They had done their job and delivered the Imperium's reply. The cease fire would start from now. No military ships would move without permission from the other side. The Imperium would abandon the three illegal military bases. The cease fire would remain in place for as long as it took High Command to meet on both sides. With the large size of the Zhodani Empire and the Imperium, this could take a while.
So the party was discharged, having completed the deliveries.
Aida then offered them a small job.
A rogue element of Zhodani had mutinied and taken two frigates. (Apparently, this happened quite a bit, on both sides, and in peace times too. Long communications lines often meant lone ships would be out of comms for months on end.) The rebels were docked in a temporary star-port in Torment. The main battle fleet could not attempt to engage them as they would just Jump out. However, if an innocent scout ship was to deliver a small package to them - a package of explosives, disguised as a whisky crate, say - then that might provide a good outcome.
So the group jumped in to Torment.
The Zhodani rebels allowed the Scout ship Lollipop to dock and sent two soldiers on board to do a cursory search. Aida hid herself away during this time.
Torment's temporary star-port had three wings. One had the two rogue frigates docked, one wing was for the Lollipop, and the other wing was still under construction (construction having recently ceased). They had been told that the blast radius of the whisky bomb was 100m, so decided the safest spot to place it would be in the empty wing; that would more than cover the frigates in the blast.
Aida would dress up as one of the rebel Zhodanis and she would wheel the crate over to the half-built wing. To provide a diversion, Dick (Shane) and Worthington (Chris) would perform a burlesque show for the Zhodani rebels.
Note that burlesque was one of the Jump-time activities, to wile away the week of the jump, so the party had had some practice. In fact, that very trip, burlesque was the randomly selected activity - Aida had performed too. Having a female participant, emphasized by the macromasia of the Zhodani, had spurred the party's motivation ten-fold. What was formerly a despised activity, was now something to be looked forward to.
The Dick and Worthington burlesque show went ahead, the diversion worked, and the crate was delivered. All that need be said is that the name of the system "Torment" aptly described the feelings suffered by the hapless Zhodani rebels who endured the show, and that when the bomb detonated some time later, it would have put an end to their suffering.
A week later, they arrived back in Tizon.
With the misson accomplished, Major-General Seskia offered the party new employment. They would work for the Zhodani military as Zhodani forward recon (not for the Scout Service) and travel in the Zhodani scout ship Sosok under "Captain" Aida. It was a 1G 3-jump ship. Belter did not want to lose his rights to his scout ship, so agreed to surrepticiously provide the Scout Service information on Zhodani acitivities at every port when he could. In return, the Scout Service would house and maintain the Lollipop.
Aida told the group about the Zhodani equivalent of burlesque called Tolshok Zoh. It was performed on a pole and involved disrobing and gyrating. Dead-eye Dick was fascinated, so Aida invited him and the rest of the party to one of the performances on board the Battleship Ogromnia Moloka. The stage was down the centre of a bar and psycho-tropic blood was provided through communal teats that adorned either side. The Zhodani girls were already excited and a bit spaced-out when the show began. But much to Dick's disappointment, the performers were well-oiled Zhodani males, scrawny but with well-cut muscles, with enormous members. They did their stuff on the poles amid screaming Zhodanis.
One of the Zhodani ensigns at the show took a liking to Dick. She introduced herself as Cara and hauled him back to her cabin for the night.
When Dick stumbled back to the Sosok the next morning, he'd lost his front teeth, he had two ribs broken, he was covered in bruises and raked with fingernail clawings. Doctor Worthington spent the morning repairing Dick's wounds. The amused Aida explained to Dick that he was lucky that Cara didn't give him "hard loving", or else they would be officially betrothed. Zhodani marriage is "until death do us part" - usually death of the male.
"How would I know what 'hard-loving' would be?" asked Dick, now worried.
"Oh, you wouldn't be able to walk."
Orders arrived. The plan was for the Zhodani fleet to leave the Sword Worlds and jump to Entrope. But they had to wait another week for the official clearance to arrive from Margesi.
In the mean time, the Sosok was ordered to jump to Zeta 2 (using its jump-3 capability) and then jump to Entrope to meet up with the fleet (which would arrive at the same time). The Sosok was to make sure that the Imperium had left Zeta 2.
During the week from Tizon to Zeta 2 the activity was golf.
"Strip Golf" proclaimed Dick. Having never played golf before, it took Aida half a game to realize that she didn't have a 2 handicap while the rest of the players had a 36. But by that time she was naked and Dick was snapping away photos like there was no tomorrow.
"You will destroy those," Aida warned Dick. "Else your encounters with Cara will seem mild".
He hastily agreed.
Arriving in Zeta 2, they were greeted to an abandoned system and no space-port. There was some civilian activity on the surface. So they jumped out back to Entrope.
The activity this week was Drug Week. Aida offered up her psycho-tropic blood based drinks, and Worthington a collection of morphine-based injectables.
They arrived in Entrope and the main Zhodani fleet was there.
After docking at the class E star-port, a package was delivered for Dick. It was a brass knuckle-duster and a note "See you tonight, my toshi lubovnika. Cara." Dick asked Aida the significance of the knuckle-duster.
"Is lover's gift. She will use it to heighten enjoyment"
"Not for 'hard loving'?" he whimpered.
"No no. Side-cutters, or brace and bit."
With a bit of trepidation, Dick went off to the Ogromnia Moloka for his date with Cara.
The next morning, Dick crawled back to the Sosok coughing blood, with a broken jaw and more ribs, holding several teeth in his hand. Doctor Worthington had him patched up in no time, but it still hurt like hell.
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