Monday, December 26, 2022

Madman's Feast

This was all written by the AI of Chat GPT.
Provide you give it guidance, its results are very impressive.


Madman McCreedy was a rich tycoon known for throwing lavish feasts at his sprawling mansion. These feasts were always attended by the crème de la crème of society, who came to indulge in Madman's culinary delights and to witness the depraved entertainment provided by his harem of slave girls.

On this particular occasion, Madman had decided to showcase the butternut pumpkins grown on the grounds of his estate, which were harvested by his harem wenches, naked, in preparation for the feast. As the guests arrived and took their seats at the long tables in the grand dining hall, they were greeted by the sight of the wenches, adorned in nothing but golden chains and brightly colored silk, as they used a complex system of winches and pulleys to lower the platters of food to the table.

At the head of the table sat Madman, a cruel and pompous man, who relished in the suffering of those around him. As the feast got underway, tensions began to rise, and it became clear that not everyone would make it out of Madman's mansion unscathed.


 Dear esteemed guests,

You are cordially invited to attend a grand feast at my mansion on the evening of the 22nd. I assure you, it will be an occasion to remember.

The menu for the evening is sure to satisfy even the most discerning palates, with a variety of delectable dishes and fine wines. And as a special treat, I have arranged for the entertainment of my harem of wenches, who will serve and attend to your every need.

I hope you can join me for what promises to be a truly memorable evening.

Madman McCreedy


Bishop Pompous arrived at Madman McCreedy's mansion in his grand carriage, drawn by four white horses. His robes were adorned with gold embroidery, and he carried a staff of office adorned with precious gems. As he stepped down from the carriage, he glanced around at the other guests arriving, his eyes narrowed with greed and avarice.

Margaret Tannebaum arrived in a sleek black limousine, accompanied by several of her most prized wenches. She was a notorious madam, always on the lookout for new girls to add to her stable. As she stepped out of the limousine, she scanned the other guests with a calculating eye, wondering who might be interested in purchasing her wares.

Nonce Patriarch arrived on foot, his face red with anger and exertion. He was a local merchant, known for his short temper and violent outbursts. As he stormed up the driveway towards the mansion, he cursed and shouted at anyone who dared to get in his way.

Strepto Coccus arrived in a battered old van, which he had driven himself. He was a wild-eyed scientist, always on the lookout for new and bizarre experiments to perform.

The evening air was heavy with the scent of Madman McCreedy's prized butternut pumpkins as Strepto Coccus clumsily navigated his van up the winding driveway of the mansion. As he struggled to find the brakes, the vehicle careened towards the wall of the mansion, sending a shower of bricks and begonias flying. Madman McCreedy, the host of the evening's feast, stormed out of the mansion with a face redder than his prized pumpkins.

"You fool!" Madman shouted, his voice dripping with contempt. "Do you have any idea how long it took me to cultivate those begonias? They were to be the centerpiece of tonight's feast!"

Strepto winced, knowing full well that there was no appeasing Madman when he was in a rage. "I-I'm sorry, sir," he stammered, trying to placate the irate tycoon. "I'll make it up to you, I swear."

But Madman was having none of it. "Make it up to me? How exactly do you propose to do that? Those begonias were irreplaceable!"

As Madman continued to rant, Strepto couldn't help but wonder if he would even be welcome at the feast anymore.

As Nonce Patriarch and Margaret Tannebaum took their seats at the table, Nonce couldn't help but let out a growl of frustration. "Dammit, I can't stand these blasted fancy dinners," he grumbled, fidgeting with his napkin.

Margaret rolled her eyes. "Oh, do calm down, Nonce," she said, taking a sip of her wine. "You know how Madman loves to put on a show. It's just for one night, darling."

But Nonce was in no mood to be placated. "I don't see why we have to dress up like a bunch of peacocks and sit through these tedious courses," he continued, his voice rising. "I've got better things to do than twiddle my thumbs while Madman and his cronies prattle on about nothing."

Margaret sighed, trying to ignore the stares of their fellow guests. "Really, Nonce, you must try to be more civil. It's not like you to make a scene."

But Nonce was beyond reasoning, his anger boiling over. "I'll make as much of a scene as I please, Margaret," he spat. "I'm sick of these pompous assholes thinking they're better than everyone else. It's time someone stood up to Madman and his ilk."

As Nonce's tirade continued, Margaret could only shake her head in resignation. She had long since learned that there was no reasoning with Nonce when he was in one of his moods. All she could do was hope that he would eventually tire himself out and the feast could continue in relative peace.

Leek Soup

The first course of the evening was a rich and creamy leek soup, the aroma of which wafted through the air as the platters were expertly lowered by the wenches using their practiced hand at the winches. Madman McCreedy, the host of the feast, stood at the head of the table, a broad smile on his face as he welcomed his guests to the meal.

"My dear friends, I am so pleased to have you all here with me tonight," he boomed, his jovial tone belying the calculating gleam in his eye. "And now, let us begin with this delicious soup, served up by my loveliest of ladies."

The wenches, dressed in revealing garments and adorned with glittering jewels, moved smoothly around the table, ladling out the soup with practiced efficiency. The guests, dug in with relish, chatting and laughing as they savored the rich flavors of the soup.


As the second course of lampreys in aspic was being served, Madman McCreedy rose from his seat at the head of the table and addressed his guests. "My dear friends," he began, "I am pleased to announce that this evening's feast is dedicated to the most noble and ancient of all culinary traditions: the lamprey in aspic. For those of you unfamiliar with this delicacy, it is a dish that has been enjoyed by gourmands for centuries, dating back to the Roman Empire. The lamprey, a slender, eel-like fish, is cooked in a savory aspic made from broth, wine, and spices, and then served chilled on a bed of greens. It is a dish that requires both skill and finesse to prepare, and I am confident that my kitchen staff, led by the esteemed Greta Tannenbaum, have done it justice. Please, do not hesitate to indulge." With that, Madman sat back down, signaling to the wenches to continue serving the lampreys.

As Bishop Pompous eagerly dug into his serving of lampreys in aspic, he couldn't help but let out a satisfied moan. His pudgy fingers grasped at the slippery creatures, tearing them apart with his teeth and savoring the rich, salty flavor. Madman McCreedy watched on with a satisfied grin, pleased to see his guests enjoying the feast he had so carefully prepared. Despite the bishop's reputation for greed and corruption, it seemed that even he was not immune to the allure of Madman's culinary delights.

Margaret picked at her lamprey with a frown, clearly unimpressed by the slimy dish in front of her. "I don't know what Madman was thinking, serving such an unappetizing dish," she grumbled to the wench standing by her side. "I've had better food at the brothel." The wench, used to the guests' fickle tastes, simply nodded and refilled Margaret's wine glass, hoping to distract her from the unappealing entrée.

As Strepto looked at the slimy, writhing lampreys in aspic, he couldn't help but feel a sense of disgust wash over him. He had always been more of a meat and potatoes kind of guy, and the sight of these eel-like creatures, their mouths wriggling as they hung suspended in the jelly, was simply too much for him to bear. He tried his best to hide his disgust, turning his head slightly to the side and forcing a smile as Madman McCreedy regaled the guests with stories of his lamprey-fishing exploits. But despite his best efforts, Strepto couldn't shake the feeling that he was about to be sick.

As the lampreys were served, Nonce's face contorted in disgust. He glared at the slimy, wriggling creatures on his plate and let out a loud groan of revulsion.

"What is this?" he spat, his voice dripping with disdain. "I can't stand the sight of these things."

Madman chuckled, a cruel glint in his eye. "Oh come now, Nonce. You can't deny that lampreys are a delicacy."

But Nonce was in no mood to be placated. He slammed his fist on the table, causing the other guests to jump in surprise. "I won't eat these abominations," he declared.

Madman's smile faded, replaced by a hard, cold look. "You will eat what I serve at my table, Nonce," he said, his voice low and dangerous. "Or you will suffer the consequences."

Nonce's anger reached a boiling point. He grabbed his plate and, with a growl of rage, hurled it to the floor where it shattered into a thousand pieces.

The other guests watched in stunned silence as Nonce stood, chest heaving, his face red with fury.

Madman's eyes narrowed. "You will be punished for this," he said, his voice cold and threatening.

But Nonce was not about to back down. He squared his shoulders and met Madman's gaze with a fierce determination.

It was then that Margaret spoke up, her soft voice breaking the tense silence. "Gentlemen, please," she said, her tone conciliatory. "There's no need for this kind of behavior. Let's just enjoy the rest of the meal in peace."

Her words seemed to calm the men, and the tension in the room dissipated slightly. The wenches moved quickly to clean up the mess, and the rest of the course was completed in an uneasy silence.

Butternut Pumpkins

As the next course was served, Madman McCreedy called out, "To the winch, wench!" The wenches obediently began to lower the platters of butternut pumpkins, their muscles straining as they worked the winches.

Madman picked up a pumpkin and examined it closely, saying with a smug grin, "This butternut pumpkin is not the same as the other ones. It's the finest one I've grown all year." He took a bite, savoring the taste as the other guests dug in with relish.

Bishop Pompous, his face slick with sweat and grease from the lampreys, eagerly reached for a pumpkin, his eyes alight with greed. Margaret Tannebaum, on the other hand, wrinkled her nose in disgust at the sight of them, her appetite completely ruined by the slimy entrée.

Strepto Coccus, never one to hide his true feelings, openly grimaced at the pumpkins, muttering under his breath about the inedible nature of gourds. Nonce Patriarch, on the other hand, was in high spirits, his anger at the lampreys temporarily forgotten as he dug into the pumpkin with gusto.

As the feast went on, Madman McCreedy watched with pride as his prized pumpkins were devoured by his guests, his wenches scurrying around the tables to refill glasses and plate up seconds. It was a grand and lavish feast.


As the final course of trifle was served, Nonce let out a loud sneeze and sniffled, drawing the attention of Madman McCreedy. "Ah, my dear Nonce, are you allergic to sherry?" Madman asked with a sly smile.

Nonce glared at Madman, his anger bubbling to the surface. "Yes, I am," he spat out. "I told you that when I accepted your invitation. You deliberately served it to me knowing I couldn't have it."

Madman chuckled and waved his hand dismissively. "Nonsense, Nonce. I simply forgot. No need to trifle with me over such a small matter."

But Nonce was not placated. He slammed his fist on the table and stood up, his chair clattering to the ground behind him. "I won't be made a fool of, Madman," he growled. "I'm leaving."

Madman's face turned dark as he watched Nonce storm out of the grand hall. He turned to his guards and nodded. "See to it that he is thoroughly punished for his lack of manners."

As the guards set off after Nonce, the other guests looked on in shock and fear, wondering if they would be the next to incur Madman's wrath.

As the guests indulged in the rich, creamy layers of the trifle, the sound of Nonce's beating echoed through the halls of the mansion. Margaret, keen to distract from the unsettling noises, attempted to make conversation with her fellow diners. "I must say, this trifle is delightful," she said, picking at the raisins scattered throughout the dish. "I do love a good sherry in my dessert. Don't you agree, Bishop?"

The bishop, who had been preoccupied with shoveling spoonfuls of trifle into his mouth, looked up at Margaret and nodded. "Indeed, my dear. The sherry is a delightful touch."

But despite Margaret's efforts to steer the conversation away from the disturbing sounds emanating from the hallway, the thuds of Nonce's beating continued to hang heavy in the air. As the guests finished their dessert in silence, the tension in the room was palpable.


As the guests sipped their coffee and nibbled on the dainty sweets, the sounds of Nonce's beating continued to echo through the halls. Despite the gruesome noise, Madman seemed undisturbed, enjoying his coffee and sweets with relish.

Once the guests had finished their final course, Madman stood up from his seat at the head of the table and cleared his throat. "Ladies and gentlemen," he began, a sly smile on his lips. "I hope you have all enjoyed your meal. It was my pleasure to host you all at my mansion, and I hope you will join me again for another feast in the future."

There were a few polite murmurs of agreement from the guests, although most of them seemed eager to leave and escape the sounds of Nonce's beating. Madman, however, seemed oblivious to their discomfort. "Before you go, I would like to thank you all for your delightful company," he continued, his voice dripping with insincerity. "I trust you will all have a safe journey home."

With that, Madman bid his guests farewell, and the group quickly dispersed, eager to escape the confines of the mansion and the cruel Madman McCreedy.

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