Prospero introduced a new party member to the group: an ex-soldier, good with a shotgun, named Leon [ new player David Campbell's character ]. Prospero adjudged that Leon was totally trust-worthy hence that was a good enough recommendation for the group.
When they got back to the apartment, Abu was working down in the Nexus, like he had been for the past week. Sledge asked him how he was progressing.
"In one week, I think," said Abu. "I will know how to engrave the glyphs on human skin and how to activate them,"
"Will they still age you a year per day?" asked Sledge.
"Oh yes," replied Abu. "That is the next problem for me to solve."
Sledges' phone rang. It was the Warden of the Eastern State Penitentiary, Candy Clam, asking to speak to Mort. Sledge explained that Mort was no longer here in Philadelphia. In that case, the Warden wanted the see the party, and she demanded, vehemently, that they go to her office. Now.
So they all went out there.
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Angel |
Anyway, she wanted to employ them to do some work for her.
"I run a tight ship here," she hissed, eyes flashing a feral gleam, her irises aglow. "No-one escapes from my prison, alive. No-one.
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Bogan |
She tossed down four personnel files: Angel "eyes" Fornel, Bogan Baltimore, Cletis Crawdad, Drowbar Wolven.
"They are all in for armed robbery, 8 and 12 years a piece," she continued. "And are ex bikers. They were last seen in Morgan forest, two hours to the East of the city. The local police did a cursory search, but I pulled them back. I was worried about Veil breaches. Although, two are human, Angel is fae, and Drowbar is werewolf.
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Cletis |
"Yes," said Ebony. "I thought this was a male prison."
"It is."
"Then why is Fay one of the escapees?"
"Fae," said the Warden wearily. "Fairies, faeries, sidhe..."
"She?" said Ebony. "'She' is a girl?"
Drowbar |
"S I D H E! It is from the Irish gaelic word for fairy."
"Sid he?"
"No! Pronounced 'she'!"
As payment for successful completion of this "job", the Warden offered the group a Veil item. A Ring of Power Healing. This item is attuned to one person over a week. After that it will increase rate of healing by about 20 times: [ Normally, Bash damage is healed in 15 mins, Lethal damage in 2 days, and Aggravated damage in 1 week. With the ring: 1 minute, 2 hours, 12 hours ]
Tuesday late afternoon, June 24
The party returned to STRIKE FORCE HQ to do some research.
Morgan forest was about 10 to 15 km on one edge and 5 km on the other. On the West end was the village of Morgan and the Morgan creek flowed through the woods.
They also selected some special weaponry [ by spending Endowments ]. Leon got some iron shotgun pellets, iron being good on fae. Reginald got a clip of silver 9 mm bullets for his MP 5, and an iron hammer. Sledge got a clip of silver .357 magnum shells. Silver was effective against werewolves, of course.
"We will need a witch," said Jacob. "To locate the escapees easily."
They contacted Siri and arranged a meeting. Siri's Locate Person spell could only cover a few kilometres. That was too small, so Siri suggested they try Nonce or Cello.
Nonce couldn't do much more range than Siri.
After some attempts, they managed to get through to Cello (the best witch in Philly) and arranged a meeting. Cello's spell could stretch to 12 km, so they asked to hire her. Her rates were one grand per casting that spell, or two grand for the whole day, but she wasn't free until Thursday daytime. So they booked Cello.
Tuesday night, June 24
Mina arrived at the apartment.
"If you guys can find out what happened to Mort," she said. "There's ten thousand dollars in it for you. I would like to know. It seems that demons got him. You know the Warden is one?"
"Yes. And Warden Clam doesn't seem to know," said Ebony. "We did ask."
"You working for her?"
Ebony nodded.
"Do tell."
After Mina had listened, she gave some suggestions, but the group already knew of the iron and silver.
Mina offered Ebony a "drink", but she graciously declined.
Wednesday, June 25
Juan had taken possession of Mort's hearse - Mort had donated his safe-house apartment (no longer safe) and his hearse to the group. Juan started the pimping process. He was heading for this:
Thursday morning, June 26
Sledge hired an enormous RV motor-home, at $350 a day.
Jacob had an RV and he picked up Cello, to keep her separated from the mage-haters: Reginald, Leon and Theo, and they all headed for Morgan.
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