Tuesday, March 19, 2024

The Light in the Sky



    Velito Rosso
  • Abellinut "Able" Ugwistan, 31, Moor Arian Fighter from Septum - Jeff
  • Aulius "Owl" Lucius Decanter, 25, Polytheistic Fighter from Gades - Jamie
  • Luigi Abundus Bertolini, 23, Roman Nicene Priest from Ravenna - Chris
  • MARMALADE: Merkel, 24, Vandal Arian Temple-fighter from Gades - Kevin
  • Vanker Polyester, 22, Vandal Pagan Rogue from Gades - Shane
  • Velito Rosso, 24, Roman Nicene Barbarian from Venice - Darryl
  • Victor Koshenko, 24, Alan Arian Thief from Gades - Ian
  • MARMALADE: Fabius Cato, 26 Roman Nicene Temple Fighter from Rome – Richard
by Darryl

Prepared by the large language model between Darryl's ears.

Following is a transcription of a story told by Velito Rosso, as in his old age he recounts many of his adventures. He is unable to read and write hence the transcription of his spoken tale.

So now I a tell you about the next-a part of my adventures with the great-a Spanish group of fellow travellers.

We decide-a to travel onto Corduba using the barge-a as the way to get-a there, safer and more comfortable for all, I think-a. So, I a runna around-a getting the barge-a all ready for the great-a lady and all her hand-a maidens, (especially for a one of them, wink wink-a wink-a, baddaboom baddaboom). 
We have-a a new member of the group-a, Elena, the beggar cleaning girl from the beggar underground-a town, and she a follows the sister Justina and Luigi everywhere. 

Rodrigo, the commander of the great-a Lady Florinda's guards then a discussed with us all about how many of the guards come with us and how a many should go with the five coaches that will meet us in Corduba. Eventually we end-a up with seven of-a them staying with us to help in the guarding.

It a was a lovely barge with two cabins for the great-a ladies, a small a shrine at da bow of the boat-a, some big oars if needed, and we were a pulled by four great horses. I, of course, took a hold of the tiller being the great-a sea captain, and we a set forth along the small a river (Singilis north from Astigi) heading towards the main river (Baetis) that head a east to Corduba. 

At about 10am in the morning, Vanker begin a spluttering and then with a screams his a body jump-a around-a and his back arches and a flings him about a lotta. He then settles back a down and marmalade again begins its a oozing from his nose. We are all-a bit-a upset at a seeing this, and so Brother Luigi places a lotta drawn crosses all around-a him.  The rest of the morning passes peacefully.

At about a lunch time, when we are having a very a nice a lunch, Vanker once again begins a spluttering but this time he stand up-a and says "morning all". He seems a better, and all a back to normal.

Whilst we a finish our a lunch, Vanker and  Aulius wander off to have-a chat-a and it is not until much-a later that I know what-a they say to each a other:

"I am a bit worried that our ex-lord might be getting a bit upset with us."

"Yes, I think you are right."

"This Christian god might be ok and he may be able to beat the old bugger off."

"Yeah, but that so-called holy water burns, and I can't get close to the altar to pray, so maybe this won't work out."

"Yeah, and this hair-shirt itches like hell itself."

"Maybe we should find some other more lowly and less controlling pagan god."

"We need a nice local Druid to help us out."

"How about Cernunnos, the ancient Celtic god?"

"Yeah, he sounds good, and you get free antlers."

Aulius touched Vanker and a vision flashes between them, and they both straight away see exactly where the Spear of Christ was buried. Next to a little copse and a gnarly tree.

"Mmmm, but I think we may have to head off to England to find someone to help us convert."

Vanker: "What about Bacchus the Roman god?"

Aulius exclaims "Silvanus - a roman god would be perfect"

"Who is he?"

"The Roman god of the forest, dummy."

"Yeah, but Bacchus allows for a bit of drinkin' and carousing - being the god of pleasure and indulgence."

Vanker: "We must make the greatest show of being good Christians until we find someone to help us with joining Silvanus or Bacchus. I am looking forward to the more wine thing."

The rest of the group we do not a know of this at the time, and so we a pack up and carry on peacefully for the rest of the day, passing only a one a river boat going in the other way. 

We stop a just a before the fork in the river as we not a want to cross over and do the complicated things just a before the dark of the night-a. So, we set a up the camp-a and do our normal guard type a things.

The sister kindly says a to Vanker and Aulius that she would like to a heal the poor men who are both a looking rather injured. But they a say that they are-a very holy humble and devout-a Christians and as a such wish to remain a injured and let-a the Lord his self-a heal them as and when a he thinks it is a right-a. I could hear much-a guffawing in a my a head at this a time.

Then a things begin a getting very strange and scary. As the a dinner is being a prepared a, one of the hand-a maidens has fire creep-a up her arm from the pot of lovely stew and she a begins screaming. Then she begins a wailing "Geryon, Geryon" and she is a running and a pointing at Aulius.

The sister and Luigi are a able to calm her a down and heal her. She is able to say to them that she has a vision of the beasts and the fire and the giant Geryon and that a Aulius is the one to a blame. Luigi tells her that it is a not to a worry and that it is a church's business, and that he will a sort-a it out-a.

The rest of the a night passes ok, and then a in the morning Luigi goes a up a to Vanker and Aulius: "Is Geryon following us?"

Aulius : "I am no longer connected to him. I defy him and am not a follower."

"And you Vanker?"

"I know of him but that is all I know. I know nothing about the spear I never touched the filthy thing."

"Do you consent to a Detect Evil?"

 "A what?

"Detect Evil miracle"


Luigi flicks some holy water on him, and Vanker says "Ow that hurts! Why pour acid on me?!"

"You are evil!"

"Oh, that's not good."

The sister Justina did not a see and then Luigi he a begins to tumble towards the barge and falls down out of the way covered in marmalade. [ Chris leaving for the night ]

Sister Justina flicks some a holy water at Aulius, but Aulius was a able to turn away and hide the great-a pain as it a sears into his flesh. She is a then a convinced that Aulius is on the healing path.

As a for the rest of us, we a get-a the boat across-a to the other side of a the river with a great mastery from myself-a. And we now a travel up-stream the main a part of the Baetis river. The horses have a to pull a lotta more. 

Aulius and a Vanker go for another walk-a alone:

"It is only a matter of time before we are burnt at the stake"

"I reckon we do a runner."

"Ok, let's do that tonight."

And they call themselves Christians.

We travel on until it is a time again for one of the great lady's wonderful lunches as and we stoppa for the normal 2 to 3 hours of eating and a sleeping (afternoon siesta). 

Aulius convinces us that he and a Vanker need to take a the horses to a place that is a better for the grazing for the horses, and so he and a Vanker. they take-a the two horses and they a rides off in the not-setting sun. We of course being asleep-a do not know of this, and when we awakes and are a ready for starting on again we not are able to find-a them. We look and we await-a and we look and we await-a and then we get a worried. 

We setup-a the guard for the night, but we have a no-one that-a canna look around in the ground for the tracks and we a not know-a what has a gone on. We not know-a what a to do and as we wait-a. Able begins a spluttering and stands a up and wipes the marmalade from his mouth. We decide to a stay here for a one a night just in case something will happen and the great Aulius and Vanker come-a back.

That-a night all is a quiet until Viktor on the last a watch sees, in the sky, a long-day's walk away, a great a flame shining and exploding into the sky. He awakes us and we a not a understand, but we also take a note that we have not had any one again be a screaming and a seeing demons, so maybe we think to us that this a was a happening because of Vanker and Aulius and maybe we should a be going onwards in the morning.

This we a do and we arrive in a river town called Detumo, after we a pass a lot a more barges on this busy part of the river. The lady, she a wants to do the praying in the Arian Chapel of the Professed Light, so we stop-a and she go and do her praying, and we have a look-a around-a a bit in the town. We are a wanting a couple more of the guards so as to help-a us now that Aulius and Vanker are not a with us no more-a. We spot-a a couple of likely looking a men a when we are in the square [ Jamie and Shane's new characters ]. They are a standing about-a but have-a the look-a of the adventure about them and so we a goer up-a to them and we begin a talking.

"You two a looking for some a work?"

"Yeah, what is the offer?"

"Standard merc rates."

They ask-a a bunch of the questions and decide they like the look of a sit-on-the-barge type of job, so we say that-a they can join a upper with us and we are all a bit more a happy to have-a more of the guards with a us.

Their names are Hawk-eye and BJ.

Well that-a is all of my a story today, now that I am a older man I cannot tell-a more of my a story, but maybe I tell-a you some more the next-a  time we a are together again.

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