- Abellinut "Able" Ugwistan, 31, Moor Arian Fighter from Septum – Jeff
- Brave Jose "BJ", 22, Arian Visigoth Fighter from Astigi – Jamie
- Fabius Cato, 26 Roman Nicene Temple Fighter from Rome – Richard
- Luigi Abundus Bertolini, 23, Roman Nicene Priest from Ravenna – Chris
- Merkel, 24, Vandal Arian Temple-Fighter from Gades – Kevin
- Hawk-Eye, 22, Arian Visigoth Barbarian from Astigi – Shane
- Velito Rosso, 24, Roman Nicene Barbarian from Venice – Darryl
- Victor Koshenko, 24, Alan Arian Thief from Gades – Ian
- Sister Sarah, 22 Arian Visigoth Priestess from Hispalis- Steven
by Richard
"Corduba burns! Corduba burns!" came the cries from the soldiers dressed in King Roderic's livery, as they fled north from the burning city.
The Shore Party
The shore party has split into two groups but after some time reformed and took the road to Corduba, on foot. After a few hours, they glanced over their shoulders and could see four black robed women following them in the distance but not at a pace to catch up.
But what Able did notice (successful spot hidden) was a skeletal snake slithering quickly along the side of the road from behind – clearly from the four women.
"Where is the fifth one?" mused Victor quietly.
"Coming now!" yelled Able, having overheard Victor and pointing at the snake. "Remember these?"
Able steps forward to take the attack of the "snake" (now more clearly a spine with a skull) and after a few moments, shatters it to pieces, having taken only a minor graze himself (and a successful save poison roll).
"We'd better get moving," says BJ, "we don’t want any more of those"
They decide to walk through the night to get to Corduba. The group seem to be holding up well, but notice the four women have increased their speed, and will catch the group well before they reach Corduba (estimated to be at midnight).
They hasten their speed and see several copses of trees off to the side of the road.
"Let's go in there and wait for them" suggests Able.
"Good idea" puffs Sister Sarah wondering how much more of this march she can endure.
They reach the trees and go into them for a way, and then set up a defendable position. Victor sneaks out and lays watch.
Victor sees the four women stand and stare at the copse for a time, and then turn and make haste down the road for Corduba.
After reporting back Victor suggests "there is no point following them, they are moving faster and we could do with the rest"
The others concur and settle down for a peaceful night's rest.
The Barge Party
Meanwhile the Barge party are now also camped having lost their barge (a fact the shore party were oblivious to).
As the shore party had run for their cowardly lives, the four women and the barge had exchanged shots over the afternoon. Occasionally, one would throw the spear which would land harmlessly in the Baetis river (and re-appear back in Claudia's hand), and then Fabius and Merkel would fire back.
On one of these exchanges Fabius and Merkel had successfully hit and killed one of the women. Hence why there were only four and a "snake".
Unfortunately, later in the day, Claudia did a good throw and the black spear had flown over the river and hit one of the horses. It had exploded into small pieces of meat (oh how we miss Vanker) and scared the crap out of the other horses, and killed the guard looking after them.
The barge's stern had then begun to drift out into the centre of the river. It took all of Velito's self-professed skills to control the barge and anchor it to the shore.
"Si si – I am a master boatman" Velito strutted.
We now had an issue that we had no horses that could pull the barge (1 dead, 1 ran away and 2 injured).
"Luigi – you cure – you cure" demanded Velito
"We need consecrated ground" said Fabius
"Si si" sighed Velito
We were in the process of getting everyone off the barge – the Lady Florinda, her 8 handmaidens, her 13 serving women, the guards and us lot, when the spear sailed across the river and, this time, hit the barge, resulting in a large explosion of flame.
"How come they hit us now?" rightfully pointed out Merkel.
"Get the stuff off the barge!" commanded Fabius
"And don’t forget our chest of coins" called Luigi (remember we got 100 silver coins - about $10.000 equivalent – from the "Beggar King's" safe)
We quickly got everything off the barge before it was fully consumed by fire. At that point, we notice the four Sisters of Mercy have gone (off in pursuit of the shore party)
We leave the burning barge. Fabius is riding with the chest strapped to the back of a horse at the front together with a guard (also riding), and Merkel walking with a silly grin on his face. Velito, Hawkeye and two guards come up the rear and Luigi, Florinda and the women amble along in their very impractical slippers and heels.
"This will be a slow trip" we all think.
Dusk is nearing and we set up camp.
"We walk at night" suggests Velito.
"The women can't and they are tiring" observes Fabius
"Si si"
We set up camp and decide that Merkel, Fabius, Hawkeye and Velito will stay awake guarding all night.
A hearty meal is cooked and the honey mead broken out. Luigi is sitting looking rather pleased with himself, and rummaging through his bag for another flask when his hand closes on a small smooth object. Pulling it out of the bag, he has a small crystal bottle his hand with what looks like diluted blood in it.
"I forgot we had this" says Luigi happily.
"Me too, me too" chips in Velito
"That’s what the ladies must be looking for" announces Merkel happily and loudly.
We all look at him and each other. Luigi puts the vial away.
About four hours later, in the far distance, we see a massive flame erupt into the night sky quickly followed by another.
"That is near Corduba" says Hawkeye
More fire erupts in the far distance and we remain vigilant.
A few more hours pass and then just at dawn as everyone is waking, there is a further eruption of flame but this time much closer.
We prepare for what we know is coming – the four women of Geryon.
The Shore Party.
BJ and Able are on watch when at about 10pm or 11pm there is a massive explosion in the distance.
"That’s around Corduba" says BJ
"Let's wake the others and go" says Able
"Ahh why?" asks BJ "surely that's dangerous"
"It will be the four women"
"They will be looking to cross the river and get to the Lady Florinda" insists Able
"Leave them to their own ends" states a sleepy Victor who has woken with the noise.
"We must go – hurry up!" commands Able
Everybody reluctantly gathers their things and makes toward Corduba on the old roman road.
More flashes of flame are seen as they draw nearer and then the sound of running feet toward them
"Corduba burns! Corduba burns!" came the cries from the guards in King Roderic's livery, as they fled north from the burning city.
"Stop and tell us what you see," commands Able quite authoritatively.
The men stop and after quite some time and lengthy conversations Able persuades them (after a successful persuade roll) to travel with him back to Corduba to face what he soldiers are calling the witches.
"It’s the Lady Florinda" one of them says. "We were sent here to capture her. She's a witch"
"No, she's not," disagreed Able
But there was no time to dally and they speed toward Corduba, By the time they got close, Able had managed to cajole, pressure and bully some twelve soldiers in the king's livery to join him.
As they near the city gates they can see fire from just behind the walls and more fires in the city. The gates have been blown up by the flames.
Guards are lying burnt on the ground and the stench of burning flesh is everywhere. Screams are heard from within the city.
Victor spots movement on the ground to their right and a skeletal snake is seen rapidly closing on the large group. Able steps forward and takes the attack being bitten deeply on the leg (6 points of damage) before he and the soldiers shatters its skeletal body.
They move forward to the gates to have only another snake rear its head. This time to be smashed by Able and the soldiers before it can inflict any grievous wound.
The men are in awe of his black moor warrior. "All hail Captain Able!" they cry out in unison as they enter the city.
The barracks are on fire just inside the walls. Screams can be heard from within.
"Follow the fires" commands Able and that is what they do, passing burning bodies and many small terrified children.
After some time, they finally come to a bridge across the river where there are a number of Corduban guards standing over a woman in a black robe.
"and then there were three" smiles Able. "They have crossed the river and are heading toward Florinda – lets go" says Able.
"Ahh why?" says Victor in barely a whisper.
"Because we serve her and must protect her"
"Maybe she is a witch" says Victor
"We haven’t got time to argue – stay here if you want – the rest of us will go" and with that all but Victor head off at pace back along the shores of the river.
The group are going as fast as possible and glimpse ahead of them a set of red eyes occasionally looking back. There were now twenty men in the King's livery following Able.
"We've caught up but don’t get too close" says Able
"Why not too close?" questions BJ
"because of the spear of course".
Dawn is near and they continue to follow the women. As the light increases it is apparent the black robed women are some 75m in front of the group and keeping steady pace. They seem very focused on the way ahead.
"We will have them caught between us and the barge party soon" thinks Able – "we will have them then"
'What could go wrong?" Able mused as an arrow passed over his head and landed close to the three women in front. They stop and turn slowly and stare back.
A bead of perspiration winds its way down BJ's forehead as Able stares at him in disbelief, just as a huge jet of flame shoots toward them, fortunately falling short some 20m.
The soldiers back away, their mettle being tested, BJ voids his bowel at the thought of he black moor skinning him alive and Able does all he can to stop himself removing BJs head.
Will the soldiers stay?
Will the shore party (except the cowardly Victor) be burned in the fames of hell?
Will the party reunite?
Will Velito ever shut up?
And what about that red vial?
….. the answers might become clearer next week (although then again they might not) …..
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