- Abellinut "Able" Ugwistan, 31, Moor Arian Fighter from Septum - Jeff
- Aulius "Owl" Lucius Decanter, 25, Polytheistic Fighter from Gades - Jamie
- Elia Ildaria, 24, Basque Pagan Barbarian from Gasteiz - Richard
- Luigi Abundus Bertolini, 23, Roman Nicene Priest from Ravenna - Chris
- MARMALADE: Merkel, 24, Vandal Arian Temple-fighter from Gades - Kevin
- Vanker Polyester, 22, Vandal Pagan Rogue from Gades - Shane
- Velito Rosso, 24, Roman Nicene Barbarian from Venice - Darryl
- Victor Koshenko, 24, Alan Arian Thief from Gades - Ian
by Jeff
As the group made its way towards the Capilla del Resplandor Celestial and its San Hunerico shrine, the guards were hard pushed to keep the crowds back. The three coaches containing the Lady Florinda (disguised as Elia and seated in the rear wagon), all her Ladies-in-waiting, and us, slowly pushed along the streets. The general guards were out in front, shoving the crowds of people back to clear the roads, Victor was off somewhere keeping an eye out for suspicious behaviour, Elia was disguised as the Lady Florinda and sitting nervously in the middle coach with Luigi driving, Able was driving the lead coach, Velito was driving the rear coach which held the disguised Lady, and Owl was prancing about on his horse looking official.
As our small caravan of coaches turned the final corner and entered Capilla San Hunerico, we were startled to see the street was empty! No people! We stopped the coaches.
"Most suspicious" Vanker thought, as he slipped quietly into the shadows and scouted ahead.
The golden coach of the bishop
When Vanker returned some minutes later he noted that the street was only mostly empty. A golden coach was pulled up outside the chapel at the end of the street, and a number of guards in a blue and gold livery were milling around, some on horseback. But there were no other people about.
"That must be Bishop Diego Medécon" noted Centurion Rodrigo, "I guess he has returned to the city"
"Look" noted Victor, "Figures watching us from the rooftops"
We moved forward and pulled up again about one hundred meters from the golden wagon as two riders in blue and gold approached us.
"Alt" requested the Centurion, "Hoo are you?"
"Well" stated Owl, "we of course are the personal guards of the visiting Lady Florinda of Septum, who is currently resting in our second coach and who wishes to visit the most honourable San Hunerico shrine in yonder chapel"
"Oh" replied the Centurion, "Ve ave eard of er. Da Bishop vill be onoured to ave her compny in da rine"
"But irst" he continued, "ve ill heck your oaches"
"Of course, we would expect nothing less from such diligent guards of the great Bishop of Hispalis" confirmed Owl as he waved them back towards the wagons, "And you must of course meet the most honourable Lady Florida of Septem. I assume you are aware of the local brigands who even now watch us all from the rooftops, over there and over there" pointed out Owl.
"I vas not" responded the Centurion sharply, glancing quickly about, "Ut do ot ear, my rchers vill make ort work of any hoo aise their eds above da skyline"
The Centurion called over four archers from his troops, and they were deployed against anyone on the rooftops.
"What a curious way of speaking" commented Owl.
Moving forward to the golden coach which was parked just adjacent to the entrance to the shrine, we parked up the wagons nearby and Lady Florinda (Elia in disguise) was assisted from the coach by her ladies-in-waiting.
Elia negotiated to take one guard and one lady-in-waiting with her into the shrine [a successful Persuade roll] and Vanker and Lady Florinda (disguised as an attendant) accompanied Elia down into the shrine. Fearing that the spies up on the rooftops implied that another assassination attempt was likely, Victor chose to sneak into the shrine prior to Elia, Vanker, and Florinda descending. [A successful Stealth roll and he melted into the shadows by the staircase down, and disappeared]
No stinking Nicenes here! |
Brother Luigi was denied entrance by the local Arian priest when he rushed up yelling "No stinking Nicene followers down there!"
"I foresee that these Arians will never go far" muttered Luigi as he stomped back to the coach in a mild huff.
Victor padded silently down the stairs to the shrine. Realising that Elia, Vanker, and Florinda would soon follow, led by one of the bishop's guards, he quickly crept into the shrine and slipped behind a masonry pillar somewhat adjacent to the alter. A male figure knelt at the altar, head bowed and chanting prayers. He was dressed in golden robes with blue trim. The bishop Victor assumed. Four guards stood around the shrine, watching the bishop pray.
"Amateurs" thought Victor, "Eyes out to the surrounds you clowns"
Settling in for a long watch, Victor scanned the room and watched as Elia, Vanker, and Florinda arrived, led by the guard from outside. Vanker stopped a short distance from the entrance and took up a position that gave him a view of the alter, the four guards, and the bulk of the small shrine. He appeared to be sweating heavily. Elia and Florinda followed the guard towards the alter and the praying bishop. But Elia suddenly stopped, appeared to stumble, and sat heavily on the small pews some distance from the alter.
"What is it my ... Lady?" asked Florinda.
"I just feel a bit faint" replied Elia with a wink, "Please go ahead and say my prayers for me while I rest here"
"I will fetch you some water" stated the guard before rushing off upstairs.
Victor watched from the shadows as the real Lady Florinda moved up to the alter, knelt down on one of the padded cushions there, and began her prayers. "I hope that is actually the bishop there" though Victor, "It would be a great plan for an assassination attempt with her being so close. Maybe that's why those guards are looking inward rather than outward."
Victor watched as the guard returned to the shrine with a cup of water and offered it to Elia.
Victor watched as Elia raised the cup to her lips and drunk.
Victor watched as Elia flinched, screwed up her face in pain, and secretly threw the water to the floor.
Victor watched as Elia's lips started to blister and Elia hastily stood and headed for the stairs.
"I need some air" she muttered loudly as she hastened up the stair, closely followed by the concerned guard.
[It appeared that Arian Holy Water is actually harmful to those touched by the pagan God Geryon. And the Arian shrine was glowing so brightly and hotly that Elia and Vanker were unable to approach closely without being burned]
Vanker and Victor maintained their positions though, their primary task of guarding the Lady Florinda uninterrupted by Elia's discomfort and hasty exit.
An assassin descended from above |
Vanker's eyes were continually scanning around the room, checking each of the guards, the bishop, the Lady, and attempting to pierce the dark shadows around the perimeter of the room. As he scanned past the leftmost wall from his position, nearby where Victor was standing, he spotted a movement in the shadows. The blackness above rippled slightly, and a darkly clad figure slowly appeared, descending from the ceiling above on a rope.
Yelling an alert, Vanker quickly drew and fired his bow. The arrow swept across the room, past a startled Victor, and embedded itself in the inverted chest of the assassin. Dropping the last few feet to the ground, the assassin drew a familiar looking wavey knife, turned towards the alter, and charged.
Victor, who had been hidden in the shadows himself, was right there as the assassin had leapt to his feet. Alerted by Vanker's shout, Victor managed to get an attack into the assassin's back with his knife, the wavy assassin's blade from the previous day, and did the maximum damage possible.
The bishop's four guards, also alerted by Vanker's shout, were rushing forward, ready to deal with any and all threats to their bishop. Two of them were close enough to attack, while two were further back. One of them launched himself at Victor, thrusting his sword into Victor's gut and knocking him down, unconscious. The other attacked the assassin and with one mighty blow knocked him down also. The first guard raised his sword again, up above Victor's body, and went to deal a killing blow to, he believed, an unknown assailant in the dark.
"Wait" yelled Vanker, pointing at Victor's unconscious form, "that one's with us"
The guards were most apologetic, and the shrine was soon confirmed to be clear.
"I never knew he was there" muttered the guard who had struck Victor down.
He then carried out a successful First Aid on Victor and managed to bring him round.
Looking about, the guard notices that the dead assassin's blade is a match to Victor's.
"Hey, you guys have the same weapon" he yelled.
"Yes" replied Victor, "I killed another of these assassin's yesterday, and kept his weapon"
"Oh look" noted the guard "This assassin has a gem, a ruby!"
"It's worthless" victor responded, "probably just some type of fake"
"You take it then" the guard said, handing it over.
[A successful Luck roll was made]
The bishop and the actual Lady Florinda were both oblivious to all the commotion and the recent threat to their lives. They both prayed on, heads bowed,
"Shouldn't you head outside to make sure your lady is safe?" one of the guards asked Vanker.
"Oh ... ah no ... she ah ... explicitly said to stay here and watch her attendant" replied Vanker.
Vanker continued "Maybe you can report to ... the Lady Florinda ... outside, while I keep watch here?"
The bishop's guard went out to report and came back with Able and another of the bishop's guards. They took up positions around the alter and relieved Victor, who staggered upstairs looking for some healing.
The praying went on for another hour or so, and around midday they both stopped.
The Lady Florinda |
By necessity, Lady Florinda's subterfuge was revealed, and introductions were made.
The bishop and the actual Lady Florinda made each other's acquaintance, and everyone retreated up to the church.
Victor was healed by the local priest (Arian), and offers were made to heal both Elia and Vanker.
"It's fine" winced Elia, "it's just a scratch, it'll be all cleared up tomorrow".
"I'm fine too" grunted Vanker, "No need to waste God's attention on little ole me"
"I've heard of you" said the bishop, "Vanker of the Mince! Wonderful to meet you here in this modest chapel"
"And I believe your deification paperwork is prepared and ready for signing" the bishop continued.
"No, no" mumbled Vanker, "This is not appropriate. Surely just one miracle is not enough for that"
"Ah" responded the bishop, "You are thinking of those heretical Nicaean fellows. They need more of everything to get anything done. They'll never get anywhere. Here in the Arian faith it's only one miracle, and from what I hear, the Lord has certainly blessed you more than once in the protection of your Lady"
"No, no" mumbled Vanker again, "It's not at all necessary. Perhaps after I have died?"
"Although if there is cash involved ...." Vanker concluded.
Elia and Vanker were not healed by the Arian's, which was very fortunate as spontaneous eruptions of fire and explosions would cause some complications with the local clergy, and likely with the city authorities.
Our party then travelled back to the Cathedral with the bishop and his guards. The crowds keep well back, and there was no sign of watchers or followers.
And that concluded all of the Lady Florinda's scheduled shrine visits in Hispalis. Her subsequent plan was to travel on to Corduba where she would spend some time at the famous Corduba University. She intended to leave Hispalis the very next day for the weeklong journey. We singed on to escort her for the remainder of the trip to Corduba.
"It is unclear who has been behind these assassination attempts" noted Elia, "We had better stay with you in case these attempts on your life continue. I'm sure a suitable fee can be agreed upon".
"Can you think of anyone who would actually want you dead? Elia continued.
A discussion regarding politics, family, wealth, and power ensued, but no conclusion was reached.
"Someone must be paying for these assassin's" noted Velito, "Can't be cheap"
"I found this ruby on the assassin today" reported Victor.
"Oh, I have a similar ruby from yesterday's assassin" exclaimed Velito.
"Oh, I also have a similar ruby from the guy from a few days ago" chimed in Vanker.
"Why didn't I know about this?" exclaimed Owl.
"Those look like the gems on my ruby necklace" commented Lady Florinda.
She brought her necklace down from her rooms, and the gems looked almost exactly the same!
"Where did you get this?" enquired Owl.
"This came from Septum. It was a gift from my husband, Count Julian, before we left on this journey"
Glances were exchanged.
"Do you think it possible that your husband might want you dead?" asked Elia.