- Phoebe Lacrosse. Human Barbarian from Pugtown – Andrew
- Griza Muso. Human Thief from Lakeside – Jeff
- Balder Dash. Gnome Wizard from Toluene - Jamie
- Bush Tucker. Human Rogue from Spite Anti - Darryl
- MARMALADING: Red Feuersturm. Human Temple Fighter of Hob from Toluene - Chris
- Malcom Gandhi. Gnome Thief from Brian – Kevin
- Napolean Twig. Elf Priest of Caribou Gorn from Pugtown - Ian
- Joe Manco. Human Fighter from Toluene – Shane
- Galena Alfdis. Elf Priestess of Vingt et Un from Palantir - Steven
by Jeff
The Warehouse Buildings
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Balder fumbles his Detect magic |
"Ah well" coughed Phoebe, "We already gave away 'subtly', let's just get out of here before someone turns up"
Griza led us down the stairs towards the ground floor, where we assumed we could just open up one of the doors from inside and slip out into the night. But, coming down the final stair flight at ground level we found ourselves in a long gloomy corridor, with another two statues standing at the far end in front of the only door. These statues were a matching pair to the magically enchanted pair in the corridor on the mezzanine level above.
"Not going there" mumbled Griza to himself, "Back upstairs everyone!"
Reporting this to the others, we decided to hunker down for bit, at least until the guards gave up and left. Phoebe was healed from her serious dog bite, and we set up watches and rested for a bit.
After leaving the vicinity of the warehouse and feeling pretty chuffed that we had discovered the likely whereabouts of the Massimo estates, we were on the way back to our Inn.
"Hang on" grunted Bush, "We better let that Hobbit dude out of his jar.""And claim a reward for saving him" he sniggered.
Bush pulled the jar from his backpack and dropped it onto the paving stones of the small alley we were traversing.
And the tiny hobbit from the jar was standing amongst us, full size. Well, full hobbit sized anyway!
After some serious discussion, we learnt that this was Harlequin, a local "investigator" who had been captured in the magic jar about three months ago while "investigating" the warehouse.
He was a bit disoriented by his experience and had lost all track of time. But he wasn't hungry or thirsty apparently.
Bush and Harlequin didn't get on, and Bush wound up taking his ring off him and telling him to get lost, "and be damn grateful that we got you out". Which didn't go down all that well with Harlequin as you might expect.
"I'll get you done, you bastard" Harlequin yelled, as he scampered off down a side ally.
"Not very grateful at all" noted Bush unsympathetically.
"sigh ..." mumbled Napolean quietly to himself.
We continued on and arrived back at the Inn a short while later. Griza made sure that no one, and particularly Harlequin, hadn't followed us, and we all took a well-deserved rest. In fact, in light of some party injuries, and a depletion of magic energy, we took a decent four-day rest.
The location of Kilgith Cove was researched, healing was undertaken, magical energy was replenished [over a series of twelve-hour resting periods and under the influence of magical grapes/holy wafers. 2D4 power points gained each period], and the six magical vials were investigated (3xHealing, 1xFly, 1xInvisibility, and 1xDiminutation).
On the evening of day three, as the party were lounging around in the common room, we noticed a couple of burly looking bully boys shuffle in. They glanced around the room and drifted over to the bar for a discussion with the barman. Bush slipped away and disappeared off to the room.
"Where is the ring?" one of them grunted.
"Um, ring? What ring?" stammered Malcolm, who actually had the ring as Bush had palmed it off real quick.
"We know you got it" stated the other bully boy, "We'll be back in 24 hours to collect it for the boss"
"Um, boss? What boss? Harlequin can't be no boss" muttered Malcolm.
"Ha" chuckled one of the bully boys, "You know Harlequin then?"
"Um, no, no. Harlequin who?"
"Anyway, not Harlequin. The Guild!"
"Um, the guild? The thieves guild?"
"Ha" chuckled the other bully boy as they left, "No, the other guild, with an A!"
The next morning, we packed up, left the ring in an envelope with the barman, and left town heading Battle towards Quoll.
"Really?" queried Bush, "The Assassin's guild? Well, crap on a cracker"
Kilgith Cove
Kilgith Cove was on the coast |
The coastal scrub and bush gave way to desolate rocky ground with sparse clumps of tussock. Open and barren. The sound of waves breaking on a rough coast could be heard crashing ahead. The path turned towards the sound, rose up over a small rise, and then dropped down into Kilgith Cove. The mists were thick now, and we could barely make out the sea ahead.
In fact, we couldn't. What we could see though, was a curve of low stone wall. Springing from the top of some rocky cliffs down to our left, the stone wall arched towards us, curving across in front of us, and back to the cliffs on our right. At its closest, a stone structure spanned the path as it cut through the wall, some form of gatehouse we surmised, although there was no gate. Two dark windows stared towards us, like eyes, from the front wall of the gatehouse. The mists swirled thickly across the area, and we caught glimpses of a tall stone tower, on the left, behind the stone wall, a old two-storey stone homestead, central, perched on the cliff top, and a low stone shed or outhouse, on the right, also behind the wall.
"Ohhh" whispered Bush, "So, so, creepy"
"Is there any magic?" asked Phoebe quietly.
Balder did his thing, twice, a second after the first attempt exploded quietly in his face causing cuts and contusions. [Jamie fumbled his magic roll, a 20, and received a D4 (3) of damage]
Galena did her thing, twice, a second after the first proved quite ineffectual. [Steven rolled a 1 on his first D6 healing attempt, but that hardly made an improvement to Balder's situation and felt a second D6 healing was necessary]
Malcolm and Griza did their thing, and snuck off around the hillside to the right, to approach the far end of the stone wall near its end at the top of the cliffs.
They found that the cliffs dropped vertically about fifty metres into the rough and rocky cove. Huge waves pounded relentlessly against the base of the cliffs; sea spray being flung up the cliff face like an inverted waterfall. There was no beach, no jetty, and definitely no access. Creeping back along the base of the low wall, they made their way to the gatehouse building. This was a two-level stone building with a row of battlements along the roof level. Lantern lights flickered inside the two upstairs windows, one on either side of the pathway. An old rusty portcullis hung crookedly from the top of the stone archway over the path.
"I'll take a look in the windows" whispered Malcolm, setting his hands to the old craggy stonework of the wall.
Griza gasped when Malcolm slipped just near the top of his climb and tumbled off the wall towards the ground some four metres below. "That's going to hurt" he thought.
But no, Malcolm dropped slowly and drifted gently to the ground, landing silently on his feet.
"Feather Fall ring" he muttered, then clambered back up the wall to the nearest window.
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The old guard slumped in a chair |
Malcolm continued on towards the roof top, but before he managed to reach the battlements, he slipped off the wall again and drifted down to the ground.
Fortunately, he fluttered down beyond the window jamb, out of sight of the old guard. A second attempt also proved abortive, but the third attempt saw Malcolm clamber up the other side of the gatehouse, pause briefly at the other window, and then head up towards the top and through one of the battlements to disappear onto the roof.
"Nice ring!" thought Griza.
Malcolm was back soon thereafter and whispered his discoveries to Griza.
"Another old guy in the second room. A huge, loaded crossbow thing on the roof, pointed up the path there to where the others are probably standing about waiting for us. A closed trapdoor in the roof" he noted.
Taking the reverse path they had come by, Griza and Malcolm returned to the rest of the party, who were indeed standing at the side of the path, just at the crown of the rise, and reported on their discoveries.
"Is there any magic?" asked Phoebe.
"Um, magic? How would we know?" replied Malcom, glancing questioningly at Griza.
So Griza, Malcolm, and Galena went back, using the same looping route through the mists and hopefully out of sight of the old guards in the gatehouse, or anyone else on watch from the tower of the house.
Galena did her thing, twice, and her other thing, once, and then they returned.
"Magic on the wall and the guardhouse" Galena reported, "But no undead presence"
"Massimo must actually employ those poor old dudes as guards then" declared Phoebe.
"Elder abuse!" grumped Napolean, "We better put a stop to that"
"Well, not today" stated Bush, "It's getting dark soon, and I for one ain't staying around here after dark!"
We retreated back up the path towards the main road and found a nice hidden and secure place to camp for the night, out of the creepy mists! A plan was made, watches set for the night, and then we slept.
In the morning, we advanced again to just shy of the top of the rise, and Malcolm and Griza took a rope and returned to the cliff face at the end of the wall. Malcolm grabbed one end of the rope, Griza the other, and Malcolm leapt boldly off the cliff. After fluttering down to the rocks below, Malcom explored along the base of the cliff, towards the house, until the rope drew taught. Then he returned up the cliff face, and they both returned back to the others.
"Nothin" Malcolm reported.
"Sigh" breathed Napolean, "My turn"
Napolean began to shrink, his clothes transforming to feathers, his arms to wings, and soon a seagull launched into the air and swooped off towards the cliffs.
We waited patiently for his return, which was some ten minutes later.
"A cave" Napolean reported, "Below the tower, about halfway down the cliff face"
"Let's go" commanded Phoebe.
Five Spider Climbs later, some simple bouldering, and the whole party were crouched on a ledge in the cliff face. A dark tunnel led straight into the cliff face below the tower, and there were a few lanterns with coloured glass shutters stored on a small shelf just inside the entrance.
"Signalling" guessed Balder.
"No magic here" reported Napoleon.
"Let's go" commanded Phoebe.
We crept forwards into the dark.
The Tower
The tunnel continued for maybe thirty meters before opening up into a large room carved out of the rock of the cliff. A series of six barred cell doors were directly ahead, shelves stacked with tools and torture devices covered the walls, and a large stone slab table sat in the centre of the room. Some poor half-elven male had met an untimely end there, his eviscerated body sprawled face up across the table, his entrails coiled up beside him in small piles. Flies buzzed thickly around the body, and the stench of death permeated the air.
Napolean reported that each of the cell doors sparkled with magic, but Bush was already peering through the bars. Most of the cells were empty, but one held a female elf in a sorry looking condition.
The elf must have heard us, because she lifted her head and croaked out a brief "help me".
Phoebe passed in some food and a drink bottle, noticing a tingling as the items passed through the bars.
Turns out that she and her brother had been kidnapped a week ago when they sought shelter during a particularly violent storm. They had been offered shelter in the house, fed, and then remembered no more until waking in these cages. Her name was Alicia, and we promised to help get her out of her cell and safely away.
"But first" asked Phoebe, "Who did this and how did you get in here?"
Alicia described Simeon Massimo to a tee, noting that he had entered the room through a door. But we could not see any doors, and the tunnel from the cliff didn't have a door. A thorough search of the room revealed a hidden door!
Griza checked it for traps, declared it safe, and found the latch mechanism.
The door swung open into a storeroom, packed with boxes, and with the base of a wide spiral stair that led upwards.
Two large urns with sealed lids stood just inside the room, obviously different from the rest of the stored items there.
"Better check those" suggested Malcolm.
"Magical" determined Napolean.
"But not evil" noted Galena.
Keeping clear of the urns, Malcolm slipped across the room and furtively started up the stairs. After winding upwards for quite a few turns, the stair arrived at a large circular room. Malcolm cautiously peered up over the last step, only to see ... a huge dragon in front of him! With a startled gasp, Malcom ducked back down into the stair, waiting for a reaction. Having quite recently conversed with a dragon, Malcolm wasn't too keen to engage another in conversation. After a few seconds of silence Malcolm raised his head and took another look into the room.
Oh, not a dragon at all. Just the head of a dragon, mounted on the wall as a trophy.
Breathing a sigh of relief Malcom stepped up the final step and looked about properly. The stair had arrived on one side of the large circular room, about the size of the stone tower Malcolm figured. Lamps around the walls had flickered to life as Malcolm had arrived, magical Malcolm figured. On the opposite side of the room the stair continued upwards, winding around the inside of the outer wall of the tower and disappearing through the roof of the room. The large dragon's head was mounted just above the start of the stair upwards, its piercing green eyes staring straight at Malcolm. Scanning around the room, Malcolm spotted another two trophy heads, a gorgon and a chimera, one directly above him and the other to the right. On the left was a sturdy timber door. Strange runes were carved haphazardly into the stone floor, no doubt unsafe to walk over Malcolm figured.
He retreated back down the spiral stair and got the others.
Everyone followed Malcolm back up the the Dragon chamber. Napolean cast his Detect Magic spell and reported that the runes, the door, the trophy heads, and the lamps were all magical.
"Those runes though" Napolean warned, "Death magic, particularly nasty!"
"And those trophy's", he added, "Their eyes are watching us, following our every move"
Malcolm didn't believe that though, as far as he could tell, the eyes were just glass, and they didn't watch anything. The pupils didn't even move as he circled the room and started up the opposite stair.
The next level was some type of waiting room. Chairs and table were scattered across the space, but it looked unused. The floor was covered with dust, and old cobwebs draped across the walls and the suits of armour. Although Malcolm noted, there were scuff marks through the dust, leading to the suits of armour.
Oh dear, upon closer inspection these were not suits of armour at all. They stood on the opposite side of the room, to either side of the stair up. And each suit was inhabited by an ancient skeleton! Human sized, wearing helmets, and carrying swords and shields, these were obviously undead guards. Drawing back into the stair, Malcom heard one of the skeletons move. Curling into a small ball and pressing himself into the darkness at the top of the stair, Malcolm opened one eye to watch his death approaching.
But fortune was with Malcolm today. The skeleton walked right up to the top of the stair and peered down. It's eyeless skull staring straight through Malcolm and either not seeing him, or just totally ignoring him. Tracking the skeleton without moving, Malcolm watched it look around the room and return to its original spot beside the upward flight. Its feet followed the exact tracks through the dust that it had obviously made many times.
"Sweet" Malcolm thought to himself, "I am protected from undead"
Standing up straight and striding confidently across the room, Malcolm started up the next flight.
The next level was some type of lounge. Again, it was super dusty. Two large settees stood near a large bookcase. A drinks trolly stood next to them. A reading table contained a number of old books, and two unlit lamps. The stairs continued upwards from the far side of the room. Malcolm continued.
The next level was a dusty old study and workroom. More bookcases, a couple of desks, painting on the walls. Shelves all around the walls were stocked with jars and vials of assorted things. A ladder continued straight up on the opposite of the room this time, obviously this was the upper room with a hatch to the roof of the old tower. The paintings were of Simeon Massimo and his brother Loris. Two women stood with them, and two children. Nodding to himself, Malcolm returned to the ground floor and reported his discoveries.
It was around mid-day now; the party had been exploring the whole morning. Deciding it was time to head across to the main house to confront the evil Simeon, everyone moved carefully around the room, avoiding the death runes, to the front door. Griza bent down to check for traps.
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Just Griza's pick remained |
And he was gone, his lock pick still protruding from behind the handle.
"Crap" grunted Phoebe.
"Ah, I did say there was magic" reminded Napolean.
"Did you say you saw some jars upstairs?" asked Balder.
"Could there be an alarm too?" wondered Galena.
Malcolm raced back up the spiral stair to the study, but no joy, none of the jars held a tiny Griza.
Leaving Joe and Bush to watch the door, in case anyone came to investigate, everyone else descended the spiral staircase to the cells below. Sure enough, Griza called a welcome from inside one of the magical cells.
"I hope you can get me out of here" Griza said.
"Knock will do it" Balder confidently stated.
Everyone stood back away from the cell doors as Balder cast his Knock spell.
A brilliant glow suffused the whole room, the cell door glowing REAL himself, but still shut fast.
[Jamie rolled a 20 and fumbled his cast. The light was the consequence from the D20 fumble roll. six minutes]
Trying again, Balder cursed and the cell door remained firmly closed.
[This type of magical use is an opposed roll. Balder's skill against the skill of the caster of the magical lock. Fail]
"Don't worry Griza" comforted Balder, "I have a cunning plan. Watch this"
Apparently Balder had been doing some magical research and wanted to try out a new spell he had read about. Something called Dimension Door, whereby a magical door was created that led through other dimensions from one point to another, the two points linked by a line of sight.
Balder created said door on the back wall of the cell, with its linked door on the wall of the cavern, beside the tunnel out to the sea. Griza stepped through.
Balder looked over at Alicia still trapped in the other cell.
"I'm sorry my dear, I am out of power and unable to repeat that particular feat"
"But" responded Napolean, "I still have power and could transfer some"
"Me too" declared Galena.
So, magical power was transferred using the Transfer spell, and shortly Alicia was able to be removed from her cell.
"So" asked Phoebe, "What now? Back out through the tunnel and the cliffs?"