The cast: Bear [Ian], Dexter [Jamie], Gillard [Kevin], Myrtle [Andrew], Oliver [Jeff], Tu [Shane].
Marmaladers: Ouzo [Darryl], Scuttle [Chris], Debbie [Steven]
Marmaladers: Ouzo [Darryl], Scuttle [Chris], Debbie [Steven]
This ballad was written to the old Scottish Waly Waly tune ("There is a Ship and she sails the sea" - Peter, Paul and Mary). Which is 4/5, 4/5, 5/5, 4/4 syllable meter.
It morphed and morphed; a naked lady.
A were-raven she, so we realized.
Another witch, was "were" disguised.
Jemima REAL, priestess from the town
Escorting us, a witness renown.
She had skills superb, for to draw and trace
A lovely sketch, of were-corpse face.
We took this pic, and then sealed it nigh
Some one, in time, could identify.
And tell us which witch, was the raven "were"
A Malechai, for certain here.
Then back to Skulk, where we stayed the night
The next day dawned, we gathered first light.
To escort a man, was our job that morn
Wallace the priest, of Caribou Gorn.
We travelled up, tribu'try Strontime
To make the Great, Grove (Druids) on time.
Two days it would take, so for that first night
Set standard camp, where we could fight.
Then at first watch, Dexter did observe
A chain-mail clad, male fighter with nerve.
Arrows, they did fly, we were soon awake
A fitful fight, we all did make.
A stalemate loomed, cover we had sought
But so did they, 'twas so very fraught.
So Myrtle set up, magic telescope
The felons seen; they lost their hope.
'Twas at that stage, thinking of their home
One of the crims, was Dubull the gnome.
His party of three, were all run-aways
Escaped slaves, they, free of their cage.
Parleyed did we, and they joined us fast
Headed were they, to Toluene pass.
William was a man, and Dubull a gnome,
And then an elf, his name Simone..?!
" 'Simone's' a girl," Myrtle said so gruff.
Simone complained, "It's manly enough!"
"We elves can select, gender fluid names,"
"Even 'Simone'; it's not that lame."
The Druid's Grove, we arrived and lo
We said goodbye, to Dubull and Co.
But barter we did, we had trade to do
Their fey cross-bow, for horses, two.
But now our cart, had no horse to bear
And so we bought, a fine destrier.
The druids charged heaps, but the horse was strong
So now our trip, would not be long.
The path we took, was to Toluene.
We stopped that night, a way-station seen.
It was occupied, Soixante Neuf times three
Two buxom girls, and priestess she.
Those temple guards, Soixante Neuf they praised,
Guarding their charge, with lewd voices raised.
The males of our group, struggled to contain
Their needy lusts, lest they be slain.
The next day dawned, after quite a night.
We hurried on, the city in sight.
In Toluene now, so we hired a room
A peaceful night, a chance to groom.
Then it was morn, so we left that town
And down the road, to Trino renown.
We then found an inn, Ravished Incubus
A better place, than Maggots Rest.
But by the door, of the Incubus
We saw THE mark, the sign of the witch.
Enquiries we did, of the owner's fame
Odette Pearson; that was her name.
She wasn't home, so we looked around
Her man Dravid, looked after the grounds
He ran a tight ship; he did well to guard
A cake-walk not, make us work hard!
That afternoon, Myrtle took a swill
A potion drank, went invisible
Then snuck through the doors, of the tavern's rear
And found a room, with narrow stair.
A watchful dog, guarded that small room
And so we planned, yes, to return soon.
We waited 'til night, when it first began
Cigars in hand, a cunning plan.
These cursed cigars, damaged us before.
We used them now; slipped under the door
Of the room with the dog, then the next bedroom
Where Dravid slept, he'd waken soon.
The poor dog died, choking on the smoke.
Then Dravid coughed, and soon he awoke.
He raged out the door, to meet Dexter and Bear,
Then they all fought, the battle here.
It wasn't long, before Dravid fell,
So he was bound, so tight, we could tell.
We went down the stairs, to be underground.
Shrine Malechai, soon would be found!
When moving through, tunnels underground,
One uses thieves, clear traps that abound.
But all of our thieves, they had marmalade,
So Myrtle's luck, would soon be paid.
There was a trap, on the first damn door.
Poor Myrtle zapped, and fell to the floor.
But soon she was up, Bear administered,
A healing draught, it made her cured.
The next chamber, held the darkened shrine
Of Malechai, with no lantern shine.
But rearing nearby, was a ghastly sight,
A vengeful hag; was it a wight?
We had no choice, but to fight that day,
Our magic swords, were drawn to the fray.
But harmed her, they failed, they just passed right through
Her ghostly form, no damage due.
'Til up stepped Tu, with his silver sword,
He chopped so hard, he got his reward.
Seemed silver did work, on that frightful hag.
So Bear joined in, axe from his bag.
It wasn't long, when she flickered out,
Brought down so hard, with silver and might.
But sev'ral of us, were struck by the hag.
They failed their saves, it could be bad..?
[So endeth the session]
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Our local area of the Known World (The Strontime river tributary flows into the Spoon river which eventually forms the Spite river) |
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