Night Two
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Florence Falshot |
The next day they spent a long conversation to determine exactly what tangible evidence was required. For instance, they had already observed the wagon from the fort enter the TGP compound, and that wasn't good enough. So, what testimony was enough? Who would believe a rag-tag bunch of mercenaries? Was testimony from Rita, the REAL priestess, enough when she could not lie?
Night Three
Argile led-a-group-action with El Cid, Sorrow and Attlee. [ This was to spend his stress to save the others'. ]
Burrito, Ronny and Huilam provided cover on the hill [ mainly so they could get Huilam's feat's "Weaving the Web" bonus die to the Engagement roll ]. Rita stayed back in the Falshot's residence. Her headlight forehead was not good for sneaking.
The previous night's superb hiding spot had been wrecked during the previous day (by some courtyard construction) so there was scant cover. Nevertheless, they surprised and grabbed a guard. Attlee got his head kicked in [ and had to spend stress to Resist serious damage. ]
The captured guard was badly wounded, jaw smashed in several places and unconscious, and skull dented. When they got him down to the house, Rita cast a Cure on him to save his life, but she could not fix the broken jaw and brain trauma.
That same night, they met up with Chung (who was still on duty at the Spite Gate) and gave him the captive.
The next day, they got a report from Chung.
"He was a hired goon," said Chung. "He didn't know much, nor who had hired him. Get inside and grab me something significant. Tonight is your last night."
Night Four
Argile led-a-group-action again with El Cid, Sorrow and Attlee, with a smaller backup group of just Huilam and Ronny. Rita and Burrito stayed back at the Falshot's house.
The door-side of the keep was now lit up, so they had to sneak around to the back side. There were no windows here, so Sorrow climbed all the way up the side of the building, and onto the wooden roof (a giddy four storeys up). He tossed a rope down so that the other three could climb up. Then they abseiled down [ Finesse action ] into the same window that El Cid and Sorrow explored on Night 1. This room had now been made into a bunk room but it was empty.
The office room, down the corridor, was lit. In here was a man and woman. He was in chain-mail and she was in fancy velour robes with jewellery. El Cid and Argile rushed in and beat them both down. She managed to scream before she was silenced.
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Lady Wizard |
Someone must have heard the scream, because the ladder (down to the ground floor) started to move; someone was climbing up. It was a long climb, so Argile guarded that while the rest dealt with the two.
The locked room next to the office serendipitously turned out to be a cell, with manacles and all, so the two were quickly dragged in there and chained up and gagged. The group then hurriedly searched the office, found an important-looking ledger, found a TGP seal stamp, and grabbed all the petty cash they could carry. The woman was stripped of her jewellery and she had a scroll case on her, so they took that too.
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Toby Archer |
Later that night, at the Spite Gate, Chung was very happy with the seal and ledger. He was shown the scroll and proclaimed: "Those're magic glyphs. She must be a wizard."
It later turned out that this man in the office was Toby Archer, a minor notable of the TGP.
They kept the scroll, jewellery and petty cash.
Job well done.
Somewhere in the dungeonverse there is a scroll of "Slay Reader".