Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Grape Wagon Score

(The crew (group), the Budgie Smugglers, were tasked, by the Scabport Wizards' Guild, to recover six stolen barrels from the Insular Rogues.)

Ronny [ Deacon, Hound (like a ranger) ] was sent down the Fort Augmentin road to scout. He came running back.

"They're coming!" he spluttered. "Six guards and an open wagon full of barrels. At least, I hope it's them."

but with no trees...
The group was at a small stream that flowed off the plains and into the sea. The road crossed this
stream through a ford. This would make a good choke-point.

Here, they hastily placed some vague and make-shift rocks to slow any crossing wagon, and then positioned themselves behind other convenient rocks and the odd bush, ready to strike.

Moonlight Birdsong [ Chris, Druid ] dug a depression in the stream, enough to submerge himself beneath the water. He breathed through a reed tube.

The wagon arrived (lucky it was the right one!) and went down the depression into the stream to cross at the ford. Three of the wagon guards jumped off to clear away the rocks that blocked the way.

"Now!" shrieked party leader Huilam [ Jamie, Spider (mastermind/coordinator/leader) ].

The Engagement roll was three dice: 1D plus 1D from Ronny's reconnoiter and plus 1D from Huilam's feat. The highest value was a 5, which meant "Risky". Risky is normal; other possible results were "Controlled" and "Desperate".

Burrito [ Darryl, Hound ], Ronny and Sorrow [ Jeff, Lurk (thief) ] opened up with their bows...

The logical choice for a bow shot is HUNT Action. Burrito did a Lead-a-Group on the archers which meant he could use the HUNT rolls from Ronny and Sorrow as well. The risk being that any fail rolls (1-3) from any of them would count against his Stress. There were no fail rolls. One of the rolls came up two 6s, which is a "Critical"! 

... and with superb shooting dropped three of the targets.

Hypothetically, what would have happened with other results?

One 6 would have been a "success". The targets would still have fallen, but they'd get a Fortune roll and might be scratched rather than out for the count.  

4 or 5 would have been a "success, but ..." As above, but the "but" would mean maybe some of the party would be wounded by return fire, or the rocks would have been cleared, or the foe might risk taking the wagon through a different route, or risk the wheels on the bad terrain. 

1, 2, 3 would have been a "fail, and ..." As above, but none of the baddies fall or even be scratched.

El Cid [ Shane, Cutter (fighter) ] cried out "Three of you are down! Surrender, or we will drop the other three!"

El Cid did a COMMAND (2D) action on the foe to do this. He also did a Lead-a-Group with Huilam helping with his own COMMAND (2D). A 6 was the highest roll. Success.

Realizing the precarious situation they were in, the other three quickly surrendered.

They were tied up and interrogated. One of the shot ones was at death's door, so Rita  [ Ian, Brightspark (priestess of REAL) ] cast a Cure on him.

The wagon had ten barrels. Rita cast a Detect Magic spell and that showed that six of the barrels were magic.

"These must be the Magic Grape barrels," she mused.

The other four barrels contained only wine.

The leader of this group was a half-elf called Gertrude. Huilam plied them all with wine, and then he interrogated Gertrude. She didn't know much, but they were planning to be met by a group outside of Scabport, and thus sneak the barrels in to the city.

All the sloshed prisoners were loaded into the wagon and covered with a tarp (Sorrow's tarp).
Attlee [ Kevin, Lurk ] drove, with Huilam and El Cid beside him.

Rita and Ronny headed off ahead to go the Scabport to report to the Wizards' Guild. They were faster than the two-horse dray, so were soon out of sight.

After half an hour of travel, Attlee was dozing off, and he misread a corner. The wagon left the road into a steep ditch on the side ...

nearly ...
Attlee used the FINESSE Action (2D) to drive the cart. BUT unluckily, his top roll was only a 3. This is a "fail, and ..." result, so the cart left the road into the ditch. He wisely decided to do a Resistance roll. This uses PROWESS and, for Attlee, was 2D. Kevin's roll was a 5. For Resistance rolls, you subtract this value from seven. So Attlee got two stress points. But it meant he lessened or avoided the bad effect.

... but with a superb piece of skilled driving, Attlee judged the incline angle right, and didn't break a wheel, nor disgorge the wagon contents, nor hurt the horses. With shaking hands and sweaty brow, Attlee resumed the travel.

Half an hour from Scabport, Attlee pulled the wagon off and hid it behind a rise.

Sly Dunbar, WG Liaison
Night fell.

Rita & Ronny by now were in Scabport. They went to the Wizards' Guild. Here they met up with Sly Dunbar and gave him the good news. He furnished them with documentation to get the wagon past the Scabport Night guards.

Back on the plains, skulking Burrito spotted a group of four walking up the road. He quickly told the party, and everyone stayed low and hidden behind the rise, and the four walked blithely past. Burrito returned to his guarding and Sorrow then tailed the four.

Rita & Ronny made their way out on to the plains and headed back towards the party - her searchlight Sunray forehead lighting the way. [ Priests of REAL have a beam-focused bright light on their foreheads ]. Burrito spotted the search-light from leagues away, and by the time the two arrived, the wagon was back on the road and headed towards them.

With the WG paper-work, it was no trouble to get past the Scabport Night guards. They weren't even interested in examining the barrels. 

At the Wizards' Guild, the wagon was unloaded in the WG loading bay. Sly Dunbar then paid Rita the agreed coinage, and then the group took the wagon and horses (now theirs) back to their secret base.


BitD/FitD has a concept called Downtime which is done after a Score (Mission). It abstracts into four things:

  1. Payoff (good) - The crew (group/party) earns money and reputation. Money is abstracted into units called COIN. This score earned 6 COIN and 3 REP. The crew is an entity in its own right, with its own class (Smugglers), attributes, skills and feats. And REP is how a crew earns experience and advances (and benefits all the members).
  2. Heat (bad) - HEAT is an indication as to how notorious the crew is. The more HEAT, the more the big-cheeses or the law start to sit up and take notice. Too much HEAT gets you WANTED.
  3. Entanglements (bad) - This is random occurrences that happens to the crew, the members' friends or their vice peddlers. It is a function of HEAT and WANTED.
  4. Downtime Activities (good) - Each character can do two of: Acquire Asset (get a temporary toy for one score), Long-term Project (build something or plan something), Heal, Reduce Heat (clear some of the crew's HEAT), Train, Indulge Vice (helps to clear Stress).

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Scabport - The Budgie Smugglers

(Courier font for meta comments.)

This new adventure follows the same group of players.

We are using the "Forged in the Dark" system ("FitD"). This was invented in 2014 as a Kickstarter called "Blades in the Dark" ("BitD"), but BitD has a built-in steam-punk setting too. So, we are using the FitD system but with my "Known World" fantasy (& magic) setting.

BitD/FitD is a game-system unlike anything the group has ever played before, so it's a style they will need to get used to, and is a big learning curve. It is story-driven, tactics-light and combat-light, but, honestly, that has been the style of play we've done since 2014 anyway.

We are using the following the BitD Playbooks ("classes"):

  • Cutter - Intimidating Fighter
  • Hound - Sniper and Tracker
  • Lurk - Infiltrator and Burglar
  • Slide - Subtle Manipulator and Spy
  • Spider - Devious Mastermind

and I added some world-specific priest playbooks:

  • Bookworm - Acolyte of Funken Wagnall (god of Knowledge)
  • Brightspark - Acolyte of REAL (got of Light)
  • Doxy - Acolyte of Soixante-neuf (god of Lust)
  • Druid - Acolyte of Caribou Gorn (god of Nature)
  • Firebug - Acolyte of Hob (god of Fire)
  • Lucky - Acolyte of Vingt-et-un (god of Luck)
  • Watergirl - Acolyte of Aquamarina (god of Water)

BitD has two other playbooks we are not using called the Leech (saboteur & alchemist) and the Whisper (ghost-channeler). At some future date, these two will be converted into a Mage playbook.

The party starts in the huge city of Scabport, situated on the Wild Coast. Scabport is one of the largest cities in the Known World with 109,000 inhabitants. It is mostly human, with half-elves and elves making 30%. The "scab" is a name for a type of anemic asparagus with a red secretion on the tip, which goes crusty when it dries. Needless to say, scabs are delicious, and are a major export from Scabport.

The party formed themselves into a crew of Smugglers called "The Budgie Smugglers". They have a hidden base in the Docks area and own a shallop (15-man sail boat).

Huilam Artois

SPIDER and party leader

Half-elf from Spite
Background: Maritime
Vice: Obligation - herpetology

Attlee - RETIRED


Human from Scabport
Background: Academic (Scabport IT)
Vice: Gambling



Human from Scabport
Background: Underworld
Vice: Obligation - mother & special-needs brother

El Cid ("Vicious") 


Human from Scabport
Background: Maritime
Vice: Pleasure - breaking things

Moonlight Birdsong


Elf from Palantir
Background: Rural
Vice: Weird - abuse magic mushrooms

Rita de Klerk - RETIRED


Human from Specularum
Background: Academic
Vice: Luxury - boots & fur

Ronan ("Ronny")


Human from Scabport
Background: Military
Vice: Gambling

Scott Harrow ("Sorrow")


Half-elf from Palantir
Background: Maritime
Vice: Obligation - always helps half-casts




Human from Scabport
Background: Underworld
Vice: Gambling

Dee Dee


Gnome from Scabport
Background: Trade
Vice: Pleasure



Elf from Palantir
Background: Underworld
Vice: Obligation

William Lamb ("Lammy")


Human from Scabport
Background: Academic
Vice: Weird

Sly Dunbar, Liaison of the Wizards' Guild, gave them a 6 COIN job (as an introduction to FitD), to recover five stolen magic grapes barrels (each about 20kg) that were expected to be brought into Scabport by another group called the Insular Rogues.

They setup an ambush two hours along the Fort Augmentin road (to the right on that map above)...