- Abellinut "Able" Ugwistan, 31, Moor Arian Fighter from Septum - Jeff
- Aulius "Owl" Lucius Decanter, 25, Polytheistic Fighter from Gades - Jamie
- Luigi Abundus Bertolini, 23, Roman Nicene Priest from Ravenna - Chris
- MARMALADE: Merkel, 24, Vandal Arian Temple-fighter from Gades - Kevin
- Vanker Polyester, 22, Vandal Pagan Rogue from Gades - Shane
- Velito Rosso, 24, Roman Nicene Barbarian from Venice - Darryl
- Victor Koshenko, 24, Alan Arian Thief from Gades - Ian
- Fabius Cato, 26 Roman Nicene Temple Fighter from Rome – Richard
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The Lady Florinda |
by Richard
The group, less Elia and Owl, arrived in the town of Astigi (4400). Elia and Owl were avoiding any contact with the church (Nicene or Arian) and were circling the town and carrying the "Spear of Christ". They were radiating evil and had the church looking for them.
"I wish to see the prophet here" announced Lady Florinda.
"We need to keep moving" debated Velito "it's not safe, si?"
"I wish to see the prophet. And I will" Florinda reinforced
"Si si" Velito acquiesced.
At this point the group had settled in town. Florinda and the wagon train were staying at the Arian Church of the Sacred Flame. Luigi, Justina and Velito were at the Nicene Our Lady of Radiant Hope.
We were currently visiting the Inn of The Bronze Bull. A shout from Able alerted the group to some white-robed men and guards arriving outside.
The priest with the white-cloaks introduced himself and enquired about "The Spear of Christ" and its whereabouts.
Luigi honestly declared "we don’t know – it's with two of our companions but they left a few days ago"
"Well let me know the moment they return" demanded the Nicene priest. "Bishop Diego Maldicion has sent a guard for you and priestess Justina – he wants no harm to come to you."
At that point Fabius Cato steps forward. He is a large man, some 6'2", and of plain demeanour. He is bearded and wears dark leather armor and has an enormous sword strapped to his back. He wears the holy symbols of the Nicene church.
Fabious Cato |
"What your name?" Velito boldly enquired and without waiting for an answer said to Luigi "Can we trust him?"
"I am a Nicene temple fighter" stated Fabius. "My word is my bond" and with that handed over his written introduction and references to Brother Luigi.
"I still not trust hem" Velito continued "I don't trust anyone anymore".
"Maybe we should do a Detect Evil" Victor suggested.
"Si si" said Velito.
Luigi politely enquired of Fabius "can we cast the miracle Detect Evil, good sir? We have seen disturbing visions and signs and indeed evil has been our unwanted companion".
"Whatever you command Brother" said Fabius staring intently at Velito.
The next two hours were spent moving to consecrated ground, and casting Detect Evil (initial fail by Luigi). No evil was detected and the group welcomed Fabius.(fortunately evil Vanker was marmalading at this point and so did not detect)
[ It should be noted that Fabius is Richard's new character – He decided that Elia in her evil state was not helpful for party cooperation and better that she retire gracefully ]
"Where you from?" asked Velito
"Rome" replied Fabius "and is that a Venetian accent I detect?"
"Si si – you know Venetians"
"I know they are pirates and smugglers living on islands – that's what I know"
"No no – I am a trader – no smuggler"
"Hmmm" uttered Fabius with doubt.
"I need to see the prophet" Lady Florinda reminded us.
"Where can he be found?" asked Victor
"It is not a large town – make some enquiries and then take me to him" the lady insisted
And that’s what we did. Velito and Victor set out to ask about the prophet and soon discovered that he lived in the dock area.
Astigi is located on the Singilis River. A wide navigable river which has a high volume of trade. Astigi is also one of the only crossing points (a detail Owl would realize soon - he would need to use Astigi's Roman bridge to cross the Singilis).
The group head to the docks to find the Prophet and seek audience for Florinda.
The docks are bustling with energy with a number trade boats in. A few discrete enquiries determine that the prophet lives in the "Undercity" with the entrance under the wharves.
We find a ladder down and Velito and Victor descend.
"Ohhh it stinks" Velito's voice echoes up.
Below the dock's wharves is also a hive of activity with various "roads" leading along the river and underground. Victor asks a nearby vagrant where the prophet is.
"What's it to you?" is the unhelpful response but a more helpful one is extracted with a few coins.
"I will show you" and the rather unpleasant-smelling man leads them to a rundown lean-to.
"He's in there but not just anyone can see him!"
"De Lady Florinda wants to see 'im," Velito chimes in "and she will pay."
With that encouragement, the man goes to the lean-to and chats to a couple of other unsavoury characters, who were clearly guarding the door. After a minute or so he returns.
"Yeah, he will see the Lady. Bring her tomorrow morning."
"Si si" says Velito as he and Victor depart, returning to the group.
The night passes and the next morning the group with Lady Florinda, and her guards in tow, head to the docks. Velito sets up a boatswain's chair to help the lady down and the rest of us, plus five caravan guards, descend into the squalor.
The guards at the shanty advise us only the Lady can go in.
"I check first – I check first" insists Velito who goes in alone and weaponless. Inside he sees a man who he assumes is the prophet, sitting on a pile of cushions. He seems unremarkable but Velito can see no danger and exits.
"It safe to go in" he declares "but why you want to see him? – he seems – aghh – underwhelming."
"Because his prophesies are remarkably accurate," responds Florinda
"Si si" says Velito
The lady enters the lean-to and Victor positions himself, hidden, by the door to hopefully overhear what is said and with the help of a successful luck roll – he does.
The prophet tells Florinda she is to be kidnapped in Corduba (where we happen to be going) and that she will be taken to the court of the King, and that some of her guards will be enslaved.
The prophet then asks Florinda to send brother Luigi in "I need to talk to him".
The lady is somewhat miffed having been dismissed but leaves and talks to Luigi.
"I will go with him" states Fabius
"No one else," says one of the door guards dubiously.
"It's alright Fabius – wait outside" instructs Luigi.
Luigi enters and the prophet immediately asks Luigi to bring the "Spear of Christ" to him.
"I see its return to me"
"We don’t have it – its with others of our group who left days ago"
"Bring it to me" says the prophet.
"We need it to cure Sister Justina" says Luigi.
"I can cure her" states the prophet " but to do so I need you to fulfil a task for me. Bring me the Beggar King's flask - the Flask of Water."
"Agh where do we find that?" asks Luigi.
"With the Beggar King you fool, and when you bring it to me I will cure her"
Luigi leaves uncertain about the prophet and the task being asked for. Returning to the group we all return to the Bronze Bull to wash the filth off and discuss next steps. Much debate occurs and during this time Vanker awakes from his marmalading state.
"I will talk to Justina" volunteers Vanker and strides off to her room.
"Who are you?" demands Fabius blocking the door.
"Vanker – but more to point who are you?"
"Fabius – Luigi's and Justina's guard – and you can't go in – you look like a pagan."
"It's alright Fabius " calls Justina from in the room "he's my friend."
"Should he remove his weapons?"
"Yes, good idea" says Justina.
Vanker considers resisting but decided this rather large man may actually do some damage and therefore discretion was the better part of valour – and hands his weapons over.
"A garrotte is a coward's weapon" accuses Fabius.
Vanker smiled and walked past. Fabius breaks the garrotte but isn’t smiling.
Flask of Water |
Vanker returns a while later confirming Justina would like to be cured by the prophet and therefore supports the "recovery" of the Beggar King's Flask of Water.
Velito and Victor quickly head off asking about the Beggar King and where he can be found. A few coins assist in understanding that he lives in the Undercity.
"You take me to him" asks Velito.
"No" says the beggar.
"I give you this" says Velito showing quite a few coins.
The beggar considers for a time and then motions to Velito to follow him. They go to the docks, down a ladder and enter the Undercity. Following underground streets, they eventually come a curtained area where the beggar motions Velito to go though. There is a room with two exits and in the room is a man.
"What the fuck do you want?" the man demands
"To see the Beggar King" responds Velito.
"Do you want a beggar's license?" questions the man.
"No no – I want the Beggar King's Flask – I buy, si?" [ out of game the rest of us roll our eyes, the gods smirk and the dead grind their teeth, at Velito's "subtle" approach.]
"Fuck off," states the man
"No no – si" starts Velito.
"Fuck off now" interrupts the man beginning to draw his sword.
"I go" a rapidly retreating Velito says.
Velito finds his way out of the Undercity and returns to us and unapologetically relays his findings.
Muttering under our breath, we decide there must be alternative access points to the Undercity. In fact, the only good Velito did was establish, through some uncanny sense, that he was nearly under the Church of the Sacred Flame when he met the man.
We decided to go to the church and enter. Victor and Vanker get talking to one of the acolytes who advises them there is an entrance to the Undercity via the crypt beneath the church. We all notice Vanker shuffling uncomfortably as he and Victor go past the altar and descend.
A while later they return confirming there is indeed an entrance to the Undercity.
"It's late" says Luigi – "let's rest he night and return in the morning"
We return to the Bronze Bull and to our surprise see Aulius "Owl" Lucius lounging suspiciously in the bar.
"Couldn’t get over the river," Owl states.
"Where is Elia?" asks Vanker
"Where is the Spear of Christ?" asks Luigi
"Elia has gone and I do not know where although I do know she was troubled. She has taken the spear" states Owl.
"Did you look for her?" asked Luigi.
"She is a barbarian – she covered her tracks well" said Owl bringing an end to the discussion.
[ In fact, what happened is Owl could not find Elia but she did not take the spear. Rather, Owl used it to talk to Geryon who showed mixed visions of variously Elia being burned-alive in lava in agony and despair, and of being with Geryon in joy and ecstasy. Geryon also demanded more souls. Owl decided that he would bury the spear and try and put all of this behind him. ]
"We must find the spear" a panicked Justina stated.
"It is gone" Owl said firmly "but I need healing and to go to confession."
"Tomorrow," stated Luigi as he collapses, marmalade spewing from his mouth. [ Chris left ]
The night passes peacefully and we head to Our Lady of Radiant Hope to get Owl healed and to give confession. Justina, now on consecrated ground, successfully casts a Heal but given Owl's "nature" he takes 3 damage and is now on 1 HP. This of course raises the suspicions of the priest (and indeed Fabius) and so Owl hastily drags his wounded body to another Nicene church, Our Lady of Serene Wisdom, to offer confession.
Hair shirt |
"You must wear this hair shirt for two weeks and say 30 Hail Mary's per day" the priest said handing out his demands for repentance.
Owl put the shirt on and returned to the party. We escort him back to the inn where he retires to lick his wounds and the rest of us go to the Church of the Sacred Fame to enter the Undercity.
We enter the church and make our way to the crypt. We then descend a flight of stairs, through an iron grill gate, to the Undercity.
Velito recognizes this area as the way he came the day before and points out a doorway blocked by a curtain. "In deer" he says.
Deciding to move with speed, Able launces himself through the curtain surprising three guards.
A fight erupts. Able misses [ in fact fumbles and needs to expend 2 luck to avoid the nasty consequence ] and is hit for 2 damage. He has been unable to press into the room. The next round is belter. Able uses 2 luck to hit and does 6 damage on his opponent and pushes him into the room enabling Fabius to enter.
The fight continues with Able killing his opponent (albeit after being wounded again) and the with the aid of Vanker kills another, while Fabius kills the last guard.
They press on to the opposite door and listen. There are voices.
Velito rummages around in his pack and finds an oil flask [ he uses his Special Talent for 2 luck ], lights it and tosses it in the room. There are screams and Fabius leaps into the room splitting open the head of one further guard while calling the other to surrender (which he does).
Fabius knocks him out while Vanker and Velito tie the woman who was also in the room.
We quickly listen at a closed door, hear nothing and push it open, entering onto a further street of the Undercity.
"Which way to the Beggar King?" Vanker asks the women, encouraging her with a dagger to her throat.
She points to the right and we hurriedly follow her directions…………. but to what end and to whom….? We shall see.
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