Abellinut "Able" Ugwistan, 31, Moor Arian Fighter from Septum – JeffClaudia, Sister of Mercy - Brave Jose "BJ", 22, Arian Visigoth Fighter from Astigi – Jamie
- Fabius Cato, 26 Roman Nicene Temple Fighter from Rome – Richard
- Luigi Abundus Bertolini, 23, Roman Nicene Priest from Ravenna – Chris
- MARMALADE Merkel, 24, Vandal Arian Temple-Fighter from Gades – Kevin
- Hawk-Eye, 22, Arian Visigoth Barbarian from Astigi – Shane
- Velito Rosso, 24, Roman Nicene Barbarian from Venice – Darryl
- Victor Koshenko, 24, Alan Arian Thief from Gades – Ian
- Sister Sarah, 22 Arian Visigoth Priestess from Hispalis- Steven
by Richard
... and as Able stares at him in disbelief, just as a huge jet of flame shoots toward them, fortunately falling short some 20m.
The soldiers back away, their mettle being tested. Brave Jose, BJ, voids his bowel at the thought of the black moor skinning him alive, and Able does all he can to stop himself removing BJs head.
BJ scuttles out the back of the shore party, and decides to see if he can skirt around the three Sisters of Mercy.
"This is rugged country" BJ thinks as he stumbles his way some 50m off the track, before deciding the going is too tough and therefore he should return to the shore party [ lack of wilderness skills ].
Meanwhile, it has taken Able all that he can to calm the now 21 Royal Guard (King Roderic's men). They have formed into a wedge behind Able stretched out back along the road to Cordoba.
"We are with you, Captain Able!" they call out nervously.
Back at the barge party, Luigi is looking at the crystal vial with its red liquid. He shakes it gently and then pulls the cork from it and takes a discreet whiff. It smells metallic. He quickly puts the cork back in and secrets it in his bag.
"The Sisters of Mercy must not get this," he thinks. "If needs be, I will drink it."
The barge party have the remaining four Florinda soldiers and Fabius set with their bows and swords, hidden from view of the road, but ready for action. The Lady Florinda must be protected. Velito has hidden himself at the banks of the river, some 40m up the road from Fabius and the soldiers – ready to throw his net and spring into action (from behind the sisters).
Florinda and her maidens plus Luigi and Justina and the Beggar King's girl are some 100m back – well out of harm's way, and also hoping that the Sisters will be drawn into the trap by seeking out the red vial.
"Hawkeye, send up your hawk and see what's going on," suggested Fabius.
Some debate occurs, and then Hawkeye releases his kestrel (Hawkeye has an infernal Talent that allows him to see through the eyes of his animal companion for ten minutes - by using two Luck).
Hawkeye provides a running commentary. The kestrel sees the soldiers in a wedge formation and then as it draws nearer, sees a man standing at the front of the group being hit by a blast of flame and thrown 15m back. He lies on the ground momentarily and then shakes himself, and stands up, before running to the Baetis river and sitting in the shallows to cool off.
Those of us listening to Hawkeye's rendition all murmur – "idiot".
The kestrel returns and we start the waiting game, knowing that inevitably the Sisters will approach.
Back at the shore party, Victor (was waiting in Corduba) has now caught up, although does not make his presence known, preferring to lurk in the undergrowth.
BJ is insistent he can cause trouble by shooting at the Sisters. His bow shots are ineffective as is typically the inevitable response of the black spear being thrown, which falls short.
BJ is confident the Sisters cannot throw the spear that far, until one of his arrow shots flies' past the head of the one of the sisters, who immediately throws the spear with obvious anger. BJ watches as its trajectory it sails toward him.
"This might be closer," he thinks. "Oh, shit it's going to hit me!"
At that thought, BJ dives to the side as the spear lodges itself into the ground where he once stood, erupting in flame (he made a successful Dodge roll).
The flame envelops BJ who falls to the ground smoking (a successful Arcane Save with a bit of luck means BJ only takes 10 points of damage).
"That was close" he thinks, seeing a kestrel out the corner of his eye, as he runs to the river and cools himself down in the shallows.
The Sisters turn and start their march downstream along the barge-horse track next to the Baetis river. Able and his 21 soldiers follow reluctantly, but keeping their distance.
The barge party patiently wait, and about an hour or so later, they see the three Sisters. They are slowly approaching up the road. They pass Velito hiding by the river, almost close enough to smell his sweat. A further 10m they stop as if they instinctively know something awaits. Fabius swears one is looking straight at him.
They move forward even more slowly until they are in "the kill zone".
Fabius signals to the soldiers. He and two others unleash their arrows wreaking havoc on the Sisters (they actually do 20 plus damage on the sister holding the spear) and then they charge into the fray. At this Velito throws his net and successfully entangles the sister carrying the spear. A battle ensues and what a battle it is!
Fabius takes on the sister with the spear, while Velito and one other attack her (subtlety slightly after Fabius to avoid being attacked). One guard faces another, whilst two fight the remaining sister.
And where is Hawkeye? – oh yes, we forgot about him for a few rounds – our bad.
After what seems like an age (probably 2-3 minutes), Able and his 21 men and BJ also join us. Without them we would most certainly have fallen.
Another few minutes and we stand still, breathing heavily and blood covering us. We count the toll.
three dead Sisters of Mercy – it was clear, after a time, normal weapons caused no material damage to whoever held the spear. In fact, we inflicted 108 damage to one and it was only Sister Sarah and Luigi throwing holy water that actually killed her. We were fortunate with another who fumbled and dropped the spear, immediately collapsing from the damage caused to her. The third one was cut down.
Able was down to 2 hit points, Hawkeye on 9 and BJ on 4 – all having been injured by the flame caused when the spear cut down a soldier.
Fabius was on 7 points having successfully saved vs Arcane Defence twice to save his skin. Velito was on 5 points having been hit by the spear and failed his Arcane save but only taking 7 points of damage on 4D6.
Six soldiers are dead
The spear lay on the ground.
"We need to consecrate ground and cure…"
"We need to get rid of the spear…."
"I like the spear…. "
"We need to get to town….. "
We need to protect Lady Florinda….. she can't go to town…"
"We need to cure…… "
"We need a barge…"
"We should take the spear to the Bishop, he will know what to do….."
Chaos erupted
Sister Sarah and Fabius found some suitable ground to consecrate and started that process. Once complete, they started curing and by dusk that day had most people back to close to full.
Victor dragging the spear |
BJ and Victor were fascinated by the spear. Eventually Victor tied a rope to it and started dragging it everywhere. In fact, he touched it at one stage and his eyes glowed red before he was convinced to drop it.
That night we camped peacefully. We cooked a hearty meal and debated the Nicene and Arian positions. Of course, both Nicene and Arian believed in the same god. The heretical Arian's though, incorrectly interpreted the Latin translation of he bible to mean that Jesus was not divine (what a ridiculous theory thought Fabius – next people will be thinking the clergy don’t have divine powers). Whilst that interpretation and resulting impacts was heretical, the Nicene and Arian followers largely lived in peace as Christian brethren. It wasn’t as though they were pagan. Or worse, Islamic.
The camp slept well that night. Fabius and Sister Sarah restored magic points whilst the others variously guarded and slept.
A fine morning dawned. After much further debate, it was decided that walking into Corduba with all of us, 10 or so soldiers and 17 hand-maidens plus Florinda, was somewhat obvious. Rather Fabius, on horse, with the now-marmalading Luigi strapped on, sister Justina, Centurion Rodrigo and two ladies-in-waiting plus Florinda would go into Corduba first. Florinda was disguised as a nun (just like the Sisters of Mercy) and her two chief ladies-in-waiting were dressed down as novices in white.
After travelling a few hours, they made Corduba safely (the Baetis gate was still open and all the Corduban troops were mopping up damage from the fires two nights ago), and went to small unburned Nicene church Nuestra Senora de la Gracia Brillante (Our Lady of Shining Grace). Fabius had convinced Lady Florinda it was safer there, albeit had failed to convince her not to come to Corduba at all ! She was intent on visiting la Real y Rolliza Universidad Visgótica de Corduba (the Royal Corduban Visigothic University), and if she were captured then that was the fulfillment of prophesy.
"You have to admire her faith," thought Fabius.
A few hours after Florinda left, the remaining huge group made their way to Corduba. Victor dragging the spear behind.
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