- Abellinet "Able" Ugwistan, 31, Moor Arian Fighter from Septum – Jeff
- MARMALADE : Brave "BJ" Jose, 22, Arian Visigoth Fighter from Astigi – Jamie
- Fabius Cato, 26, Roman Nicene Temple Fighter from Rome – Richard
- Luigi Abundus Bertolini, 23, Roman Nicene Priest from Ravenna – Chris
- Merkel, 24, Vandal Arian Temple-Fighter from Gades – Kevin
- Velito Rosso, 24, Roman Nicene Barbarian from Venice – Darryl
- Victor Koshenko, 24, Alan Arian Thief from Gades – Ian
- Sister Sarah, 22, Arian Visigoth Priestess from Astigi – Steven
- Lucky Logan, 27, Nicene Visigoth Temple Fighter from Malaca - Shane
By Richard
The dark cloud is before us – some 100 or so metres away and slowly approaching. Night also looms on this treacherous road. Victor is on the southern side separated from us and making his way to Gades wondering if he will see us again, and privately relieved that he doesn’t need to face that cloud and its evil contents.
"We enter, we enter – si" calls Velito "what choice do we have?"
"All of us?" questions Lucky
"No no – just Abundus, Justina and me – we are the ones it's after"
"I will not leave Abundus' side" proclaims Fabius
"You cannot come and I release you from your duties," says Abundus
Fabius' face becomes forlorn and tears of uncertainty and fear roll down his cheeks.
"But I have to serve someone – I've always done that – what would I do?" he stutters
"You must protect Isidora and Elena" commands Brother Abundus – "if we do not return – protect them with your life."
Fabius nods in relief and acquiescence, and with that the three brave party members stride off toward the cloud.
They enter the cloud's chilling grasp. A swirling cold mist surrounds them and they have visions of a river of ice. Sister Justina, in particular, is enveloped by the cloud and lets off silent screams of agony as she is raised off the ground, and then implodes into her own bloody vapor, which is drawn into the cloud as the cloud itself rises and departs into the night's gloom. [ a save vs Arcane was required. Brother Abundus and Velito are successful – both using luck – while Justina, our NPC, rolled a 20 and fumbled ]
Abundus and Velito are left standing alone – the cloud having dissipated, satiated with pure Christian blood. Cold and damp they look at each other. Brother Abundus has a tear in his eye for the fallen Justina; Velito looks relieved that it wasn’t him.
We set camp – the danger averted – and hold a service for Justina. The night passes peacefully as we Nicenes mourn the loss of our beloved priestess. Fabius is particularly distraught and angry. Velito chooses not to antagonize him as he has been known to do in the peaceful evenings. A wise decision.
The night passes and the next day we resume our journey to Gades, and arrive after an uneventful day into Nabrissa. Victor rejoins us. Father Abundus immediately holds out his hand and Victor reluctantly hands back the crystal vial with the unknown red liquid.
We all have a good sleep in the local inn, and head off he next day feeling a little more positive. We will arrive in Hasta Regia that night.
About midday, we see fast approaching, two riders. As they near, we can clearly see they are two Moors galloping toward Nabrissa.
We are in the process of debating what to do when Merkel lets off an arrow, grazing one of their shoulders. With our decision made for us, those of us with bows let off several volleys of arrows, injuring both but not causing any fatal wounds. They turn and head the direction of the Baetis river.
"We may have trouble ahead if the Moors have entered Gades" says Sister Sarah.
"I think we push on" declares Abundus. "We must see if Father Valerius is ok"
We reach Hasta Regia and again find comfortable quarters. There are a number of kings' guardsmen here who advise us, when questioned, that there are increased Moor raiding parties, but there is a strong presence of kings' guard and local militia. Tomorrow we will be in Gades.
After a hearty breakfast, we head toward Gades in misty rain. Several hours out, a squad of twelve king's guard are approaching. They stop and question us and Brother Abundus takes the lead and announces we are the Companions of Abundus. They have, as predicted, heard of us and also question us about the man known as Able, a wanted villain, whose black head needs to roll. They show us his wanted poster as we all deny his presence [ Able is still marmalading inside a box in the wagon ].
We carry on and approach the causeway to Gades but first must go past the small town of Portus Gaditanis. We do so with hastening speed – keen to arrive in Gades before nightfall. To our right and some 200m from us at the shoreline we see 12 or so Moor soldiers unloading from a long-boat. We hasten even more, leaving them to their means, having learnt that we are not able to confront that many foes.
Their means in hindsight was sinister as they clearly entered the small town of Portus Gaditanis and began to loot it and raze it to the ground. As we glanced over our shoulders, we could see the flames rise.
We reach Gades, a town clearly preparing for battle with a high presence of king's guard and Gades militia. Immediately we head to Nuestra Sangrada Virgen del Perpetuo Socorro (Our Lady of Perpetual Succour) where we began this journey and to seek Father Valerius.
Able after weeks is no longer marmalading. (Jeff arrives)
Old acolyte friend Felix welcomes us at the door and is both surprised and delighted at the return of Father Abundus, some four months later.
Father Valerius is not in a good way at all. His madness has deepened and he can but utter grunts and unintelligible babble. His body though has blossomed – he is strong and fit and his stature much improved.
"I cannot cure him" murmurs Felix "and he attacked the bishop, who will have nothing more to do with him".
" I will try" announces Abundus "I have learned these powerful remedies and I think it is worth trying"
Abundus kneels in prayer calling on god almighty to look fondly on Father Valerius. Lucky and Fabius join him in prayer. A miracle is cast! And it succeeds seemingly curing the father of his madness and purging the demon from his soul [ Abundus did a level 3 divine miracle Exorcism – he needed a 5 and rolled a 10 and used 5 luck.]
We clean Father Valerius and sit with him over a fine dinner. Felix is most grateful but is now noticeably acting in peculiar ways – stumbling on his words – speaking rapidly – twitching.
"Look look" says Velito " the demon has gone to him" pointing at Felix.
Able, is also with us at dinner. Father Valerius explains that he needs to remain hidden. The Dux of Gades has executed all Moors and the Moors are becoming a threat. Able is also wanted for countless murders and thievery. There are rumors being spread making him even more infamous.
Able is able to shed some light on the black cloud.
"It sounds like a Djinn – a Moorish demon who will often follow them into battle.
We talk into the night, pleased to have returned to where we started but needing to leave to avoid the Moor attacks.
"I might stay and defend the rights of the church" says Fabius.
"As may I" says Lucky Logan.
"I go, I go to Venice with my bride" says Velito
"And I will join you" says Victor
"I will also stay here with Father Valerius" says brother Abundus.
"I must leave and go north away from these lands" says Able "either that or I return to me homeland – these will not be safe places for a wanted Moor"
"I will go with you" announces BJ "oh not to your homeland but north".
"And us" proclaim Sister Sarah and her new-found lap dog Merkel the Arian Temple Fighter.
And with that the adventure ends – will the party meet up again? We will need to see.
And so, of the original party:
Father Abundus (Chris 1) has become renowned as the leader of the Companions of Abundus and has led us well throughout.
Vanker the Mince (Shane 1) left the with Aulius (Jamie 1) and has found Elia (Richard 1) in her northern Basque homeland. They continue to adventure together having embraced arcane pagan ways, and they travel together searching for artifacts of Geryon.
Able (Jeff 1) is alive and successfully returned to Gades. He is now a wanted man
Merkel (Kevin 1) has survived and none of us know how – not even him.
Victor (Ian 1), has snuck he was around the south of Spain and successfully recorded more game time than any other character and survived.
Velito (Darryl 1) is now a married man to Isidora, and has survived albeit lucky not to have been killed by his own party several times.
Of those who joined us:
Lucky Logan (Shane 3) – Also a Temple Fighter of the Nicene church and not as lucky as his name would imply.
Hawkeye (Shane 2) - barbarian who took one for the team fighting brigands
Brave Jose (Jamie 2) - joined when Aulius left. Has been a good warrior but annoying Arian.
NPC Sister Justina – died in the Djinn cloud
So, in summary:
9 players
14 characters
3 left with discretion being the better part of valor
2 deaths (Shane's Hawkeye and the NPC Justina)
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