sees the party arrive at the cave mouth at 4 bells after dark.

The party in this case is the members that would be at least risk from the dragon: Napoleon, Phoebe, Joe, Galena, and Griza.

The others; Bush (marmalade), Gandhi and Balder stay at base camp for fear that Amortha might take exception to their presence.

Napoleon moves forward with Tiny to enter the cave. Fearful, but fully reassured, because Amortha extended an invitation via Gandhi. 

"Hello??? You hooo??? Are you there???". Napoleon fails a Luck roll and the cavern is empty. Amortha is nowhere to be seen.

Napoleon quickly returns to the away party sheltering in the nearby woods - close to the cave entrance. "Eeet seems that le time to go in is now!"

Griza and Phoebe head in with Napoleon and Tiny close behind.

WHAT??? There is a large dark shape in the cavern and Tiny growls... 

"Zere vas nothing zere???" pleads Napoleon. "Zee cave was empity"

"PLEASE LEAVE" commands a voice that only Gandhi would recognise. "LEAVE THE DELICIOUS HUMANS. I WILL ENJOY EATING THEM"

Napoleon and Phoebe plead to Amortha and state that Gandhi had extended a welcome for Napoleon.


Very quickly the three realise that Gandhi was perhaps reading more into Amortha's invite than was reality. That, and all Amortha wanted to do was to eat Griza and Phoebe as humans and a worthy dinner. After a short round of dialogue the final decision was clear.


The cave entrance away team rapidly leave to return to the base camp, 1 hour away. The entire party break camp and move yet further away. They reset camp and what is left of the night (not much) passes peacefully.


At first light while the crew get ready for the day, they wonder what the next plan of action should be? It seems very clear that Amortha is not too motivated to any form of dialogue? However the party are desperate to get the last item for Thursa and finish the contract?

The next brilliant plan is to return to Amortha with a food offering from the forest, in the hope that will ease his mind and open dialogue. Not a great idea, but as good as the group has. They head out during daylight to hunt pig or deer for the green dragon.

After a few hours of tracking a decent set of pig footprints and tracks, the hunting party were surprised by two pigs that sprung out and attacked the group.

Two strong aggressive boars against Phoebe, Griza and Dahma. Napoleon sends in Tiny (bull mastiff) to take part.

The battle ensues and all make short work of the wild pigs, The only damage was done to Tiny and Napoleon makes sure to heal and comfort. Truth be told, Tiny loved the action and was more than happy to take part!

The party take the two pig prey to the cave mouth (yet again!). Here goes nothing....

Griza and Phoebe drop the pig offerings at the cave mouth and retreat. Gandhi and Napoleon press forward with the hope to engage with Amortha.

"COME FORWARD" says Amortha. Gandhi and Napoleon tentatively step forward.

"NOT YOU DRUID. GO AWAY. JUST GANDHI". Napoleon turns and leaves without hesitation. 

Amortha directs Gandhi to the other tunnel. "GO IN THERE AND WAIT".

The tunnel is nothing more than a door to a cosy little study. Many shelves of odds and ends. A dim candle burns on a desk. The room would clearly NEVER fit a green dragon of 40m in size. Very much humanoid size. Gandhi waits.


With no prospect of eating Joe, Red or anyone else human, Amortha moves to the cave mouth and devours the pig offerings with pleasure while Gandhi waits in the study.

Night falls and the outside group split. Phoebe and Griza head back to base camp and to the others, while Napoleon and Tiny wait at the cave entrance for anything to happen. Night falls and all is quiet.

Nothing happens with Gandhi in the study and nothing happens with Napoleon and the rest of the party.


While Napoleon sees 'nothing happening', eventually in the study with Gandhi, the faint smell of sweet smoke arrives and the smoky goodness fills the study. Hmmm, this wonderful smell is familiar?

Our weird Emerald Forest dweller Bobbin appears in the study, via the small tunnel entry (not from the main cavern). He talks with Gandhi for a while. 

"I need to talk to you" offers Bobbin. "Soon.... Let me get things ready."

"Hmmmm" ponders Bobbin after a short while... "Wait here please. It is imperative that you do not move or make a sound. Things need to happen while you are here. Please be patient and wait."

Gandhi freezes as instructed. No complaints from Gandhi at this stage. Bobbin casts a spell along the lines of Stone Shape or whatever to totally close the entrance to the main cavern where Amortha is currently enjoying freshly killed pork. The door is gone and there is nothing but rock in its place. Bobbin exits through the narrow cave door at the rear of the study.



Napoleon and Tiny wait and wait and wait into the night. Eventually Napoleon commands Tiny to wait as he ventures forward to the cave entrance...

Again... "Youuuuu hoooo, Anyone home??? Are you there Mr Amortha? Heeeellllllloooooo??? " Despite nothing leaving the cave during the entire vigil, the cave is deserted yet again. 

Napoleon spends some time taking a much closer inspection of the cave. One thing that is totally obvious is the missing tunnel entry/exit in the cavern with the human bed. That WAS there during the fly around and now there is no sign? Where the door was, is total rock wall. Nothing else...

Carefully picking through the recent deer carcass Napoleon happens upon a large tooth that seems to have lodged into to rib cage. [ Successful Spot Hidden with his 'Aware' trait that allows 2 die for the check on Spot Hidden and Listen - a 20 and a 3 - takes the 3 of course!!! ] Napoleon prises it out, secures in his backpack, and beats a hasty retreat to Tiny waiting just outside. They both travel safely through the night to the base camp and the remaining party (minus Gandhi at this point).

Back to Gandhi...

While Napoleon locates a tooth and travels with Tiny back to base camp.... Bobbin returns and has lengthy discussions with Gandhi over many hours. They eat and exchange stories of the world. To be fair, Bobbin seems to have the vastly more interesting stories, and really high quality food, and weed.

When the room is so full of ganja smoke and the sweet smells of preserved meat that the two can no longer tolerate staying there, Bobbin finishes the catch up.

"You MUST be very careful of Balder. You know... the dead Evil gnome you travel with. PLEASE take this beautiful Jade ring and wear it at all times. It will protect you from Balder's fiery balls".

Gandhi accepts the ring and carefully places on his left hand. The ring fits perfectly! Its almost like it reshaped itself to be the perfect fit.

Gandhi and Bobbin part ways at the exit to the narrow, dry tunnel, back at the Emerald forest. Gandhi makes his way to the others at base camp. He arrives in the early hours of the morning. Sometime around the change from second to third watch.

At first light the party re-group and catch up and discuss what has happened. Turns out that Gandhi is unable to remove the Jade ring, even if he tries, It simply won't pass over his knuckle. Balder confirms it is magic and, more than likely, cursed. 

Napoleon announces the procurement of Amortha's tooth and Dahma confirms this is the last material component needed. The party can return to Quek (and Thursa). 


The adventurers head off from the wilderness base camp and return to their hidden wagon and gear on the main road to Quek.

The night passes peacefully, and the party arrive at the great town of Quek. They re-book their rooms at the infamous "Simons Pouch" and spend the evening cleaning, eating and making testicle/scrotum puns into the early hours  [check the shape of the dragon's cave - school-boy humour].

Thursa has been in Quek the entire time, and she catches up with the party and the dragon's tooth. 

Thursa casually notes that Bobbin is the humanoid polymorph form of Amortha and the two are the same entity. This surprises no one. 

"Gee, thanks for letting us know" the party sigh.

Discussing the Amulet of Resurrection and Balder, and if the amulet would help Balder - Thursa confirms that there is no chance. Balder needs another path.

The party also ask about the potion that Thursa is creating to keep someone 'alive'. 

"Not a chance. That would be an existence of torture. Would not recommend this at all".

Treasure Split

At this point the Tuesday mob decide to divvy out magical items that have been collected. Thursa has identified the items while the party were recovering the dragon's tooth. 
  • Necklace +1 APP - Phoebe
  • +1 Longsword  - Phoebe
  • Ring of Feather Fall - Gandhi
  • Amulet of Resurrection - party use (whoever dies first, sans Balder)

The Great Pillar of Quek 

A very well-used road from Quek to the Great Pillar of Quek. The road is surrounded by marsh, rather than forest. The road is very safe and the journey passes uneventfully. 

Great Pillar of Quek
The party arrive at the tower, and see a wagon at the main gate get 'teleported' into the tower. The wagon an occupants were there one minute then - wooosh - gone the next.

Thursa directs everyone to a side door and interacts with a guard, who seems very humble and subservient to Thursa. The party are in awe and say nothing, following every instruction without protest nor argument.

Each party member (including the marmalading Bush) are welcomed in and allocated a room. 

Balder finds out that the correct people to discuss his 'situation' are Ava Messima, a Tower Mystic and Femore Archedia, the Tower head mystic. He promptly books an audience with Femore for the next day and proceeds (like the rest of the group) to clean up and change into appropriate dress for the stay at the impressive Quek tower.

The adventurers are enjoying a satisfying and delicious meal at the restaurant of the Tower. They collectively relax and unwind to the immense flavour of the tower food and chef brilliance. It has been a while since this level of comfort and safety, and anxieties evaporate into the calm, safe evening. 

At some point, just after dinner, there is an almighty explosion and all heck breaks loose. Looking out the nearest window there is a roaring pillar of fire - reaching high into the sky from the upper tower windows. The noise and energy knock people to the floor where they cover their ears and tremble with the roar of the fire leaping hundreds of meters upward.

From a random local there is mumbling "Shit, bet that is Thursa in one of her rages. Jeez.... What could be wrong this time???? She has a seriously horrific temper".

While the restaurant patrons cower on the floor, the party move to the door where they hear voices talking from the main stairwell to the tower. Someone has engaged with someone stomping down the stairs. There is a calm consolidating voice, pleading for reason and patience. WHUMMMPHHHH. There is the sound and heat of an explosion and the voices stop instantly.

After a short time, the party timidly step forward out of the restaurant and into the tower stairwell where the smoking remains of the do-gooder smoulder and burn on a small grouping of the steps. Our adventurers sidestep the mess and continue down the stairs. Eventually there is a guard that fills the party in.

"Thursa is furious. She is wild. She killed the sergeant who was just trying to keep her calm and ask what was wrong! Wow."

The party quietly retreat to their allocated rooms for the night and lie very, very low.

During the party's breakfast the next morning, Thursa calmly walks in.

Balder timidly enquires how she is "Did your potion work???"

"Yes, the potion formed perfectly, thank you very much" Thursa retorts.

"Then why are you so upset?" The party winces....

Thursa goes on to explain that after drafting the potion and seeking out Loris Massimo, discovered that not only had he finally lost the battle with his illness, his revolting brother Simeon Massimo (who the party met earlier) had removed Loris Massimo's body and headed to Spite Battle.

"As you performed so well on the last adventure to here. Here is your pay by the way..." Thursa pays the group their contracted payment as the contract was to this Great Tower of Quek. 

"If you would like another contract, I am offering a magical item each. Your contract will be to return Simeon Massimo ALIVE. I want his ass on a plate. I am now not interested in Loris Massimo's body. That part is finished now he is dead".

The party are keen to accept this contract and agree to let Thursa know after Balder's sessions with Femore Archedia today.

"Come in" ushers Femore, a heavily facial-tattooed Elf. "It is a pleasure to meet you, Balder. You do seem to have a rather peculiar air about you. How can I help?".

Balder tells his story. Strange powerful undead tracking us. Blue Eggs. Powerful magics. Being killed recently, yet not dying. Everything is told over a few hours.

"Hmmmm. It does seem that you have been blessed by some very powerful magic. You can be helped - if you want to be helped - by making a choice:
  1. Do nothing. You will die slowly over months and eventually become VERY powerful. Every death you have will hasten that journey. Be warned, this is unavoidable if you chose this way.
  2. Return to us with the bones of a powerful magical being and we can perform a ritual that will remove the curse. We need enough bone to be ground into a powder"
Balder relates the recent contract result and if the bones of Loris Massimo would be suitable? 

"Oh yes - he was a mystic of some power. His bones would be ideal for the process." confirms Femore.

Balder asks, "Why have you let me have a choice? Would it not be bad for me to become a powerful undead?"

"Oh, we do not judge here." Soothes Femore. "The world needs the living and the dead in equal measure. It needs good and evil to be healthy. Your choice is yours alone. Go and make that decision. Oh, and another thing before you go" Femore offers hastily "Make sure you look after that Gandhi. He is important and seems to still have a very important role to play in the future. Now please be on your way..."

The party gather themselves, meet with Thursa and agree the new contract to return Simeon Massimo alive. Thursa and Dahma will not be joining this time. The party agree payment and the adventurers head out on the road to return to Quek, and then to the coast, and Spite Battle.....

[ The contract payment will be a magic item each, subject to DM approval, so the players can put some thought into what they might want. 

Richard did not agree to my "Ring of Always Luck 20" request, but thought it was worth asking for.]

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