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Sister Margaret Orleans [Charlotte] |
They now had a new member in the group, Sister Margaret Orleans [Charlotte], who was a nun on retainer to the Witch-finder. She was here, at the behest of the Witch-finder, to find the witches Ab Siddy and Roma. Ab Siddy was surreptitiously told about this, so he stayed well clear, and out of Margaret's sight.
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Joseph Hildenhall [Chris] |
Thomas met up with an old friend, a fellow thespian from London, called Joseph Thaddeus Hildenhall [Chris's new character]. Joseph was a tall solid, stolid handsome chap, but with many scars and missing pieces (ear tip, half a finger, tongue-tip, septum, foreskin). His forte was shooting and sword play, plus he could actually read. Now the group had two members who could read - Sister Margaret being the other one.
Art had been given an official-looking document by the Witch-finder. He knew that it had his name on it, but he could not read the rest. So, he showed it to Margaret. It was a warrant for Art Bowman's arrest "for AWOL" from the Baltimore Barracks, signed by Captain Carmichael. It was also a warrant for Baron Bliss's arrest "for Treason". In both cases: "Use of excessive and indiscriminate force approved."
"Best not let the English soldiers see that," warned Margaret.
Thu 3-Jul
A peaceful night.
Around noon, Art was healed well enough to leave his sick bed. So the group decided that they were leaving Corke; there were some malcontents in Fallis that needed contenting.
Ab Siddy hid under the bench seat of the wagon, to avoid the prying eyes of Sister Margaret. Joseph sat on the seat over his position and had to take the blame for the foul stench emanating from beneath him.
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Eau de Siddy |
"Did something die?" quipped Baron. "Smells like a dead cat."
When the TTTT wagon got to the South Gate of Corke, the gate guards gave them an honour-guard as they left through the gate.
After an hour or two, they arrived at Our Lady of Perpetual Succour. This was convent that Tess was staying at, and was also Sister Margaret's "home" convent.
Mother Superior there insisted on a Full Mass and prayer session. She freely used her cane to enforce attendance and behaviour.
Fri 4-Jul
A peaceful night passed; the TTTT camped in the convent grounds.
They left in the morning. It would be an easy day's travel to make Bandon bridge.
They met an English patrol on the road who knew the TTTT, and waved them through. The sergeant did warn them of outlaw activity.
They passed through Killrea (where Deacon was married) before noon, and didn't stop.
Halfway through the afternoon, the eagle eyes of Sean and Baron spotted a suspicious group of eight shadowing the cart off to the east side. The road was curving in that direction, so they suspected an ambush.
The best sneakers, camouflaged Ab, Sean and Elrick, circled around and got behind the eight, and their ambush position. Then opened fire.
There was a short battle; three of the ambushers were killed (two in cold blood), two were severely wounded and unconscious, and two were captured. Elrick and Sean received one wound [day to heal] each.
Unfortunately, it turned out that this eight were O'Neill rebels, under Catriona.
"... Then why'd you attack us?" said Art.
"YOU shot first! We were about to make demands when you shot," protested one of the captives.
Sister Margaret was hiding in the wagon, with the other women, throughout the whole battle, and keeping her head down. Now that the fighting had stopped, she emerged. It was at this stage that Ab decided to reveal himself to her. She confronted the ugly witch, and he promised to voluntarily return to the Witch-finder "when next in Corke".
Joseph was relieved; he no longer need to take the blame for being the source of the dead cat smell.
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