Tuesday, September 12, 2023

From Towers to Hackerton. On the trail to Trall


  • Sophia Beauchamp (half-elf priest 21) - Ian
  • Joe Manco (human fighter) - Shane
  • Balder Dash (gnome wizard) - Jamie
  • Kosha Pickles (human rogue) - Darryl
  • Walton Formalin (half-elf mystic of 21) - Andrew
  • Red Feuersturm (human temple fighter of Hob) - Chris
  • MARMALADE: Grizo Muso (human thief) - Jeff
  • MARMALADE: Malcolm Gandhi (gnome thief) - Kevin
By Sophia, Praise to Ving-et-Un!

The Bell-tower Ruin by Mungo

And we waited....

After a while the group decided that there was nothing going to arrive. Would have been a great idea if it had worked!

"What now????" We ponder...

The party wonder if the lads were even flown away? Perhaps there was more activity around the keep ruin to check? After all, the tracking so far had only been around the door to the bell tower and in the tower itself.

A check from the tracking experts did not show anything of interest. Sophia thought that it would be worth a Detect Tracks spell and cast in the name of Vingt-et-Un the area lighting changed and a series of large claw marks were highlighted in a glowing light. Hmm. Large claws? Feathers? Heavy?

"Ahhh, there ARE some tracks to follow". They led from the door across the ruin to the far corner. The group followed the glowing tracks and discovered a trap door half buried in the ground. After clearing the old debris off, the door was exposed and ready to be opened.

"The door is riddled with poison and needles. There is a small thread that is set to collapse all the cavern below" was the cry from Kosha after a thorough testing.

Sophia cast Detect Traps to make sure and there were no traps....

Joe bravely through open the lid and revealed a set of stairs descending into darkness. "Allow me" offered Red as he took the lead. He had the two-handed sword and was fully equipped, where most of the other fighters (like Kosha) were still trying to obtain their preferred weapon  [ after having all their items stolen, Joe and Kosha were still on the lookout for two-handed sharp weapons and some chain armour ].

Red descended and had is hands clasping the two-handed hammer's handle. The newly acquired ring started to glow immensely. The stair well lit up in a warm red glow that was plenty for the humans to see.

Down the party went. Red, Joe, Balder, Walton and the rest following...

The stairs finished in a small room. There were old barrels and crates to the right. An old door straight ahead with a swinging door entrance in the far corner. The party perform all the typical checks and there were no non-party magical items nor traps.

Of the most concern was that Balder had turned baby blue again. Oh dear. A clear sign at least he was in danger via some unseen threat.

After a quick glance through the swinging door, the fearless Walton decided to open the old closed door and see where that leads. Nowhere. Seems to be a pantry and more storage of an assortment of various containers that would fit in any reasonable larder . Jars, tins, boxes, bags. The main observation was the floor seemed to be covered in an ooze and mould of some kind? Walton warned "Wouldn't step in there just yet".

Joe bravely leant in and scraped the floor with his magical long sword. The ooze scraped away and a fine mist and burst of spores erupted. The door was hastily closed and a untied 'nope' cried out as the door was slammed shut and party moved away to the old swinging door and into the tunnel.

The two person wide tunnel went for a very short distance and turned 90 deg right. Creeping forward with Red and Joe at the front again, the tunnel finally concluded in the wall of a well constructed room. A quick look showed a very well stocked armoury.

Another round of magic detection (none) and the party had a rummage through. With the blessing of Vingt-et-Un, there were two-handed swords and reasonable chain for those that wanted it. The chain would still need to be fitted correctly, but a bonus not having to purchase the chain and having the protection to continue.

Fully equipped now, an extra air of confidence filled the group.

Another collapsed corner that led to a further tunnel. No other exits. The rubble was seen to have more white feathers.

Joe and Red again, more two person wide tunnels. A very short distance to a natural cavern. A pile of rotting meat seemed to be the remnants of a cow. Some large creature's past meal. Balder is still at maximum blue setting. "Probably something dangerous" someone profoundly declares. Really.

The cavern expands out and the party discover two similar cave exists, one to the left and one to the right. As the group were pondering which way to go (why I don't know - you ALWAYS go left), a low grunting sound was heard from the right hand tunnel where the party were closest to. Must have attracted something's attention. While the loud 'Left it is' echoed around the chamber, the rapid accelerating scratching of claw on stone emanated from the right. A loud roar and the decision was made for us, stand and receive the charge.

A mad flurry of activity occurs as the Owlbear rushes in.

A rapid round of heavy crossbow bolts are let lose with Red and Joe both hitting target. Red's bolts smash into the Owl Bear and cause it to lurch to the side. It knows it is fighting for its life now and renews its attack.

[Joe hit well for 8 but Red critted for max damage -armour 22! ]

Balder casts +2 Weapon Damage on Joe's sword as it sits on his back, while he is using his crossbow.
Sophia casts Bless (for not much use but it is free and who knows?)

The Owlbear lunges at Red and rakes with its talons. Its beak claps wildly at the fighters in front of it.

Red Hits well, but is defeated by a hefty hit by both claws. The Owl Bear smashes into Red's side and hurls him across the floor and into the wall. His bold falls limp and motionless. Sophia tears across to Red.
Joe steps in with his two-handed sword and SMASHES the Owl Bear from the side. The crunch was sickening and the Owl Bear screams in pain. Its entrails are released and blood and gore sprays the area. The Owl Bear falls over dead after the colossal damage it has taken in the two phases of fight.
[ Red Hit, Owl Bear criticalled Red (beating Red's hit). Owl Bear with MAX damage is 22 points! Joe then stepped in with his special ability of spending luck for an extra damage dice THEN Joe criticalled as well - ouch - Shane rolled a 10 and a 3 with all the strength and crit, ended up doing 22 points of actual damage! ]

Sophia immediately cures Red for 6 HP to avoid the constitution death check. Then casts a 2nd level Cure Serious Wounds to negate the major wound. Praise be to Vingt-et-Un!

As the noise and shock settles, the party look deeper into the cave that the Owl Bear sprung from. There were two unfortunate souls hung upside down from a rail. Their innards melting down to the floor. A check showed two things:
1. The two bodies were young lads and the boys the party were looking for
2. The rig and bindings were elaborate and way beyond the ability of an Owl Bear to perform. There is someone or something else involved.

The party remained careful...

A bag and pile of items encouraged a detect magic with positive results:
- 5 x 100GP Gems
- 1 x magic two-handed Axe
- 1 x magic amulet of generic fantasy design
- 1 certificate of Owl Bear Prejudice Against two-handed blunt weapons and Hob [ not really, but the party thought it fun to try and explain Red's instant demise in the fight ]

Walton heals Red for more health and Red is now 10 out of 14 and feeling a lot better than 15 minutes ago.

Shane cried bagsie on the magical two-handed Axe and was moved 4 positions down the treasure ladder due to the Aussie Dollar penalty that everyone MUST adhere to when playing from Australia, in particular Brisbane.

At this point the cave complex has been fully searched except for the one remaining exit in the dead cow chamber.

Joe notices that his magical long sword had rust starting to appear (the one used to scrape the pantry floor). He quickly cleans that up, oils and sheaths the sword.

The two boys are gathered and covered for transport.

The corridor had a slimy, floor and fungus and moss growing. Red steps forward... "Allow me...".

A lit torch is thrown onto the floor and Hob enlarges the fire rapidly. Smoke fills the tunnel and cave system. The group lay on the floor to get clearer air. Eventually the smoke dissipates and the group move forward with no issues at all.

The tunnel ends in a cavern with water flowing on the far side. There is a circular hole in the ceiling that looked very much like the base of a well. Luckily there is a dry exit so the party leave without delay. The tunnel goes in a single straight direction for a long while. Eventually ending in light and a natural exit not too far from the ruin. The party do not dally and head quickly back to town.

Back in Mungo - The news no Mother wants to hear

The party arrive in town and quickly locate the mother that wanted the lads found. The news was sensitively passed with Walton asking:
"All those mothers with two sons please step forward... Sorry, not you lady."

Amongst bitter cries and wailing, she pays the magical scabbard and ring as promised. The group assist by taking the bodies to the militia HQ where the party report to the Captain.

The Captain things the group are crazy and don't believe there (was) and Owlbear nor evil person. A pile of claws and a beak are dropped on the ground in front.

"Hmmmm, ok then - you better show us."

The party quickly escort the squad to the ruin and what they found. They still seemed disinterested and disbelieving. "Oh well, their funeral...". The party return to Mungo and rest up.

With time on their hands, they decide to consume the recently found gems to complete some identifies:
  1. two-handed sword scabbard: Makes a standard sword both Magic and +1 Damage for 10 rounds, once per day.
  2. Amulet of rest at 1 HP per night recovered
  3. Ring is +1 Protection. Bagsied by Jamie. Shane therefore, goes down one further layer.
  4. Magical two-handed axe is identified as 'magical' with no additional bonus. However WILL harm creatures needing a magical weapon to hit.

The Road to Hackerton

The party hits the road to Hackerton. The slave line is approached with a guard and small keep to navigate. "Those girls look like slaves to us.." The guard question earnestly. Kosha leans over, explains with flawless logic that they are not and further more totally free (well, they are after all).
[ Darryl rolls a success critical 1 on persuade ]
"Oh, of course fine folk. Please pass this way and take our warm wishes with you on your travels in the salve free areas. You are welcome back any time good people. Have a wonderful day".

Road travel and a safe stay in a wayside shelter.

On the road again. Next stop is a very small village with the outstanding name of 'Trall'.

As the party wearily approach Trall, a group of 4 well equipped riders approach, heading in the opposite direction to the party, toward the slave line.

As the party move to one side to let them pass, the leader hails the group: "Greetings, whom is your leader? Speak now."

The party realise that the riders are all wearing the Holy symbol of REAL. Ahh, Paladins.

A number of the party scramble to respond as the leader of the group. "Where have you come from?" The Paladin asks. "We are heading to Lakeside and demand a report".

"Well, we have been to lakeside a few weeks ago. We heard that the streets were overrun with undead and evil!"

"Indeed. That is why we are going there". Responds the Real warrior.

The party soon put 2 and 2 together and realise that the Paladins quest starts around the time the party were blowing doors off catacombs. "Oh, we found a Malachi alter underground. At the cemetery not far from Lakeside. Very evil".

"When was this?" commanded Mr Real.

"Ages ago. Was totally not related to Lakeside being over-run by undead. Never went to Lakeside ourselves."

After leaving their names with the Paladins, both groups carry on their journeys.

In Trall

The party stay at the Petulant Parrot in Trall for more safe nights and good rest and recovery. Nothing of interest happens there. Other than a series of puns and other word plays, based on the name 'Trall'.

Belie Town

Next stop. Belie. Twice the size of Trall at 300 population. Another safe stay. The place of choice to stay being the 'Hesitant Gnome' where the barkeep was a not-so-hesitant Gnome.


The party finally rock up to the front gate of Hackerton. Finally a big city!

The guard runs through the usual spiel for new arrivals:
  • Check Weapons in (party members receive their official chits)
  • No Spells in the streets
  • No Invisible
  • No Thieves or Thieves Guild
  • Encouraged to use the numerous dob boxes

Sophia asks "So, can we sell our slaves here?" as tongue in cheek.

The guard glowered....

The party enter Hackerton and revel in the size and splendour. All the major and the majority of the minor churches. Inns galore. Markets, guilds you name it - it is here. Except Thieves Guild of course.

With Sophia and Walton in the lead, the group go directly to the Vingt-et-Un temple. Everyone is there and milling round.

"We would like to report in" Sophia asks the reception. "One moment... I will get Priestess Natasha".

Natasha Blake arrives and surveys the group. "Well, what have we here?"

"The Draser recon party reporting in Mammm". Offers Sophia. "We have returned to report on Miranda and the Draser Casino - The Globe".

"Oh" Natasha exclaims excitedly. "Vingt-et-Un also has wonderful news. Since you left there, Miranda has been promoted onto the Draser Council! We are so excited as we have always wanted a seat on the council there."

"But miss" Sophia tries to counter, "Miranda seems to be at the root of the Casino skimming! We are here to report how she is failing the church. These fine young ladies here are evidence....."

"Rubbish! Utter nonsense. Miranda is one of our top priestesses. She is beyond question and now a fine upstanding Draser councillor".

"Ok, so what about Simone and Tommo?". Natasha thumbs through some reports. "Hmmm, seems they have gone missing again? No idea... They don't matter in the least now that we are on the Draser council! Hurrah!"

The group sigh and give a full report on all the adventures to date.

"What about the girls" drools the male party members while staring wide eyed and the young group. Sophia glowers....

"Lets ask them! Lets ask them!" cry Joe and the other fighters.

"Good idea" responds Walton... "As they are free, they should decide".

So the group offer all sorts of job offers and otherwise. Interestingly enough, the entire group of girls politely decline the warm, heartfelt offers. "Hell no!!!" was also overheard.

Sophia escorts them to the Vingt-et-Un temple to be taken care of and placed in appropriate care.

This ends the check in at the Vingt-et-Un temple.

The party agree to have the 'Wispy Tapir' inn as a base for the group. From there, party members went their various ways to catch up.

Hackerton and Annoying Gnomes

[ Why did Ian volunteer for write up where we did so much in one evening!!! ]

Red had departed for the Hob temple. Discussed the removal of the ring. Red has not been inconvenienced so far, and enjoyed the additional 'affect normal fires' so decides to keep it for now.

Walton and Sophia depart back to the Vingt-et-Un temple. Natasha asks if we wanted work and Walton and Sophia instantly agree. We have to go and get an item from a place called Pug Island or something. We will get the details later.

Kosha heads off NOT looking for the Thieves Guild that does NOT exist in Hackerton.

The others not marmalading clean weapons and armour and generally hang out in the Wispy Tapir.

Balder and the Wizards Guild

Balder checks in at the mages guild and gives a report.

 "Ummmm, Mr Balder..." the clerk grumbles. "You seem to be radiating magic".

"Oh, yes, well you see...."

Balder proceeds to give a full and detailed report. Everything. Including how the amulet has formed a bond with Gandhi and if he OR Gandhi are threatened they turn blue. Likewise, if one gets hurt, the OTHER also gets hurt.

They detect curse and sure enough, they are cursed. "We can fix that" the guild offers. "By the way, where did you get those?"

Balder blurts "Oh, Dibble at Toluene".

"Hmmm, we know of him. You might want to check in with his mate here in Hackerton. What's his name again??? Hmmmm, here it is 'Oswald - Mad wizard and Inventor'. You should visit him. But be warned, he is pretty much insane. Be it upon your own head. All we know is that him and Dibble are in cahoots".

Balder gets Oswald's address, finishes at the guild and wanders back into the street.

Balder eventually locates Oswald's house at the given address and knocks at the door.

A skeletal creature answers the door and ushers Balder in. Balder is led to a room crammed full of antiquities and curios. The smell of spice, dirt and age fills the room. Bookshelves crammed with all manner of old books and gadgets.

A cat calmly crosses the room and glances toward balder to see who the visitor might be. Lovely looking cat. Particularly because the cat is cycloptic. You don't see that every day for sure.

A leathered old Gnome enters the room and introduces himself. He warmly talks with Balder.

Balder is blue at this point and nervously twitching his hand in his packet.

"Welcome to my home, so glad you visited!" Oswald oozes. "See that butterfly?" He points across the room at a magnificent insect with radiant colours, dancing quietly in the room's still air. Ducking and diving amongst the dust mites the sun from the small window is making visible.

A sharp blue light flashes and the butterfly disappears with a small zap. Oswald chuckles.

"Now, where were we. Oh That's right! Could I please have the item in your left pocket? The thing you keep touching".

Balder is confused? "What thing? What are you taking about?"

"Oh, you don't KNOW!!! I see. Please, slowly withdraw your hand and open it. Trust me. You should do this so I can help you. Then you might give it to me to examine."

Balder does just that. He slowly pulls his twitching hand out of his pocket. Its currently in a clenched fist. He slowly turns his hand so the fist is palm upward and unfolds his fingers... In his palm is a small glowing blue egg.

"Yes! Yes! That is it!!!!" Oswald dances on the spot in excitement. Wow. Its so beautiful. "You, Sophia and Walton should return. Bring the egg. I have so much to ask!"

"Wait, what? I did not mention Sophia or Walton? How do you know about them?" Balder is bemused. "Haha, I know about them and all the others too. Red, Joe, Kosha - the lot. But really wanting to see you three in particular".

Balder hastily leaves. Glad to be out of there.

The return to Oswald

Balder returns to the inn and provides an up date to the others. They are amazed. Could they trust this weirdo? He seemed to be powerful and know a lot. The party guessed that if Oswald wanted to cause them harm, he certainly could do so at any time.

they decide to return as a group and not just the 3 that Oswald asked for.

"Where is Kosha?" Someone asked. The others that were staying at the inn.. "No idea? He went away a couple of days ago and we have not seen him since? Assume he found what he was looking for and stayed?"

"Blooming heck. Ok, well, lets meet with Oswald first and deal with Kosha after that".

The non-marmaladers (minus Kosha) return to Oswald.

Upon the knock on the door that Balder delivers, a thin woman who introduces herself as Maria invites them in. They are directed to the same room.

The one eyed cat is sitting on an old chair, quietly licking its paw. There is massive spider waiting in a far corner, at the ceiling level. Oswald enters the room and seems a great deal taller than Balder's previous visit. Come to think of it, the cat is larger also.

Oswald casts Light on Balder's pocket.

The group asks "Sir, do you happen to know of a Gnome that goes by the handle of Dibble?"

"Why yes, of course I do. We have worked together in the past. Come to mention it, I see his handy work around your neck. You do know that is cursed? Oh, I am sure you know by now. Little prankster he is". Oswald continues "I also suppose you know that he can track you anywhere through those? As an act of good faith, I would be more than happy to remove that necklace. I would strongly suggest you retrieve the one called Gandhi so he is with us". Apparently if the other side of the cursed item is not there during the remove curse, they could die instantly. No problem if they are present. After much debate, they decide the 10 mins to gather Gandhi worth the effort. Just...

Walton heads off and returns promptly with a brown sack and Gandhi. Oswald promptly grabs a spatula and starts scraping marmalade off into jars and handing to Maria. She whisks them away. He licks his fingers to remove some lovely clumps that had spilled.

With both of the party gnomes present, Oswald casts Remove Curse and the necklaces drop to the floor.

Balder is still blue. Bright blue. "Hey, I thought that the curse was cured???" Exclaims Balder. Well the previously blue Gandhi is now back to normal colour. Oswald chuckles "Oh my dear friend, the blue is nothing to do with the necklace. That is connected to the egg of course."

Everyone notices that Joe has turned an interesting shade of green . Hang on, Joe is now yellow. His shoulder is itchy and a quick inspection shows two small puncture wounds. The spider is nowhere to be seen. Joe storms out of the house furious, although rather lovely in his new rainbow skin pigment.

Oswald proceeds to try and negotiate a holy symbol from Sophia and Walton, whom both decline. That would be heresy and an insult to Vingt-et-Un after all. He pleads again for access to the blue egg. Even a small slither cut off. "You do know something is growing in there" He offers. "Sure" the party says, "it IS an egg after all, but what IS it???" they ask of Oswald.

"Well you know, I have no idea until I can examine it!!! Let me have it for a while and I might be able to tell you".

In the end the party, at the lead of Balder decide to decline. Oswald asks if the group would like to work for him. He has a 'small job' he wants to have done. The group find out its on the way to Pug island so they sign up. Its to get some mushrooms from the forest. How hard could that be?

Vingt-et-Un Job

As the evening draws to a close, Sophia and Walton head back to Vingt-et-Un and meet with a person called Lexie. She is the one that wants something returned from Pug town on Pug Island. She is recently divorced and the ex hubby has a few things of hers that would be of no interest to him"

All these items detect magic and have a detailed description provided:
  1. Small snuff box
  2. Old book of her family genealogy
  3. Ms Lexie's grandad's old book of etchings

The party negotiate 3,000 GP per person.

The trip is 3 days by boat.

Sophia and Walton stay at the Vingt-et-Un temple and the others return to the inn, where there is still no sign of Kosha.

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