In Killrea, Baron [Deacon] finished consummating his wife Orla while the rest of the group (Art [Jeff], Ab Siddy [Darryl], Thomas [Kevin], Brigid, and Sean [Shane, absent]) got the wagon loaded for the muddy trip to Corke.
Elrick [Ian] had already arrived in Corke with Eileen, having travelled by shallop up the Corke harbour from Terryhaven (from Fallis). He had the dory in tow with the intention of selling it in Corke.
At noon on the road to Corke, Thomas and Art were sitting on the bench seat of the TTTT wagon and watching the country side drift by. Art now had the teamster skill, so they no longer needed Baron to walk next to the horses to whisper at them and keep them controlled. Baron had stopped taking the Clough Caint each morning since his accident. Roma now had it.
Suddenly, there was a flash up ahead and two musket balls struck home. One knocked Thomas into the back of the wagon, and one winged Art. Art decided a charge was in order, so ran down the road towards the shooters. He was hit again; a severe wound this time. Ab melted off to the side and camouflaged using his spell, and got into a position to use his bow. Roma, helped by Brigid, started loading the many muskets they had in storage.
Sean climbed onto the roof of the wagon and shot at the bandits with his heavy crossbow, and took one down. [ This was a major mistake; Sean should have been marmalading. A character whose player is not present can not do anything pro-actively. He is magically safe from injury too (unless total-party-kill). ]
There were eight malcontents and a short missile battle ensued. Two of the men were dropped [ was three, but the one Sean shot was resurrected ]. And the rest scattered over the country-side. Mention in dispatches to Ab Siddy and Art. But the group had suffered some major wounds. With no curing in the party now, apart from Ab's healing potions (of which there were none), it would be a long road to recovery [ scratch =15mins, wound=day, major wound=week ]. The bodies were looted and slung in the back.
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Healing with gunpowder |
An hour later they met an English patrol. These ones knew the TTTT and offered to cure the wounds. So, the soldiers sprinkled some gunpowder on each of Art and Thomas's wounds, held them down, and ignited the powder. There was a bright flash and ... each received another major wound.
"Gee, thanks."
"You are very welcome," said the friendly Sergeant. "I am sure."
The party showed the bodies of the two bandits to the patrol. They had anchor tattoos on their arms.
"Oh, those are from Fallis," said the knowledgeable Sergeant. "The Fallis Outlaws, in fact."
That was valuable information.
"Do you want the bodies?"
"Just their ears." The soldiers hacked off the ears, and chucked the corpses over the bank.
Another hour later, they got to Our Lady of Perpetual Succour, where Tess was residing. So they drove into the convent and met some old faces.
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Mother Superior (OLoPS) |
Tess managed to convince the Mother Superior to bless the wounds of Art, Thomas and Baron (his wrist wound from that unfortunate crossbow accident). So, in the chapel, the Mother poured stinging holy water on each wound, in turn, and said some prayers over them (2nd Thess 2:9), and lo and behold, with a bit of spectacular luck, all three wounds were healed! Sadly, only the recent gunpowder wounds for Art and Thomas - they still had their shot wounds. But Baron was happy to get his left hand back
"One miracle per wound," said the Mother Superior bluntly.
"But I have several separate wounds," protested Art.
"Then one miracle per person," she said, holding out her hand. "Mark six five."
They gave the nuns all the money they had looted from the bandits: 12 pennies [ $120 ].
"I cin see that the good Lord hasn't blessed ye with generosity," sniffed the Mother. Then added: "First Peter four ten."
Later that afternoon, they arrived in Corke. The gate guards were more than happy to usher them and their cargo of gunpowder and arms inside. They went to Ye Docks Lookout and met up again with Esther.
Elrick and Eileen were already here since yesterday. He had failed to sell the Dory.
A shady looking man approached them: "The eagle has landed."
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powder barrels |
Was that a password? They suspected this man was Catriona's contact. He knew about the four smuggled gunpowder barrels, and said he'd bring a wagon to the stables, to load, tonight "when the moon is highest in the sky".
Moon tables and nautical almanacs weren't in proliferation in 1603, and anyway, none of the party could read, but Esther, the font of all knowledge, seemed to know: "The moon was full on the thirteenth; three days ago. Full moons are highest at midnight, and the moon rises about an hour later every day. So, work it out."
Ab Siddy, El gato and Roma were set to guard the wagon. Baron was in a separate room with his beloved. Art was too sick to do anything, still wounded, so wasn't on watch. Sean was poorly with marmalade. That left Elrick, Thomas, Eileen and Brigid to be available for extra support during the night, if needed.
Some time after dark, there were some suspicious noises at the stable door. It was way too early for Catriona's man, so Ab and Roma set a trap, They caught two malcontents breaking and entering; both were dropped by Ab's bow. Ab was about to cut their throats and dump the bodies in the Lee, but Roma noticed one was of Romany extraction. So, still unconscious, the two thieves were spared and reunited with the other Romanies in Corke. Roma was wanting to stay on good terms with that group anyway.
Fri 27-Jun (17-Jun)
Catriona's contact's wagon did eventually arrive. They unloaded all the arms and munitions into it.
In the morning, the TTTT planned a show for tonight. Esther was happy to cater and liquor it again and the party would get the usual 20% cut. Roma invited his pikey mates in to work the crowd, for his usual cut.
The day was uneventful, and it was soon show time.
After a terrible start, the show went surprisingly well, better than Bannon Bridge three nights ago.
- Thomas's flageolet playing was the worst it had ever been. Vaudeville critics described it later as "two enraged cats fightin' in a bag".
- But Roma's mad king Charles VI went well and his talking goose head managed its witty ad-libs with aplomb.
- Art was too sick for the interpretive dance this eve, so Sean stood in for him, taking Brigid's hand. Surprisingly, the trio (Sean, Elrick & Baron) danced with grace and style, and managed to get the interpretive meaning across to the audience with alacrity.
- The marksmanship exhibition was Sean only (he seemed to rise above his marmalade malaise), and he shot the apple off Elrick's hand, pinning it to the far wall, with no problems.
- Roma had the Clough Caint and he ordered the greased pig to bite Sean. So, it ended up dragging the shrieking Sean about the stage by his beard, then it squatted on him and emptied its foul pig bowels all over him. This brought the house down.
Colonel Cholmondeley, commander of the New Fort, was in attendance, with his entourage and adjutants. He had taken a liking to the rotund Sean last time the party was in Corke ("Got to love the beard! Something to hang on to.") so he graciously offered to take the injured Sean back to the barracks to tend his wounds ("sans gunpowder"). Roma graciously agreed in Sean's stead.
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lavender oil |
Later on that night, Sean was returned to the inn, still bearing the pig bruises and pig bites, and now bearing some other bites. He walked gingerly and had trouble sitting too. But at least he had been bathed, and reeked no longer of sweat, lard and pig faeces, but of carbolic soap and lavender.
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