The crew: Bear [Ian], Debbie [Steven], Dexter [Jamie], Gillard [Kevin], Myrtle [Andrew], Oliver [Jeff], Ouzo [Darryl], Tu [Shane], with Scuttle [Chris] slumped somewhere nearby marmalading.
Oliver jerked awake out of a deep sleep and looked around.
"Oh, it was a dream" he sadly realised.
The party were staying at the Bestial Maid Inn in Toluene.
We had identified the last haul of magical treasure, handed the magical chalice
and incense off to the REAL Temple, and were going to decide on our next moves
this morning at breakfast. The cook had promised a decent cook up, although he
had politely declined Ouzo’s offer to assist with the cooking.
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A sumptuous breakfast |
“So, what now?” he questioned, sighing happily.
We all watched him scratch his back on the door, then looked
around at each other. Myrtle raised an eyebrow. Gillard gave a wry grin. Tu
shook his head. Dexter licked some grease off his hand. Debbie had not even
The trail appeared to lead to either Skulk or Penstoke.
Skulk was where Ophelia Treacle was apparently residing now.
She was definitely a witch of the local coven, the owner of the mansion we had
just explored, and the cousin of Ruby Jeffrey, the other local witch who had
suspiciously passed away in the Magic User’s guild house, at the exact time we
had killed the were-cat!
Penstoke was where Ingrid Barnett, mentioned in various
letters uncovered in the Malachi shrine below the witch’s mansion, had recently
been serving as a cleaner in the Penstoke REAL Temple. The very same Temple
that had been raided and desecrated by a group of Malachi following mercenaries
a month ago.
Vigorous discussion ensued; voices were raised.
Other guests at the Inn glanced over at us worriedly. The
serving girls gave us a few “sshhh” gestures as they hurried about the dining
After some debate it was decided that we would travel off to
Penstoke the following morning. But since we were here in Toluene, we would pay
a visit to the other house here owned by Ophelia Treacle before we left.
“Why therrrrre?” purred Bear happily from the doorway.
“That house is above the end of that tunnel we explored, the
one where we decided not to crash through because of the two male voices we
heard in the room above” stated Myrtle.
So, an hour later we nonchalantly strolled passed the house
a few times before striding up to the front door. The gardens looked overgrown
and untended, and leaves had been blown into the front porch and were built up
against the wall. After a quick glance around, we all crowded into the porch
while Ouzo ducked down and worked his lock-picking magic on the keyhole.
“Maybe around the back” he suggested a few minutes later.
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The coven symbol |
We unbarred the trapdoor and peered down into the tunnel
“Just as it was when we were down there” stated Tu.
We closed everything up and made our way back to the Inn to
prepare for the next day’s travel.
The next morning revealed an overcast and drizzly day.
Dexter and Bear looked mournfully at the grey sky and muttered grumpily about
the dampness. And off we went …
It was a three-day trip up to Penstoke, across the Toluene
river, skirting the Oble foothills, past the Strontime forest with its Druid
Grove and CARIBOU GORN Temple, and over the Strontime tributary. We planned to
spend each of the two overnights at the waystations, small and secure
bunkhouses for travellers, that were maintained by the local militia at about a
day’s easy travel apart.
At around midday we crested a small rise and looked down
into the valley ahead. A group of riders were attacking a wagon about three
hundred yards ahead. About five or six figures could be seen huddling around the
wagon, while eleven or twelve horsemen circled them, firing arrows and
obviously intent on butchery!
“We must assist” yelled Myrtle, starting to rush forward.
“Um, twelve” noted Tu, grabbing Myrtle’s cloak, and
preventing her moving.
We held the higher ground and watched as the one-sided
battle evolved. One of the riders went down, but pretty quickly all the
defenders were felled and the horsemen moved in. One of the riders spotted us
and trotted towards us a little. He stared up for a minute, while we stared
Then they all gathered together, picked up the body of their
fallen comrade, and took off away from us up the road.
Once they disappeared over the next hill, we rushed down to
the wagon and the bodies.
Six dead people. Four humans, one of them quite large, one
elf, and one halfling. They had been butchered mercilessly and laid out in a
row. The wagon had been searched, but it did not look like anything had been
taken. The two horses were also left and were still hitched to the wagon.
Myrtle sobbed as she crouched over the bodies.
“Those bastards” she muttered, “we better not find them at
the waystation!”
We gathered everything we could find, and Myrtle cast a Detect
Magic spell. Nothing. The dead horseman’s long sword had been left lying on
the ground, and just beside the pool of blood where he had fallen, we found a
necklace with a Malachi symbol lying in the mud.
The Penstoke road |
“Do not antagonise them, … please” pleaded Tu.
“Stink’n evil murderers.” whispered Myrtle, “They’ll be
lucky if I don’t reap justice on them all”
“Um, eleven” noted Tu, as we move forward towards the
One of the two guards stepped forward and brandished his
“It’ll be a bit crowded” he notes, “perhaps you better just
move on”
“We’ll be staying” stated Myrtle, “and you had better put up
that sword or deal with my twelfth level Ranger here”. She was pointing at
Dexter, whose mouth dropped open in surprise.
Things were getting a bit tense, and then the door to the
waystation swung open and a short burly looking man stepped out.
“Good evening, I am Godfrey” he stated, “is there a problem?”
Bear’s hairs were standing on end, and he was bristling.
Gillard stretched up on tiptoes to look a bit taller. Tu’s hand was around the pommel
of his magic sword, ready to draw. Oliver was at the back, ready with a Magic
Missile. Myrtle was full of righteous indignation and was staring angrily at
this Godfrey character. Dexter was staring at Myrtle and spluttering. Debbie
had wandered off to pat the nice horses.
“We are but mercenaries and have completed our mission here.
Tomorrow we will be off towards the Homer Saddle and back over the ranges to
Honkeysville. You are most welcome to stay the night, we will not offer you any
trouble; if you offer us none”
Things settled down after that assurance, and we all bundled
into the crowded waystation. There were eight beds available, just enough for
us, and so we settled in.
Myrtle was fuming, but sensibly restrained herself.
Godfrey offered to share their meal, and Ouzo proffered some
of our condiments in return.
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“Eliza, the Tasty” grinned Bear, rubbing his back against
one of the bunks.
One or two of the males were likely wizards since they did
not have any armour, and their whole band all looked pretty competent and experienced.
Various discussions during the evening revealed that they
were a long-established mercenary party based over the Oble Ranges in
Honkeysville. They had been hired to hunt down and wipe out a party of
adventures that were known to be operating in this area. These adventures were
apparently hunting down witches and included a Halfling member and a mage
called Oliver.
“Oh” gasped Oliver.
“Well, did you hear that … Frank” Dexter asked, looking
pointedly at Oliver.
“Really? Witch hunters?” stammered Myrtle.
“Nothing to worry about though” replied Godfrey, “we found
them and wiped them out already. I believe you have recovered their wagon” he
chuckled. “And I believe there was a barrel of ale aboard it?”
Bear and Eliza the Tasty hauled in the barrel, and everyone
set to with a will. Apart from the SOIXANTE-NEUF priestess and one of the other
mercenaries that is. They just kept to themselves and quietly watched
everything going on.
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Eliza (the Tasty) |
Bear and Eliza the Tasty decided to have a friendly bout, so the furniture was pushed back to create a small arena. Quarterstaffs were chosen, armour removed, and the two combatants stepped forward. Eliza the Tasty swung first, striking Bear a ringing blow across the head. Bear’s return strike was obviously disrupted by his head blow, as he staggered forward into Eliza the Tasty and winded himself on her staff. [An eleven fumble was rolled, “wind yourself by running into opponent”, -4 for the rest of the combat] With a flurry of blurring strikes, Eliza the Tasty got in three more solid hits while Bear was unable to even hit her.
“Enough” he coughed, spitting blood. “You are too much, even
for me”
“You were just unlucky” Eliza laughed.
She beckoned over the SOIXANTE-NEUF priestess who strutted
over and cast two Cures, licking the blood off from Bear’s chest and running
her hands and tongue over his bruises.
“Mmmmmm” purred Bear.
“Mmmmmm” agreed the priestess.
The rest of the night was uneventful, unless you count the
rustling, grunts, and purring from Bear’s bunk that continued until the small
Our watches were vigilant though, right through the night, and
no one else stirred. One of their group was also awake. The man who had not
joined in with the festivities. He just stared across at us all night and did
not appear to sleep at all.
The next morning we packed up and left early.
“Well, that went well” stated Ouzo, “They won’t think we are
anything special”
“Yeah” laughed Dexter, “and they think our mage is called
They rode past us a few hours later. Eliza the Tasty gave
Bear a friendly wave and laughed.
We decide that rather than spend another night with them at
the next waystation, we will turn off to the right and head to the CARIBOU GORN
Temple in the Strontime forest.
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Druid in black bear disguise |
“Except for you!” he growled at Oliver, “You are not welcome
in the Temple”
While at the Temple, the party had a comprehensive
discussion with the Druids regarding lycanthropy and the potential risks
associated with being infected. Dexter felt that if he had contracted lycanthropy
then that was the obvious will of CARIBOU GORN, and being a naturally occurring
condition, he would happily go with it. Bear thought it prudent to have his
blood tested, which gave strong positive indicators of lycanthropy, and he
chose to allow the Druids to “treat” him. This treatment involved the ingestion
of a known poison that was deadly to the lycanthropy disease, but only harmful
to humanoids in rare circumstances. Bear was fine of course. [Bear
successfully rolled against his System Shock chance of 99%, governed by the CON
requisite, and was fine. A failure would have led to the treatment killing him]
Bear’s treatment and recovery required an extra day so after
two nights in the forest we continued on our journey towards Penstoke.
“I hope we don’t catch up to those big nasty mercenaries!”
said Gillard.
We only had a few short hours to the second waystation where
we decided to pause for the rest of the day and stay overnight. This would
allow us to arrive in Penstoke before dark at the end of the next day. We had a
quiet afternoon, a peaceful night, and a half day of uneventful travel through
the next morning.
Around midday the next day we spotted a caged slaver’s wagon
with a driver, shotgun guard, and four mounted guards heading towards us. We
pulled over to the side of the road to let them pass, and to our astonishment
we heard a familiar, but unwelcome, voice from inside the slave cage.
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Dubull the Goblin returns! |
“No thanks” replied Bear,
“we already have enough little people”.
“Nothing personal Gillard”
Bear clarified.
“Take him, we’ll pay you”
pleaded the guards.
As the slave wagon
continued past us and down the road towards Toluene, we could hear Dubull
calling from the distance, “I can cook, and clean boots, and armour.
We carried on towards
Penstoke and arrived just before dark. We took rooms in the Screaming Wench,
ate a hearty dinner, and then went straight to bed for a well-deserved rest.
Bear reckoned he could still hear Dubull’s goblin accent echoing from the far
The next morning we paid a
visit to Ingbot, the REAL priest that we had dealt with the last times we had
been here in Penstoke. He confirmed that Ingrid Barnett had been a cleaner in the REAL Temple, did
not really have any friends in town, had abandoned her old house and moved on
to Skulk after the Temple had been raided. She had also claimed to be a
follower of SOIXANTE-NEUF.
“But ewww, old and retired I assumed” stated Ingbot.
He also noted that the mercenary that had been captured and
“questioned” had provided some additional information regarding the raid on the
temple. Before he died, he had let slip that the mercenary raiders, followers
of Malachi, had been looking for a special knife, previously owned by a Mr
Coultard, and suspected to be here at the Penstoke REAL Temple.
Everyone looked over at Oliver.
“What? Didn’t I suggest exactly that last time we were here”
he replied.
We then popped round to the town’s SOIXANTE-NEUF priestess,
a Beth McIver, to see if she had any additional information regarding Ingrid.
Bear offers to worship with her.
“Excellent, my husband and I will be very grateful” she
“Husband” gulped Bear. “Perhaps another time, we are
actually quite pressed for time right now”
Bear hurriedly leads us away and take us to the abandoned
house of Ingrid.
We look around to make sure there are no witnesses, and then
we gather round the flimsy looking wooded door in a huddle as Ouzo crouches
down to work his magic on the lock.
“Maybe around the back” he suggested a few minutes later.
“You always say that” noted Tu, “and there is no back this
Ingrid’s house was part of a cluster of dwellings all packed
together, and only had the front door.
“Stand back” commanded Bear, and then violently threw
himself at the door. He bounced back; the door was still closed. “That’s
strange” he muttered.
“Ha, allow me” said Tu confidently, and he took a little run
and threw his shoulder into the door. He bounced back and tumbled into the
street; the door was still closed. “Ouch” he cursed.
“Pagh” exclaimed Dexter, “like this you boys”
Dexter flicks his hand against the door and it springs open,
revealing darkness. Not your run of the mill shady interior type of darkness,
but actual Darkness, filling the room like an inky black cloud. You could
almost see the darkness stirring in the breeze. And there was a breeze, a cold
draft that seemed to blow outwards through the door causing everyone to shiver.
Myrtle cast a Detect Evil spell and staggered back.
“Stinkin Eeevil” she hissed
Debbie was dragged forward, and she cast a Detect Magic spell.
“Oh, its dark in there” she said, “and there is magic”
Myrtle cast a Light spell on a handy stone and tossed
it through the door.
It went out.
We did not even hear it land.
Oliver drew out his dagger, but it was not vibrating. He
stepped forward to the door and peered in.
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Ingrid's skeletal spell caster |
A dark purple bolt of blackness shot out through the door
and struck Bear in the chest, pushing him back and delivering two points of
Myrtle called upon the mighty power of VINGT-ET-UN and used
her innate priestess ability to turn undead. Another dark purple bolt of
blackness shot out through the door and struck her in the chest, knocking her
to the ground and rendering her immediately unconscious.
“Yup” confirmed Oliver peering through the door, “definitely
casting spells. Looks a bit like Magic Missile, but better”
Bear pushed Oliver to the side, grabbed the flimsy door, and
pulled it closed, while Gillard extracted a Healing potion from her pouch and
upended it over Myrtle’s mouth.
"Why didn't the dagger vibrate?" wondered Oliver.
Gnome not Goblin