The week's activity was Carolling.
In Thanber, they were surprised to spot two Imperium destroyers.
"Report to the starport now!" demanded one of the destroyers over the radio.
The Sosok, now with enough fuel for only a jump two, turned on her jump engines again. A desolatory torpedo was launched, but it had no chance of getting to the Sosok with the hour.
Another week of travel; Morris dancing was the activity this week.
Unable to get to Querion (without a refuel), they arrived in Faisal. There was a Zhodani destroyer here docked at the D class star port, so the Sosok headed in to dock; a four hour trip. After about half-way in, lo and behold, one of the Imperium destroyers from Thanber arrived. The air-waves were suddenly inundated with traffic.
"Imperium destroyer, you are violating the cease fire by moving illegally!" screamed the Zhodani destroyer.
"We are following Zhodani military vessel Sosok to arrest it on charges of violating the Cease Fire," replied the Imperium destroyer.
"We are but a scout ship with no military capability," replied Aida, speaking for the Sosok and the party.
"You are still military"
"No we arent"
"Oh yes you are"
"Ohhh no we arent"
This pantomime accusation and denial carried on for a while until the captain of the Zhodani destroyer Suka suggested to discuss terms in at the star-port. The Sosok and the Hyperion (the Imperium destroyer) docked at the star-port, while the Suka stayed out a bit.
The Imperium flooded the star-port with marines, while the three captains (of Hyperion, Suka and Sosok) met in the tiny star-port cafe. Sanity prevailed and Captain Red of the Hyperion agreed not to pursue Sosk and agreed to return to Thanber. In return, Captain Malenkaya (of the Suka) agreed not to press the alledged violation of the Cease Fire by the Hyperion.
The Hyperion went out to safe jump distance and vanished.
Aida farewelled Malenkaya and the Sosok and party jumped out.
This week the activity was Party-Party-Partay.
The group arrived in Retinae. There was supposed to be a star-port here, but there was no radio traffic and the star-port was in pieces. Beam weapon and missile damage to the pieces. And bits of Zhodani flesh floating in orbit. They gathered up samples and Aida did not want to wait the time to collect water from the planet's oceans to refuel, instead wanted to jump out to Bael.
Another week.
They arrived in Bael, and were surprised to see a huge Zhodani fleet here: Five carriers, ten battle ships, 14 cruisers, and hundreds of other lesser war vessels and support craft.
"This all very secret," said Aida. "No camera, no recordings. But Retinae star-port damage too important for us not to tell High Commander about. And too important that we must trust you five to keep secret"
The party solemnly nodded in ascent. Even Dick.
Aida left the group in the Sosok while she took a shuttle to one of the battleships.
Dick busied himself with Interweb mail that had arrived. It was a letter from Cara wanting to meet up.
The next day Aida returned from the battleship.
"We have new orders. No longer go to Querion. We must get evidence of who destroyed Retinae. We suspect it is Hyperion or the other vessel with it in Thanbar, the Impetus."
"How do we get evidence?" quipped Doctor Worthington.
"All beam weapons leave unique signature on wreckage, which can be traced back to individual gun. We will get close to Hyperion or Hydrabad and get them to fire, or try to inch close to get sample from the turret beam gun muzzles. Or we sneak inside and steal torpedo."
Faces dropped.
"Oh," said Dick, weakly.