Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Vanker the Mince


  • Abellinut "Able" Ugwistan, 31, Moor Arian Fighter from Septum - Jeff
  • MARMALADE Aulius "Owl" Lucius Decanter, 25, Polytheistic Fighter from Gades - Jamie
  • Elia Ildaria, 24, Basque Pagan Barbarian from Gasteiz  - Richard
  • MARMALADE Luigi Abundus Bertolini, 23, Roman Nicene Priest from Ravenna - Chris
  • Merkel, 24, Vandal Arian Temple-fighter from Gades - Kevin
  • Vanker Polyester, 22, Vandal Pagan Rogue from Gades - Shane
  • Velito Rosso, 24, Roman Nicene Barbarian from Venice - Darryl
  • Victor Koshenko, 24, Alan Arian Thief from Gades - Ian
By Richard

"Did you kill him?" questioned Optio Caspala [ optio = sergeant ]. 
"Yes, I did" responded Velito – " He attacked me – I am protecting the Lady Florinda"
"You'd better come with me" 
"No no – go and ask de lady – or Centurion Rodrigo"
"Later – but now come with me"

Velito was taken to the barracks and placed in a cell while the optio made some enquiries. Rodrigo eventually made his way to the barracks and after a lengthy discussion with Caspala, Velito was released. 

"See see" he was heard saying as the guards gladly allowed him to leave.

Meanwhile Elia's shoulder was stinging from the nasty cut she'd received. Rejoining the rest of the group they went to the Heavenly Beacon cathedral where Elia sought some healing. It seemed a good idea at the time. The cathedral was Arian and the presiding priest here, Father Juan, willingly laid his hands on Elia's forehead seeking the healing power of God. 

An almighty crack of lightning threw the priest back 5m and left Elia lying on the ground (having taken 3 additional damage).
"Witchcraft!" espoused Merkel 

"Burn her" demanded the priest he picked himself off the ground.

Elia had a hand-mark on her forehead and was looking dazed and puzzled. " I don’t know what just happened" lied Elia. "Fuck – that was a mistake" she thought to herself.  (of course, Elia is a follower of Geryon – she should have thought that any "normal" healing would be problematic).
Guards were called and Elia was unceremoniously dragged off to the cells at the cathedral guard barracks.

"Witch!" cried Merkel as she was dragged past. Elia glared at Merkel and stored that away for a future date – if there was to be a future date.

Later that day Elia awoke groggily hearing voices from outside the cell. 

"I want her executed" she heard Father Juan saying. 

"But she is a good person, see" – Velito's voice rang out.

"Let me try and heal her" – said Justina.

The party had eventually told Velito what had happened and he went to plead Elia's innocence and get help. Merkel and Victor were troubled by these strange occurrences and, in their simple minds, Elia was a witch. Justina had been brought into the picture and, as a priestess, had had influence on Father Juan whose heart had softened marginally.

"Bring her to the altar" commanded the priest, and, with that, Elia was dragged into the main cathedral. She could feel the heat from the altar [Geryon effect] and it was suggested by Justina that they move slightly further away.

A heal spell was cast and it was successful. "She is Nicene" stated Justina (more lies – in fact she's a pagan).
"Well that may explain it" responded the priest. "she is free to go but must spend the night here under observation"

Elia choose wisely not to argue - disaster (from Elia's perspective) averted. Now where is Merkel?

Meanwhile the group had been preparing for more shrine visits by Lady Florinda, and Velito had been trying to sell his ruby – unsuccessfully. 

The three carriages and guards gather the next day and travel with Lady Florinda to a further shrine (Chapel of the Martyrs). We are being watched but otherwise it is an uneventful day. Now only two more shrines.

The second-to-last shrine visit was to San Leovigildo. It was a tomb beneath Iglesia de la Fe Radiante (Radiant Faith) church where Luis Ramirez is the priest. 

Victor and Vanker are our spotters and see further evidence of us being watched. Victor successfully follows one until he eventually crosses the rooftops and is lost (Victor wasn’t prepared to risk a climb roll to get onto the roof).

Rather than return immediately to the carriages, Victor makes his way stealthily to the shrine. He sees the church and beneath its wall on the outside is a small portcullis gate that would normally block the path down to the tomb. However, the gate is open and no one is around. Rather than venture further he returns to report his findings.
We continue our journey and reach the church some 20 minutes later. 

The portcullis is now closed and locked.
"It's closed" comments Merkel rather smugly.

We seek out Father Luis who unlocks the gate advising no one else had been there that day – strange indeed. Our hackles were certainly up. 

Once you go through the gate there is a passage down under the church to the tomb. Four guards plus Able and Victor descend and enter into a small room with a sarcophagus and carvings on the walls that are hundreds of years old.

They come up and report, and we all descend but for Able who stays with the guards to guard the carriages.
We enter the room and start searching, suspicious that there must be a hidden entrance. Elia notices the sarcophagus is radiating heat – similar to the altar in the cathedral, and decides discretion is the better part of valour and returns upstairs to the carriages. She tells Able of her discovery.

The others find nothing and return pronouncing the tomb as safe. Upon hearing this, Lady Florinda descends alone with the party guarding the entrance. Victor sneakily follows her to make sure she is indeed safe. Vanker follows Victor.

The Lady kneels before the sarcophagus and starts her prayers, when Victor and Vanker hear the grinding of stone and see a shadow of movement toward the Lady. Victor yells "run" but the figure stands tall and looks as if it is about to thrust a knife into Florinda. 

All hell suddenly lets loose as Vanker unleashes his almighty lightning power – granted by Geryon [ first time ]. It hits the figure, obliterating him and turning him into very small pieces of meat, mince, which rain down on the Lady, Victor and Vanker. The Lady screams. Vanker screams.

At this point the guards and Merkel rush down and seeing a silhouette in the doorway, a guard thrusts his knife into the back of Vanker (the guards were unaware that Victor and Vanker had crept down to watch over the Lady) resulting in an agonized moan from Vanker. 

"Oops" says the guard "we didn’t know you were down here"

Meanwhile, Merkel is in the room collecting small pieces of meat and filling his pockets. Rodrigo is helping the Lady to her feet, and the rest are frantically searching the shrine to determine what's happened.

Victor finds a dagger with a curved blade dripping with a wet substance, and a ruby. The guards find a small hiding space near the base of the sarcophagus. 

"Dis is where e came from" proclaims Velito "and look – its been dug out recently"

"A miracle!" pronounces Father Luis. "It must be a miracle. God has saved the lady and used Vanker as his vessel."

"Vanker's not a vessel" says Merkel – not knowing what a vessel is. "He's a man" 

"I'm injured" says Vanker.

"I can heal you" says Father Luis – come into the church"

Elia takes Vanker aside. "don’t do that – you will only be hurt – you can only be cured by Geryon while holding the spear"

"Oh" exclaims Vanker and then goes on "No I'm alright thanks – it's only a scratch"

"I would be so proud to heal the Hand of God" says Father Luis.

"No thanks" insists Vanker

Back at the carriages, Lady Florinda is looking rather shocked while Merkel decides to make a small mincemeat figurine of Vanker and proudly present it to him.
We head back to the Heavenly Beacon cathedral where word has preceded us and an honour guard for Vanker awaited. 

They hail Vanker, and Cathedral Priest Juan welcomes him – "we are honoured by your presence. You will now be known as Vanker the… hmm"

"Mince" yells Merkel, "Vanker the Mince"

"Very well – you will now be known as Vanker the Mince" proclaims the priest.

"The Duke of Hispalis will hold a banquet tonight in your honour, and I would be grateful if you would sanctify the altar here."

"No thanks" says Vanker "but I will go to the banquet, I'm hungry"

"Why would you not sanctify the altar?" the priest quizzes Vanker.

"Ahhh, I'm too humble"

"But you will attend a banquet in your honour"

"Yes, I'm hungry"

The priest frowns.

That night we all attend the banquet. Vanker, as the guest of honour sits at the head table and acquaints himself with two maids-in-waiting. The rest of us have an enjoyable uneventful night and head to our rooms.

Upon returning to her room, Elia casts Detect Magic on the dagger and her ruby (new Spell). She is rather chuffed that it works but neither of item are magical. (None of Elia, Victor or Velito have admitted they have a ruby, all retrieved from likely assassins.  Maybe a lead that will never be realized.)

The following day Lady Florinda wishes to travel to the last shrine on her schedule. The shrine is to San Hunerico which is located in Capilla del Resplandor Celestial.
We agree that there is likely to be another attempt on Lady Florinda's life. Elia dresses as the Lady and travels in her carriage, and the Lady dresses as Elia and travels in the third carriage.  The rest of our group are on high alert.

Vanker spots movement on a nearby rooftop and reports this back. We are half way to the San Hunerico shrine……

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