Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Success - or is It?

  • Abellinut "Able" Ugwistan, 31, Moor Arian Fighter from Septum – Jeff
  • Brave Jose "BJ", 22, Arian Visigoth Fighter from Astigi – Jamie
  • Fabius Cato, 26 Roman Nicene Temple Fighter from Rome – Richard 
  • MARMALADE Luigi Abundus Bertolini, 23, Roman Nicene Priest from Ravenna – Chris
  • Merkel, 24, Vandal Arian Temple-Fighter from Gades – Kevin
  • Hawk-Eye, 22, Arian Visigoth Barbarian from Astigi – Shane
  • Velito Rosso, 24, Roman Nicene Barbarian from Venice – Darryl
  • Victor Koshenko, 24, Alan Arian Thief from Gades – Ian
  • Sister Sarah, 22 Arian Visigoth Priestess from Toletum - Steven
by Richard

It is the 4th of December 710 AD and we have been escorting Lady Florinda for nearly six weeks. We near the end of our journey as we plan to escort her through the river gate into la Real y Rolliza Universidad Visgótica de Corduba (the Royal Corduban Visigothic University).

Fabius, Velito, Florinda, the marmalading Luigi, Elena and two maids-in-waiting are at the Nicene church of Our Lady of Shining Grace.

"We need to hire a boat" states Fabius 

"I go I go" volunteers Velito as he scuttles out the door. A few hours later he returns "si si it done – I have a punt hired, with a cabin – it will do nicely – we pretend to be vegetable traders"

"Did you see the men watching outside?" asked Fabius

"Si si, of course" nods Velito unconvincingly.

"We will need to get past them without them noticing the Lady"

"Si si that easy…… for you" says Velito. "I be on the boat waiting"

They agree that they will dress Florinda as a nun (in white) and that she, Justina and Fabius will go to the quay where the punt is. Velito will be at the boat and Able will be half way in between. It is only five minutes from the church to Quay One. The others (Hawkeye, BJ, Victor, Merkel, Sister Sarah) will meet us at Quay Three.

"It’s a plan," said Velito. "Now you go and tell the others," gesturing at Fabius.

"I'm meeting them at 3pm this afternoon at the Aquatic Oasis Inn; what are you going to do?"

"I stay here and guard," smiles Velito who had now reformed his connection with one of Lady Florinda's ladies Isidora Felicia.

We advise Florinda the plan and agree with her that we will get her five ladies-in-waiting into the university once she is safely ensconced. 

At 3pm, Fabius goes to the inn, nodding to the "hidden" guards on his way past. The rest of the group discuss the plan and agree to meet at Quay Three. Victor and Merkel want to know where their "keys" are, and Fabius ensures Sister Sarah knows the plan before leaving. 

"Tomorrow at first light" he calls out as he strides off.

The next morning, at the crack of dawn, Elena (rescued servant of the Astigi Beggar King) is sent to scout. She returns 15 minutes later with some troubling news.

"The King's Guards are back in town. Able has a price on his head – 1000 silver. I saw some men knifing a black man down the street. It wasn’t Able, I saw him too, lounging by a corner about half way to the quay."

"Are the guards outside?" asks Fabius.

"Oh yes, I saw them too," responds Elena.

With that, Fabius asks Elena to go to Quay One and meet them at the punt. He gathers Justina and Florinda and they exit. They walk past the guards (Florinda not looking at them) and toward the quay. Half way Able falls in behind the three of them some 20m back, looking for followers. None.

Another few minutes and they reach the quay and the punt where Velito is happily making himself a cup of chicory. He has loaded the punt with fresh vegetables.
We climb on and get ready to go.

"Dis is easy" states Velito with a bead of perspiration rolling down his forehead as he loses control of the large punt having pushed it too far out into the river.

"Watch it" calls a very nervous Fabius who has gone white and is gripping the side very tightly.

"It ok – si si" says a relieved Velito as he finally brings it under control.

We head our way to Quay Three and amazingly there are the rest of the group, who also board. We make our way up the river past several more quays until we reach the River Gate to the University. 

Lady Florinda is out of sight as we dock the punt. Fabius jumps off, relieved to be on solid ground, while BJ, Hawkeye and Merkel unload vegetables.

Able stays out of site having only recently been informed by Fabius that there is a price of 1000 silver on his head (for impersonating a centurion). Hawk-eye and BJ perk up with this information and stare at Able as menacingly as they can.

Behind the closed gates are two kings' guards, clearly here to stop Florinda entering.

"We have vegetables for the Rector!" calls out Velito "Get the servants."

One guard heads off and a few minutes later comes back with two servants. The bolt on the gate is slid across and opened, and the servants start ferrying the vegetables into the university. At the gate being opened, Fabius and Justina walk through.

They are briefly stopped by the guards, who search Justina before realizing she is not the Lady Florinda.

The last of the vegetables are taken through the gate which is closed. Fabius and Justina head off to see Rector Pablo Cassals and explain what is happening.

They get four university passes and then wander around the university noting there are three other gates, all with four Kings' guards on them each. They then leave and head back to Quay One, where hopefully the punt is.

Velito, with some trouble, has managed to get the punt back to he quay. Once Fabius returns we begin to hatch a plan. 

After much debate, disagreement and contrary banter we decided on the following:
  1. We will undertake the same trip with vegetables each morning for three mornings
  2. On the third morning one of the servants will enter the barge (to get vegetables) and will swap with Florinda who will be dressed like a servant
  3. Fabius will be ready to create a diversion in need by trying to enter the gate again
  4. Velito will be offering the guards chicory tea each morning
The one issue with this plan was the servants' clothes were not adequate to hide Florinda's fine figure. They would need more loose clothing with hats. To remedy this, Fabius and Justina went back to the University and confided in the Rector what the plan was. They also requested that for the next three mornings the servants wear looser clothing and hats, and that they be of slightly smaller frame. 

On the third morning, one of he servants was to go onto the punt and into the cabin, and would hide there.

Over the next few days, we did exactly as planned. Velito was getting the hang of the river, and Able remained on the punt, fearing for his life. The king's guards became more used to us, and even took chicory from Velito. The servants were dressed exactly as we wanted.

On the third morning, we again travelled without incident back to the River Gate. The gates opened and the servants came out to collect the vegetables, while Velito served the guards a warm cup of chicory and chamomile tea. On the last run of collecting vegetables, a servant entered the punt's cabin and Florinda took his place.

She stepped off the barge carrying the vegetables, while Fabius stood by ready for action. She then walked toward the gate, past the guards and into the university.

We all looked at each other – perplexed – concerned even – our plan had actually worked !

Still caught in the moment, Velito pushed off from the quay but this time was overly zealous and the punt went sideways into the current. The punt rocked dangerously, Fabius vomited and cried in terror like a small child until Velito, covered in sweat, righted the punt and took us home.
[ Had Able fallen in, he is in heavy armour and can not swim... ]

Fabius stood up, wiped vomit from his beard and smacked Velito.

Velito and Able decide to sleep on the punt. Fabius, Hawkeye and Sister Sarah, that afternoon rode to the university to see the Rector and check up on Lady Florinda. After Sarah is searched by the guards they are let in. Fabius has Florinda's chest strapped on the back of the horse.

They see the Rector and are taken to Lady Florinda, who is working in the kitchen. We take her aside and make sure she is alright before getting down to economics. She has the equivalent of 100 silver coins in her chest. Florinda asks us to give 35 to the rector for fees for studying and board. The rest is our pay.

Fabius pays the Rector and returns.

We now have 165 (including the money we got from the Beggar King's safe)
This is divided :
BJ 5 (he's only been with us a few days)
Hawkeye 5 (also only been with us a few days)
Sister Sarah 5 (also only been with us a few days)
Able 20
Merkel 20
Fabius 20
Velito 20
Luigi 20
Victor 20

That leaves 30 silver coins to donate to the church (as Fabius thinks anyway). We also have the crystal vial with red liquid.

Over the next couple of days, we ensure the five ladies-in-waiting get into the University safely. The King's guards have no interest in them.

Our job is done…… or so we think…… that damned spear!

BJ and Victor have started having shared nightmares again. This time they dreamed that Sylvia was dancing on the wagon at the Bishop's manse but this time with the spear in her hand and flames about, dead bodies strewn on the ground.

"We should go and check," says Victor with a spark of red in his eyes.

"That’s a good idea" agrees BJ

"Yeah" says Merkel.

"Ok, lets go" agrees Sister Sarah.

"I can't go," says Able, "I need to hide."

"I'm not leaving Luigi," Fabius snorts.

"Si si – I look after Luigi too," chips in Velito.

"Well, we go," says Merkel and Victor together, and with that, the intelligent part of the group heads off to the manse.

After a couple of hours, they arrive to see the gates blown outward and smoke coming from within. As they slowly enter through the gates, they see dead bodies strewn across the ground, and the wagon at the centre with smoke coming from it. There is no sign of Sylvia or, indeed, the spear.

They quickly check he bodies for signs of life. None, but BJ does spot a set of undamaged lorica squamata (studded leather, 2pt) and decided he will have that, beginning the laborious task of removing it. He was so focused that that only Hawk-eye and Victor saw Sylvia come from the guard tower, Geryon' spear in hand.

"Do you know who Geryon is?" asks Sylvia rhetorically.  "I keep hearing his name in my head."

"He's an evil pagan god," Victor replies nervously now the spear is pointed toward then.

"Evil?!" Sylvia curses throwing the spear to the ground (successful Arcane Defense roll).

"Yes, evil," confirms Victor, "and don’t touch that spear – it takes control of you."

"We should get out of here," says a nervous Hawkeye.

"We can't leave the spear here." 

"What do we do with it?"

"Wrap it up."

"And take it where?"

"To the prophet in Astigi," says Victor. "He said he could destroy it."

At his point BJ looks up grunting as he continues to remove the armor. "Let's see what Luigi says – meanwhile let's wrap that thing up and get out of here"………….

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Geryon and the Spears


Geryon pondered
  • Abellinut "Able" Ugwistan, 31, Moor Arian Fighter from Septum – Jeff
    Brave Jose "BJ", 22, Arian Visigoth Fighter from Astigi – Jamie
  • Fabius Cato, 26 Roman Nicene Temple Fighter from Rome – Richard 
  • Luigi Abundus Bertolini, 23, Roman Nicene Priest from Ravenna – Chris
  • Merkel, 24, Vandal Arian Temple-Fighter from Gades – Kevin
  • Hawk-Eye, 22, Arian Visigoth Barbarian from Astigi – Shane
  • Velito Rosso, 24, Roman Nicene Barbarian from Venice – Darryl
  • Victor Koshenko, 24, Alan Arian Thief from Gades – Ian
  • Sister Sarah, 22 Arian Visigoth Priestess from Hispalis- Steven
by Jeff

Geryon's halls of lava
Geryon sat in his lava cave beneath the island and pondered. Plans were progressing well, all things considered. The "recruits" from Gades had been very useful, and prior to their disappearance somewhere in central Baetica their involvement had definitely accelerated his plans for a return to power. Many souls had been harvested. Already he had his fingers spread across most of Baetica, and while his spears continued to be carried far and wide his influence would continue to grow. Every new soul taken increased the range of his influence. 

It was a shame that the two promising Gades prospects hadn't lived up to their potential and abandoned their spear. It still made him mad that they had even buried it deep in the ground in the middle of nowhere, but he would find them and get his dues! 

Geysers of molten rock erupted from the pools of lava surrounding his rocky throne as his temper grew. Damn that Elia Ildaria, Vanker Polyester, and Aulius Decanter, their souls would be his eventually!

He calmed down somewhat as he considered subsequent events, and the lava pools subsided again. 
Geryon didn't consider it luck that those Eulalian nuns had stumbled across the spear, it was fate. He was becoming a true power in the world again at last. 

If only it wasn't so difficult to influence those petty humans, always concerned about their faith to this one true god. Some fell under his sway immediately, some wavered for a period before aligning their faith with his, and others, well they were so under the sway of their one true god that his mental suggestions had no influence at all and were even rejected outright.

Take that bumbling beekeeper for example, so dedicated to his supposed god that he had ignored the power that I had offered, indeed even working against my influence on his companions. I nearly had that woman, Justina, but the beekeeper had fought and even overcome my convert. 

The lava pools swirled and bubbled as his temper slowly climbed once more.

Able the faithful
And that black one, Abellinut Ugwistan, such faith in his false god that he had flinched away from any other divine powers. Even though my powers far outweigh those of the other silly gods. And how does their faith continue to grow he wondered; I had his ridiculous leader killed nearly eighty years ago. Sure, it had taken more than one attempt, but that natural poison that mimicked a fever proved most successful. 

Geryon chuckled; and my convert there also started the whole schism between the loyal followers. That feud should last for years he felt. More death and despair for him to harvest.

Feeling better, Geryon turned his attention to the present, and focussed on his inner connections to all his prospects. Tuning out the thoughts of the many, he brought the simple mind of the new prospect to the fore and commandeered his sensory input. 

The senses of Victor Koshenko opened up to Geryon, and he stared out through Victor Koshenko's eyes as the sounds and smells of the world above flooded his mind. A blissful sigh echoed around the lava cave as Geryon soaked in the real world.

Victor Koshenko was walking behind a group of women, all ridiculously dressed in fake nun's habits, and following them up the true left of a river, no doubt still the Baetis, on the way to Corduba. Velito Rosso and Hawk Eye were between him and the women, while Brave Jose paced along just to his right. Out in front of the cluster of women were three armed guards, and then leading the group strode the black, Abellinut Ugwistan, and Merkel.
No sign of the others though. Geryon wondered where Fabius Cato, Victor Koshenko, the bumbling beekeeper, Luigi Bertolini, and the traitorous woman Justina had gone. 

Wait though, something was happening further up the path, out in front of Abellinut Ugwistan. Velito Rosso rushed forward, leaving Victor Koshenko behind. It was hard to see from Victor Koshenko's position there at the back, but Velito Rosso was yelling angrily at someone. And was that a burnt out and overturned cart on the side of the road just up ahead of the group?

"Step out from the cart" yelled Velito Rosso, with no response.
"We see you there, step out" yelled Velito Rosso again.

Three arrows arced up from behind the cart and plunged down around Velito Rosso. One ricocheted of Abellinut Ugwistan's armour, a new set of studded leather noticed Geryon, and then Abellinut Ugwistan drew his sword and charged.

Merkel takes an arrow

"With me" he yelled, and Merkel, the three guards, and Velito Rosso all rushed forward after him.

Four more arrows arced up from behind the cart. Merkel slowed briefly as one arrow smashed clean through his leather armour and pierced his chest. [A critical hit and 11 points of damage] Another struck Abellinut Ugwistan in the arm. A third hit the thigh of one of the three guards, while the fourth arrow fell to the ground in front of them all.


Geryon watched delightedly through Victor Koshenko's eyes as the charging figures engaged with five sturdy looking guards in the livery of Corduba. YES, he thought, SLAUGHTER THEM ALL.

But after just one flurry of strikes, Abellinut Ugwistan yelled out.
"Halt" he called, and everyone stepped back from the battle.
Everyone except for Merkel that is.
Merkel continued to fight, swinging wildly at one of the Corduba guards.
YES, thought Geryon, TAKE HIM DOWN.
But it was not to be. Merkel took a light blow on the shoulder and collapsed to the ground unconscious.
The fight was over, no slaughter, no carnage, and only one figure on the ground.

Geryon watched from Victor Koshenko's position at the back of the party as emotional words were spoken between Abellinut Ugwistan and the Corduban officer. Hands were shaken, First Aid was administered, and Merkel awoke.
OH BOTHER, thought Geryon.

Shortly after, a Corduban rider hastened off back along the track towards Corduba, 
Then the Corduban guards tentatively approached and peered at the Spear.
GO ON, TOUCH IT, Geryon hoped.
"Donna touch it" exclaimed Velito Rosso, waving his arms expressively.
"It-a make-a you evil" he continued.

Geryon quietly fumed, but unfortunately, he could only watch.
His influence over Victor Koshenko was minimal at best. If only Victor Koshenko had held the Spear for longer, but alas, it had been a very cautious handling with cloth wrapping and ropes. 

And Brave Jose hadn't even touched the Spear directly, just via the ropes. But that had been enough to plant a seed into Brave Jose's subconscious mind. With such limited contact, only minor subliminal influence could be exerted, and only while their will was supressed. While sleeping for example, or seriously injured. But if someone actually grasped the wooden Spear, then a proper influence might be exerted.

"Is this the Spear that the witches were carrying when they burnt down Corduba?" asked the leader of the guards.
"Si si, but it OK, we-a kill all dose witches" boasted Velito Rosso.
"Now we take-a dis Spear to da Church in Corduba" Velito Rosso continued.
"You can't do that!" exclaimed the guard.

Meanwhile, up ahead in Corduba, Luigi had been lounging up the bell-tower of the Nicene Church Our Lady of Shining Grace (Nuestra Senora de la Gracia Brillante) where they had taken refuge with the disguised Lady Florinda and her minimal accompaniment of two ladies-in-waiting (Lady Isabella de Arvandus and Lady Elvira Juliana).

The miltia left Corduba
"What's this?" he wondered, as a large group of Corduban militia assembled by the city gates and then hastened off down the Baetis river, on the north bank (the party side).
"Elena, please follow those soldiers and see what is happening" Luigi politely asked.

[Elena is the NPC woman picked up in Astigi, and had been the handmaid of the personal guards of the Beggar King there. She had been "rescued" and had been most helpful to the party in the Undercity of Astigi]

She was soon back and reported to Luigi that the soldiers were heading down the river path towards a cluster of people some two kilometres from the city. It looked like there were a bunch of nuns being restrained there, and various guards. "I think it is the rest of your group" she surmised.

Some thirty minutes later, a rider flashed through the city gates and rode at haste for the Cathedral of Corduba, the Sanctuary of Luminous Virtue.

"Now why would they be summoning the Arian Church?" wondered Luigi.
"Ah, perhaps they need the Bishop" he thought.
"It must be the Spear!" he concluded.

Fifteen minutes later a large ornate and gilded coach rumbled out through the city gates, accompanied by a flat-bed wagon and a troop of white-clad church guard.

"He he" chuckled Luigi, "That will be interesting. So glad we are here in the city already." 

Thirty minutes later Luigi spotted Velito bustling through the city gate, looking around in confusion.

"Elena, please pop down to the city gate and fetch Velito back here" Luigi politely asked.

She was soon back, Velito in tow.

"Is everyone OK? asked Luigi.
"Si si, everyone-a fine. Well, maybe not-a Merkel, he-a not listen and fall-a over"
"But, more important" continues Velito, "You not-a believe what happen".


Geryon watched on through Victor Koshenko's eyes as the Corduban militia arrived and Centurion Ricardo questioned Abellinut Ugwistan about the whereabouts of the Lady Florinda.

"Is the Lady Florinda not travelling with you?" Centurion Rodrigo asked.
"Nope" grunted Abellinut Ugwistan.
"Well, where is she then?" continued Centurion Rodrigo.
"Dunno" grunted Abellinut Ugwistan.
"What do you mean? Don't you know where she is?"
"Well then, you won't mind if we make a quick search?"

The Corduban militia spread out and conducted a search of the party and the ladies' tent for Lady Florinda.

"Are these ladies not then the ladies-in-waiting of the Lady Florinda?" asked Centurion Rodrigo.
"Ah... what? replied Abellinut Ugwistan.
"Are these the Lady Florinda's ladies-in-waiting?"
"Ah... yes"
"Well, where is the Lady Florinda?" 

The Spear of Geryon
"Is that the Spear that the witches were carrying when they burnt down Corduba?" asked Centurion Rodrigo.
"Si si, but is OK, we-a kill all dose witches" boasted Velito Rosso.
"Now we take-a dis Spear to da Church in Corduba" Velito Rosso continued.
"You can't do that!" exclaimed Centurion Rodrigo.
"Si si, the Church destroy it and-a banish all it evil"

HA, chuckled Geryon to himself, LET THEM TRY.

"Why you not-a bring da Bishop already?" Velito Rosso boldly asked the Centurion.
"That's a good question" muttered Centurion Rodrigo.

Immediately thereafter a horseman was dispatched towards Corduba, and everyone settled down to wait.

Geryon rubbed his hands together in anticipation every time one of the militia drifted inquisitively close to the Spear.
"No no, you no touch-a" Velito Rosso yelled every time, "It-a make you much-a evil"

I WILL KILL HIM, fumed Geryon.
If just one of them ever got close enough and touched it, Geryon could potentially capture his mind and influence him to wield the Spear and kill Velito Rosso, and all of them. Geryon grinned. He was patient, he had waited centuries already, what was a few more hours, days, or even weeks. Nothing, that's what. But now would be better!

Geryon let his focus slide away from Victor Koshenko; nothing would happen there for a few hours he figured, he would check some of his other prospects and make sure they were heading in the correct paths. Focussing his attention to another thread of consciousness, Geryon commandeered the senses of his Toledo prospect. His eyes opened to the stately walls of King Roderic's castle in Toledo.


Able was watching the river track when a large ornate and gilded coach trundled into sight some hours later. Following the coach were a squad of white liveried soldiers, with a flat-bed wagon bringing up the rear. All the Corduban militia leapt to attention and formed a short honour guard on each side of the track.
The coach pulled up just in front of Able, and an extremely fat and richly dressed gentleman squeezed out through the door of the coach, assisted by three sturdy coachmen, and waddled across towards the Spear.

"Is this it then?" he asked, reaching out to touch the Spear.
"No no" screamed Velito, leaping in front of the man, "You no touch-a that, it-a make you evil!"
Drawing back his hand, Bishop (fatty fatty) Javier Scumeritso looked up at Velito disdainfully.
"Is this the witches' Spear?" he repeated.
"Si si, but-a you no touch-a. It-a very evil, it-a capture your soul-a"

The fat bishop looked over his shoulder at the wagon.
"Sister Sylvia" he commanded, "Come!"
A stunning vision of loveliness gracefully disembarked the coach and swayed sexily across to the bishop.
"Go hold the Spear" he commanded.

Victor dives at Sister Sylvia

Velito was so awed by the scrumptious sister Sylvia that he forgot to protest.
Velito, Victor, and Able all stood with open mouths as sister Sylvia sashayed across to the Spear, bent forward with her skimpy nun's habit stretching tightly across a firm and deliciously rounded derrière, and grasped the shaft.

As her eyes began to glow, she whispered "I do love a firm shaft"

It was Victor that recovered first. With a quick shake of his head, he dived forward and bowled the scrumptious sister Sylvia to the ground. Initially landing on top of her, he made sure the Spear had been knocked out of her hand and then gently assisted her to her feet.

"My apologies Sister" he stuttered, "You should not touch that thing!"

The fat bishop interrupted, "What did you see?"
"Fire, Flames, Torment, Deviants" she moaned.
"Si si" interjected Velito, "It-a evil, you must-a destroy it"
"Well, we definitely cannot take it into the city" exclaimed the fat bishop.
"Si si, you keep-a it safe-a somewhere else and destroy it-a good" Velito confirmed.
"We will definitely work to destroy it" agreed the fat bishop.
"But sooo much power" he quietly whispered to himself.

"Luigi know all-a about dis Spear" stated Velito, "You-a ask him, he-a tell you"
"Who is this Luigi?" queried the fat bishop.
"Luigi is-a great Nicene brother" replied Velito, "He-a in the city of Corduba, just up-a dere"

Victor and BJ assisted the guards as they loaded the Spear carefully on the flat-bed wagon, using the ropes, and secured it down onto the bed of the wagon. Velito made sure the ladies were all safe, and then hurried off to Corduba in advance of the rest of the group, "To-a find-a Luigi" he called out as he left.

The much-enlarged group then proceeded towards Corduba. The Corduban militia led the way, followed by the fat bishop's entourage, and then our main group including the ladies, the Lady Florinda's few remaining guards, and the rest of us. Able brought up the rear.

The flat-bed wagon stopped just short of the city gates, and the fat bishop assigned a number of church guards to protect the wagon while he arranged matters in the city. Everyone else files through the city gates and into Corduba. Inside the gates, we found Velito, Fabius, and Luigi waiting for us to arrive.

Bishop (fatty fatty) Javier Scumeritso

"See Bishop" yelled Velito, "Dis the famous Brother Luigi I tell-a you about. He know-a all dings"

"Where is the Lady Florinda? asked the fat bishop, his head popping out of the coach's window.

"Ah" replied Luigi, "Of that I am not exactly certain"

"Follow me" he commanded, "We go to the Cathedral. I have questions"

Everyone followed the fat bishops coach to the Arian Cathedral, the Sanctuary of Luminous Virtue, where Luigi explained the whole history of his association with the Spear, well slightly edited and embellished to maintain our good name and reputation. Starting at the church in Gades, the strange occurrences and seeming possessions, miraculous revelations, poisonings, the Spear found in the church well, religious persecution, our role to protect the great Lady Florinda of Septum, mysterious powers, lightning and flame strikes, and not to forget, Saint Vanker of the Mince.

"Great power indeed!" drooled the fat bishop, unconsciously rubbing his hands together.

The fat bishop packed us off after that. The Arian members of the party, excluding Lady Florinda who still was in hiding, stayed at the Cathedral and were assigned quarters. Fabius and Luigi headed back to their Nicene church, but wisely decided to stop in at a different church (Our Lady of Blooming Virtue) so Velito could check for followers. Velito discretely followed them and noted two church guards also following them, and quietly let Fabius know. Fabius and Luigi begged sanctuary in the church and stayed for the night. Fabius kindly sent out supper for the two guards after sunset. "I feel sorry for them" he commented. 

Velito slipped away out the back to communicate with all the dispersed members of the party, and eventually made his way back to the Shining Grace church where Hawk-eye and the undercover Lady Florinda were staying.

A mid-day gathering of the party was planned for the following day, and Velito made sure all the party knew where and when, and that everyone should be aware of the fat bishop's watchers. 

The night passed uneventfully, although Victor and BJ discover that they both had suffered from a similar nightmare. From a birds-eye vantage they had both witnessed the flat-bed wagon, still holding the Geryon Spear, parked up inside the walls of an old stone castle. Strange red lights flickered and pulsed from the Spear, and distorted skeletal figures danced around the Spear on top of the bed of the wagon. 

"It must mean something" whispered BJ to Victor.
"And nothing good either" confirmed Victor.

Thes strange nightmares were shared with the fat bishop.

"The Spear has been secured in the old Manse outside of town" he responded.
"But, you best take one of my men and get down there for a look" he commanded.

And off they went, a white clad church Centurion in tow. 
One hour later they arrived at the Manse, which looked exactly like the one from the nightmare.
Passing under the arch in the perimeter walls, they spotted the wagon, sitting in the centre of the courtyard, just like in the nightmare. But there were no strange figures, the wagon looked fine, the Spear was still strapped down to the deck, and the two guards were alert and well back from the wagon. No red or glowing eyes! Phew, false alarm!

So, back to Corduba to report to the fat bishop. Who made them all take a Holy Water bath, "just in case".

Around midday, the party gathered from their respective places of dwelling to the Aquatic Oasis, an Inn located somewhat central in the Corduba business district, for a discussion regarding their next steps. Much was said, but in the end it was decided that Lady Florinda would be consulted as to what her plans were, and we would support those plans. Velito and Fabius were sent to inquire of Lady Florinda.

Being aware of the likelihood of church watchers, Velito scouted around the Lady's Shining Grace church and spotted watchers both at the front and at the rear of the church. Wanting to keep the Lady's location hidden from the church watchers, Velito devised a plan to distract the watcher at the rear so Fabius could slip in.

"You!" yelled Velito in his best parade ground voice.
"You are supposed to be hidden back here, not lounging about being obvious"
"Even I could spot your pathetic attempt. You'll be on a charge you slacker!"

Then he turned and ran.
The watcher started after him, and Fabius slipped inside, unnoticed.

The Lady Florinda wanted to get to la Real y Rolliza Universidad Visgótica de Corduba (the Royal Corduban Visigothic University), "to study there for a period". Apparently, her lodgings were already booked at the residences there, and she would be happy to slip in using an alias. Perfect.

As Fabius, joined by Velito who had slipped the watcher in the nearby streets, left the church, the two church guards out the front didn't even give then a glance.
"Only looking out for the Lady then" concluded Fabius.

Reporting back to the party at the Aquatic Oasis, plans were developed to scout out the University the next day, and then plan an appropriate way to get Lady Florinda there and settled in.

"Who at the University is she to report to?" asked Sister Sarah.
"Um, I didn't ask" replied Fabius embarrassedly. 

That night, Victor and BJ both had another common nightmare. Very similar to the previous night they saw the Spear resting on the wagon in the courtyard of the old Manse, but this time there were only two figures dancing on the wagon and cackling. And it was them! Victor and BJ were on the wagon dancing around the Spear.

"What about the scrumptious Sister Sylvia?" wondered Victor, "She touched the Spear too"

Sure enough, the scrumptious Sister Sylvia had had the same nightmare where she had been dancing naked on the back of the wagon in the courtyard of the old Manse.

"Wish I had been there" drooled Victor.

Fabius was sent off to see Lady Florinda again, and this time actually find out who and where she was expecting to meet at University. Which he did. The Rector Pablo Cassals at the University Registry! He should be expecting Lady Florinda and two of her ladies-in-waiting. All the others would need to be released, or freed in the case of the slave girls. Appropriate funds were obtained from Lady Florinda to take care of all that business.

The river gate to the Royal Corduban
Visigothic University
Sister Sarah (as the smartest in the party), accompanied by Able (the toughest) paid a visit to the University, met with Rector Pablo, received a tour of the facilities, and at the end of the visit revealed they were acting for the Lady Florinda. Who needed to arrive incognito due to recent threats on her life.

"Bring her to the river gate by boat" suggested Rector Pablo, "It's much more discreet"

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

The Return of Geryon's Spear


  • Claudia, Sister of Mercy
    Abellinut "Able" Ugwistan, 31, Moor Arian Fighter from Septum – Jeff
  • Brave Jose "BJ", 22, Arian Visigoth Fighter from Astigi – Jamie
  • Fabius Cato, 26 Roman Nicene Temple Fighter from Rome – Richard 
  • Luigi Abundus Bertolini, 23, Roman Nicene Priest from Ravenna – Chris
  • MARMALADE Merkel, 24, Vandal Arian Temple-Fighter from Gades – Kevin
  • Hawk-Eye, 22, Arian Visigoth Barbarian from Astigi – Shane
  • Velito Rosso, 24, Roman Nicene Barbarian from Venice – Darryl
  • Victor Koshenko, 24, Alan Arian Thief from Gades – Ian
  • Sister Sarah, 22 Arian Visigoth Priestess from Hispalis- Steven
by Richard

... and as Able stares at him in disbelief, just as a huge jet of flame shoots toward them, fortunately falling short some 20m.

The soldiers back away, their mettle being tested. Brave Jose, BJ, voids his bowel at the thought of the black moor skinning him alive, and Able does all he can to stop himself removing BJs head.

BJ scuttles out the back of the shore party, and decides to see if he can skirt around the three Sisters of Mercy. 

"This is rugged country" BJ thinks as he stumbles his way some 50m off the track, before deciding the going is too tough and therefore he should return to the shore party [ lack of wilderness skills ].

Meanwhile, it has taken Able all that he can to calm the now 21 Royal Guard (King Roderic's men). They have formed into a wedge behind Able stretched out back along the road to Cordoba. 

"We are with you, Captain Able!" they call out nervously.

Back at the barge party, Luigi is looking at the crystal vial with its red liquid. He shakes it gently and then pulls the cork from it and takes a discreet whiff. It smells metallic. He quickly puts the cork back in and secrets it in his bag. 

"The Sisters of Mercy must not get this," he thinks. "If needs be, I will drink it."

The barge party have the remaining four Florinda soldiers and Fabius set with their bows and swords, hidden from view of the road, but ready for action. The Lady Florinda must be protected. Velito has hidden himself at the banks of the river, some 40m up the road from Fabius and the soldiers – ready to throw his net and spring into action (from behind the sisters).

Florinda and her maidens plus Luigi and Justina and the Beggar King's girl are some 100m back – well out of harm's way, and also hoping that the Sisters will be drawn into the trap by seeking out the red vial. 
Samwise the kestrel

"Hawkeye, send up your hawk and see what's going on," suggested Fabius.

Some debate occurs, and then Hawkeye releases his kestrel (Hawkeye has an infernal Talent that allows him to see through the eyes of his animal companion for ten minutes - by using two Luck).

Hawkeye provides a running commentary. The kestrel sees the soldiers in a wedge formation and then as it draws nearer, sees a man standing at the front of the group being hit by a blast of flame and thrown 15m back. He lies on the ground momentarily and then shakes himself, and stands up, before running to the Baetis river and sitting in the shallows to cool off.

Those of us listening to Hawkeye's rendition all murmur – "idiot".

The kestrel returns and we start the waiting game, knowing that inevitably the Sisters will approach.

Back at the shore party, Victor (was waiting in Corduba) has now caught up, although does not make his presence known, preferring to lurk in the undergrowth.

BJ is insistent he can cause trouble by shooting at the Sisters. His bow shots are ineffective as is typically the inevitable response of the black spear being thrown, which falls short. 

BJ is confident the Sisters cannot throw the spear that far, until one of his arrow shots flies' past the head of the one of the sisters, who immediately throws the spear with obvious anger. BJ watches as its trajectory it sails toward him.

"This might be closer," he thinks. "Oh, shit it's going to hit me!"

At that thought, BJ dives to the side as the spear lodges itself into the ground where he once stood, erupting in flame (he made a successful Dodge roll).

The flame envelops BJ who falls to the ground smoking (a successful Arcane Save with a bit of luck means BJ only takes 10 points of damage).

"That was close" he thinks, seeing a kestrel out the corner of his eye, as he runs to the river and cools himself down in the shallows.

The Sisters turn and start their march downstream along the barge-horse track next to the Baetis river. Able and his 21 soldiers follow reluctantly, but keeping their distance.

The barge party patiently wait, and about an hour or so later, they see the three Sisters. They are slowly approaching up the road. They pass Velito hiding by the river, almost close enough to smell his sweat. A further 10m they stop as if they instinctively know something awaits. Fabius swears one is looking straight at him.

They move forward even more slowly until they are in "the kill zone". 

Fabius signals to the soldiers. He and two others unleash their arrows wreaking havoc on the Sisters (they actually do 20 plus damage on the sister holding the spear) and then they charge into the fray. At this Velito throws his net and successfully entangles the sister carrying the spear. A battle ensues and what a battle it is!

Fabius takes on the sister with the spear, while Velito and one other attack her (subtlety slightly after Fabius to avoid being attacked). One guard faces another, whilst two fight the remaining sister.

And where is Hawkeye? – oh yes, we forgot about him for a few rounds – our bad. 

After what seems like an age (probably 2-3 minutes), Able and his 21 men and BJ also join us. Without them we would most certainly have fallen.

Another few minutes and we stand still, breathing heavily and blood covering us. We count the toll.
three dead Sisters of Mercy – it was clear, after a time, normal weapons caused no material damage to whoever held the spear. In fact, we inflicted 108 damage to one and it was only Sister Sarah and Luigi throwing holy water that actually killed her. We were fortunate with another who fumbled and dropped the spear, immediately collapsing from the damage caused to her. The third one was cut down.
Able was down to 2 hit points, Hawkeye on 9 and BJ on 4 – all having been injured by the flame caused when the spear cut down a soldier.

 Fabius was on 7 points having successfully saved vs Arcane Defence twice to save his skin. Velito was on 5 points having been hit by the spear and failed his Arcane save but only taking 7 points of damage on 4D6. 

Six soldiers are dead

The spear lay on the ground. 

"We need to consecrate ground and cure…" 
"We need to get rid of the spear…."
"I like the spear…. "
"We need to get to town….. "
We need to protect Lady Florinda….. she can't go to town…"
"We need to cure…… "
"We need a barge…"
"We should take the spear to the Bishop, he will know what to do….."

Chaos erupted

Sister Sarah and Fabius found some suitable ground to consecrate and started that process. Once complete, they started curing and by dusk that day had most people back to close to full.

Victor dragging the spear
Able set up guards, both downstream and upstream of our position, and then after two hours and being cured, went back to Corduba to take most of the 21 soldiers (and keep them away from Florinda) and get some bolts of cloth to disguise the women. He arrived back just before dusk.

BJ and Victor were fascinated by the spear. Eventually Victor tied a rope to it and started dragging it everywhere. In fact, he touched it at one stage and his eyes glowed red before he was convinced to drop it. 

That night we camped peacefully. We cooked a hearty meal and debated the Nicene and Arian positions. Of course, both Nicene and Arian believed in the same god. The heretical Arian's though, incorrectly interpreted the Latin translation of he bible to mean that Jesus was not divine (what a ridiculous theory thought Fabius – next people will be thinking the clergy don’t have divine powers). Whilst that interpretation and resulting impacts was heretical, the Nicene and Arian followers largely lived in peace as Christian brethren. It wasn’t as though they were pagan. Or worse, Islamic.

The camp slept well that night. Fabius and Sister Sarah restored magic points whilst the others variously guarded and slept.

A fine morning dawned. After much further debate, it was decided that walking into Corduba with all of us, 10 or so soldiers and 17 hand-maidens plus Florinda, was somewhat obvious. Rather Fabius, on horse, with the now-marmalading Luigi strapped on, sister Justina, Centurion Rodrigo and two ladies-in-waiting plus Florinda would go into Corduba first. Florinda was disguised as a nun (just like the Sisters of Mercy) and her two chief ladies-in-waiting were dressed down as novices in white.

After travelling a few hours, they made Corduba safely (the Baetis gate was still open and all the Corduban troops were mopping up damage from the fires two nights ago), and went to small unburned Nicene church Nuestra Senora de la Gracia Brillante (Our Lady of Shining Grace). Fabius had convinced Lady Florinda it was safer there, albeit had failed to convince her not to come to Corduba at all ! She was intent on visiting la Real y Rolliza Universidad Visgótica de Corduba (the Royal Corduban Visigothic University), and if she were captured then that was the fulfillment of prophesy. 

"You have to admire her faith," thought Fabius.

A few hours after Florinda left, the remaining huge group made their way to Corduba. Victor dragging the spear behind.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

The Great Fire of Corduba


  • Abellinut "Able" Ugwistan, 31, Moor Arian Fighter from Septum – Jeff
  • Brave Jose "BJ", 22, Arian Visigoth Fighter from Astigi – Jamie
  • Fabius Cato, 26 Roman Nicene Temple Fighter from Rome – Richard 
  • Luigi Abundus Bertolini, 23, Roman Nicene Priest from Ravenna – Chris
  • Merkel, 24, Vandal Arian Temple-Fighter from Gades – Kevin
  • Hawk-Eye, 22, Arian Visigoth Barbarian from Astigi – Shane
  • Velito Rosso, 24, Roman Nicene Barbarian from Venice – Darryl
  • Victor Koshenko, 24, Alan Arian Thief from Gades – Ian
  • Sister Sarah, 22 Arian Visigoth Priestess from Hispalis- Steven
by Richard

"Corduba burns! Corduba burns!" came the cries from the soldiers dressed in King Roderic's livery, as they fled north from the burning city. 

The Shore Party

The shore party has split into two groups but after some time reformed and took the road to Corduba, on foot. After a few hours, they glanced over their shoulders and could see four black robed women following them in the distance but not at a pace to catch up.

But what Able did notice (successful spot hidden) was a skeletal snake slithering quickly along the side of the road from behind – clearly from the four women.

"Where is the fifth one?" mused Victor quietly.

"Coming now!" yelled Able, having overheard Victor and pointing at the snake. "Remember these?"

Able steps forward to take the attack of the "snake" (now more clearly a spine with a skull) and after a few moments, shatters it to pieces, having taken only a minor graze himself (and a successful save poison roll).

"We'd better get moving," says BJ, "we don’t want any more of those"

They decide to walk through the night to get to Corduba. The group seem to be holding up well, but notice the four women have increased their speed, and will catch the group well before they reach Corduba (estimated to be at midnight). 

They hasten their speed and see several copses of trees off to the side of the road.

 "Let's go in there and wait for them" suggests Able.

"Good idea" puffs Sister Sarah wondering how much more of this march she can endure.

They reach the trees and go into them for a way, and then set up a defendable position. Victor sneaks out and lays watch.

Victor sees the four women stand and stare at the copse for a time, and then turn and make haste down the road for Corduba.

After reporting back Victor suggests "there is no point following them, they are moving faster and we could do with the rest"

The others concur and settle down for a peaceful night's rest.

The Barge Party

Meanwhile the Barge party are now also camped having lost their barge (a fact the shore party were oblivious to).

As the shore party had run for their cowardly lives, the four women and the barge had exchanged shots over the afternoon. Occasionally, one would throw the spear which would land harmlessly in the Baetis river (and re-appear back in Claudia's hand), and then Fabius and Merkel would fire back.

On one of these exchanges Fabius and Merkel had successfully hit and killed one of the women.  Hence why there were only four and a "snake".

Unfortunately, later in the day, Claudia did a good throw and the black spear had flown over the river and hit one of the horses. It had exploded into small pieces of meat (oh how we miss Vanker) and scared the crap out of the other horses, and killed the guard looking after them.

The barge's stern had then begun to drift out into the centre of the river. It took all of Velito's self-professed skills to control the barge and anchor it to the shore.

"Si si – I am a master boatman" Velito strutted.

We now had an issue that we had no horses that could pull the barge (1 dead, 1 ran away and 2 injured).

"Luigi – you cure – you cure" demanded Velito

"We need consecrated ground" said Fabius

"Si si" sighed Velito

We were in the process of getting everyone off the barge – the Lady Florinda, her 8 handmaidens, her 13 serving women, the guards and us lot, when the spear sailed across the river and, this time, hit the barge, resulting in a large explosion of flame. 

"How come they hit us now?" rightfully pointed out Merkel.

"Get the stuff off the barge!" commanded Fabius

"And don’t forget our chest of coins" called Luigi (remember we got 100 silver coins - about $10.000 equivalent – from the "Beggar King's" safe)

We quickly got everything off the barge before it was fully consumed by fire. At that point, we notice the four Sisters of Mercy have gone (off in pursuit of the shore party)

We leave the burning barge. Fabius is riding with the chest strapped to the back of a horse at the front together with a guard (also riding), and Merkel walking with a silly grin on his face. Velito, Hawkeye and two guards come up the rear and Luigi, Florinda and the women amble along in their very impractical slippers and heels.

"This will be a slow trip" we all think.

Dusk is nearing and we set up camp. 

"We walk at night" suggests Velito.

"The women can't and they are tiring" observes Fabius

"Si si"

We set up camp and decide that Merkel, Fabius, Hawkeye and Velito will stay awake guarding all night.

A hearty meal is cooked and the honey mead broken out. Luigi is sitting looking rather pleased with himself, and rummaging through his bag for another flask when his hand closes on a small smooth object. Pulling it out of the bag, he has a small crystal bottle his hand with what looks like diluted blood in it.

"I forgot we had this" says Luigi happily.

"Me too, me too" chips in Velito 

"That’s what the ladies must be looking for" announces Merkel happily and loudly.

We all look at him and each other. Luigi puts the vial away.

About four hours later, in the far distance, we see a massive flame erupt into the night sky quickly followed by another. 

"That is near Corduba" says Hawkeye

More fire erupts in the far distance and we remain vigilant.

A few more hours pass and then just at dawn as everyone is waking, there is a further eruption of flame but this time much closer. 

We prepare for what we know is coming – the four women of Geryon.

The Shore Party.

BJ and Able are on watch when at about 10pm or 11pm there is a massive explosion in the distance. 

"That’s around Corduba" says BJ

"Let's wake the others and go" says Able

"Ahh why?" asks BJ "surely that's dangerous"

"It will be the four women" 


"They will be looking to cross the river and get to the Lady Florinda" insists Able

"Leave them to their own ends" states a sleepy Victor who has woken with the noise.

"We must go – hurry up!" commands Able

Everybody reluctantly gathers their things and makes toward Corduba on the old roman road.

More flashes of flame are seen as they draw nearer and then the sound of running feet toward them

"Corduba burns! Corduba burns!" came the cries from the guards in King Roderic's livery, as they fled north from the burning city.

"Stop and tell us what you see," commands Able quite authoritatively.

The men stop and after quite some time and lengthy conversations Able persuades them (after a successful persuade roll) to travel with him back to Corduba to face what he soldiers are calling the witches.

"It’s the Lady Florinda" one of them says. "We were sent here to capture her. She's a witch"

"No, she's not," disagreed Able

But there was no time to dally and they speed toward Corduba, By the time they got close, Able had managed to cajole, pressure and bully some twelve soldiers in the king's livery to join him.

As they near the city gates they can see fire from just behind the walls and more fires in the city. The gates have been blown up by the flames.

Guards are lying burnt on the ground and the stench of burning flesh is everywhere. Screams are heard from within the city.
Victor spots movement on the ground to their right and a skeletal snake is seen rapidly closing on the large group. Able steps forward and takes the attack being bitten deeply on the leg (6 points of damage) before he and the soldiers shatters its skeletal body.

They move forward to the gates to have only another snake rear its head. This time to be smashed by Able and the soldiers before it can inflict any grievous wound.

The men are in awe of his black moor warrior. "All hail Captain Able!" they cry out in unison as they enter the city.

The barracks are on fire just inside the walls. Screams can be heard from within. 

"Follow the fires" commands Able and that is what they do, passing burning bodies and many small terrified children.

After some time, they finally come to a bridge across the river where there are a number of Corduban guards standing over a woman in a black robe. 

"and then there were three" smiles Able. "They have crossed the river and are heading toward Florinda – lets go" says Able.

"Ahh why?" says Victor in barely a whisper.

"Because we serve her and must protect her"

"Maybe she is a witch" says Victor

"We haven’t got time to argue – stay here if you want – the rest of us will go" and with that all but Victor head off at pace back along the shores of the river.

The group are going as fast as possible and glimpse ahead of them a set of red eyes occasionally looking back. There were now twenty men in the King's livery following Able.

"We've caught up but don’t get too close" says Able

"Why not too close?" questions BJ

"because of the spear of course".

Dawn is near and they continue to follow the women. As the light increases it is apparent the black robed women are some 75m in front of the group and keeping steady pace. They seem very focused on the way ahead.

"We will have them caught between us and the barge party soon" thinks Able – "we will have them then" 

'What could go wrong?" Able mused as an arrow passed over his head and landed close to the three women in front. They stop and turn slowly and stare back.

A bead of perspiration winds its way down BJ's forehead as Able stares at him in disbelief, just as a huge jet of flame shoots toward them, fortunately falling short some 20m.

The soldiers back away, their mettle being tested, BJ voids his bowel at the thought of he black moor skinning him alive and Able does all he can to stop himself removing BJs head.

Will the soldiers stay?
Will the shore party (except the cowardly Victor) be burned in the fames of hell? 
Will the party reunite? 
Will Velito ever shut up? 
And what about that red vial? 
….. the answers might become clearer next week (although then again they might not) …..