Tuesday, May 21, 2024

The Road to Malaca


  • Abellinet "Able" Ugwistan, 31, Moor Arian Fighter from Septum – Jeff
  • Brave "BJ" Jose, 22, Arian Visigoth Fighter from Astigi – Jamie
  • Fabius Cato, 26 Roman Nicene Temple Fighter from Rome – Richard 
  • Luigi Abundus Bertolini, 23, Roman Nicene Priest from Ravenna – Chris
  • Merkel, 24, Vandal Arian Temple-Fighter from Gades – Kevin
  • (Hawk-Eye, 22, Arian Visigoth Barbarian from Astigi – Shane)
  • Velito Rosso, 24, Roman Nicene Barbarian from Venice – Darryl
  • MARMALADE: Victor Koshenko, 24, Alan Arian Thief from Gades – Ian
  • Sister Sarah, 22 Arian Visigoth Priestess from Astigi – Steven
  • Lucky Logan, 27 Nicene Visigoth Temple Fighter from Malaca - Shane 
by Richard

As we near the day we celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, we embark on our journey from Hispalis to Malaca. The journey should take around a week, but before we leave we needed supplies.

We purchase a wagon (to be driven by Merkel), two wagon horses, one donkey (for Brother Luigi) and four horses (Fabius, BJ, Hawk-eye and a spare). Able would ride the spare, however he is a wanted man and must remain hidden in the wagon.

We also purchase a good quantity of food and mead, and by the time we are finished have 115 silver coins left.
The plan is to travel to Malaca and board a boat to Septum where Velito will be introduced to his new bride Isidora's parents. Following that, we will travel back to Gades, as Brother Luigi and Sister Justina are concerned about Father Valerius and loyal Acolyte Felix.

The road seems unusually safe. There is a shrine every half day and towns regularly scattered along the road almost a day apart.

The first night we stop in a traders' camp near a shrine. By now we are all cured and on full magic points. Our luck is menacingly low though.

We learn, through talking to travelers and from our own observations, that there are more than a normal number of king's guards on the road. This is due to a higher Moor presence in towns, and the King is suspicious of their intent. Additionally, they are looking for a black man known as Able. He has a reward of 1000 silver on his head for impersonating a centurion. 

BJ and Hawk-eye look at each other tempted by the prize but equally scared of he moor's blade.

We also learn that Malaca has a historical intolerance for Nicene and that there are no Nicene churches in town, and that Nicene must be careful not to espouse heir religion. 

Hmmm, thinks Fabius – I probably should not go there. Father Luigi concurs.

The reputation of the Companions of Abundus well and truly precedes us to the point we are careful not to disclose who we are, particularly given Father Abundus is Nicene.

The small towns come and go as the road remains well-served by king's guard and therefore safe. We arrive in Uillo, where we stay at the Inn of the Cascading Wave, the Nicene Church of Our Lady of Tranquil Patience and the heretical Arian church of Divine Spark Sanctuary

A peaceful night.

The next day we travel to Lucurgentum. Early afternoon, we come over a rise and see on the road some 100m ahead, four king's guard being attacked by eight, who we assess as, brigands.

Without hesitation, Fabius, BJ and Hawk-eye ride into battle. 

"How hard can this be?" thinks Hawk-eye.

The others maneuver the wagon into a defensive position and keep guard. Able would have come to battle but for being wanted by the king's guard, and Merkel was driving the wagon.

We charge in, dismounting at the last moment given none of us were particularly skilled at fighting from horseback.

Fabius, overly confident in his righteous abilities, caught his foot in the stirrup, stumbles into the blades of two men and was dropped by two criticals, spurting blood everywhere.

Hawk-eye deflected the first swipe, but the second pierced his belly and came out he other side (another critical against us). He dropped and lay in an ever-increasing pool of blood.

Brave Jose entered the fray, only to receive a massive hit to the head (yes, another critical). Fortunately, the head is one of BJs less important features and the hit didn’t knock him down. But now he faced another problem – Fabius and Hawk-eye were down and bleeding and he now faced three opponents (in our rules facing more than one opponent is not good – every opponent over one gets an additional dice to hit often eventuating in multiple hits).
King's guard Jake the Peg

By this time, the rest of our group had seen the disaster unfold, and Able and Merkel and even Velito charged down the hill. Sister Sarah followed close behind.

Able takes an arrow to the chest while closing. Merkel stops and engages in a fruitless two-way arrow battle with the brigand archer.

Fabius makes his roll to not die (every round a person is below zero requires a roll vs CON. A fail means death, but Luck can be applied to assist the CON roll) however Hawk-eye despite having a 15 CON, rolls a 19. His luck is 2 – not enough to save him, so he dies.

The next round Sister Sarah applies First Aid to Fabius and brings him to 1 point. He re-enters the fray and Able and he both critical and a brigand is beheaded – "That ones for Hawk-eye", laments Able.

Back to BJ. Somehow, he has managed to avoid the blows of his three foes for a further two rounds and indeed has dropped one. Velito, Able and a somewhat bemused Fabius dispense of the rest.

One king's guard had been dropped but they have killed two other brigands. The remaining brigand, which Merkel had unsuccessfully engaged, ran.

"Thank you for your assistance dear sirs" says one of the king's guard.

"We are here to serve" pants Fabius leaning on his sword whilst covered in blood. Fabius enters into conversation with them allowing Able to quickly retreat to the safety of the wagons.

We travel with them to Lucurgentum where we go to the respective Nicene and Arian churches. We all needed healing and were in a bad way. 

Our "good luck" continued. In endeavoring to cure Velito the Nicene priest fumbled his spell and knocked himself out. Sister Sarah fumbled and damaged Fabius causing another major wound. Fortunately, she made her First Aid roll or he would have died.

We stayed two further days in Lucurgentum. Over that time, we cured the major wound of Fabius, largely cured the party and regained magic points.

We also met a very upfront righteous man who Fabius immediately warmed to and invited to join the party. His name was Lucky Logan, a Nicene Temple Fighter. (Shane's new character)

"The Lord is smiling upon us" thinks Fabius. The heretic Hawk-eye is dead and the righteous Lucky joins us"

"You can't just ask him to join us" an indignant Velito sates.

"Well I have" says Fabius

"No no – we need to understand who he is" 

"He is a man of he church," states Fabius ending the conversation and walking away.

Velito can be heard muttering to himself, as he seeks out his beloved Isidora.

We travel the next day to Irni, and then the following to Nescania. The Nicene church in Irni has been burnt to the ground in the past week, a sign we are entering into heretical territory. (Though, there was a single Nicene church in Nescania - being the last one before Malaca).

In Nescania, we plan our next steps. We will send Velito, BJ, Able and Merkel into Malaca to hire a boat. They will prepare it for our voyage to Septum and then send Able to get Fabius, Luigi, Lucky, Sister Justina, Isidora, Elena, and the marmalading Victor who will go straight to the docks and board the ship.  BJ and Velito will sell the wagon, horses and donkey.

Will the plan work? Will the Nicenes keep out of trouble? Will we change our mind? Let's see next week…..

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

It Is Foretold

  • Abellinut "Able" Ugwistan, 31, Moor Arian Fighter from Septum – Jeff
  • Velito Rosso
    Brave Jose "BJ", 22, Arian Visigoth Fighter from Astigi – Jamie
  • Fabius Cato, 26 Roman Nicene Temple Fighter from Rome – Richard 
  • Luigi Abundus Bertolini, 23, Roman Nicene Priest from Ravenna – Chris
  • MARMALADE Merkel, 24, Vandal Arian Temple-Fighter from Gades – Kevin
  • Hawk-Eye, 22, Arian Visigoth Barbarian from Astigi – Shane
  • Velito Rosso, 24, Roman Nicene Barbarian from Venice – Darryl
  • Victor Koshenko, 24, Alan Arian Thief from Gades – Ian
  • MARMALADE Sister Sarah, 22 Arian Visigoth Priestess from Toletum - Steven 

by Darryl

Notes from the stories of Velito Rosso, told in his old age (he hopes).

Come and a sit-a down and I will tell you more-a of what happened in my-a adventures when I was a younger man in the far off lands to the west.

Spine snake
Last-a time we sat here-a together, we was a being chased by the spine snakes that-a were trying to kill-a us, and regain control of the nasty spear that a we called the "Spear of Christ", but now-a knew that this-a was really the spear of a nasty old-a god from the distant past (Geryon).

After the lasta attack, we decided to not-a wait any longer, and to start heading as a quick as we canna, so packed up and we set sail for the town of Astigi [down the Baetis river from Corduba on a hired barge] where we wanna give the spear to the Prophet that Brother Luigi believes will be a able to destroy it and make us all-a lotta safe. 

We travel as fasta as we canna, and I handle the barge with greata skill as ever, but when we are about two hours away from Astigi, a snake a catch-a up with us, and we see a it coming up behind us in the river. Able is notta a good and, like alla the fighters, is very sicka [severely wounded]. So, I give him the tiller and tell-a him to keepa the boat as straight as possible. Hawk-eye is looking after the horses, and we are in a great danger as many of da boys are very sicka. 

BJ, he shoots and hits the snake with a mighty shot, but stilla it comes on. I have a throwing net for catching the fish, and throw it over the snake, and tangle him uppa a real good, but it thrashes and squirm-a around alota and begins to break outa the net. 

It is nowa on aboard, and we alla trying to hit and kill it before he a break out of the net, and we are getting a bit a scared. Then, the great brother Luigi comes aforth and pours some of the holy water upon the snake; which hisses and writhes before it a lies still.

We are very happy, but very much afraid as we a know that there are more of them to come. We travel on as fasta as we can and have sentries alla around the barge, including my beloved Isadora. 

We arrive in Astigi justa in time. As we beginna to tie the barge uppa to the dock, we see-a coming at us more snakes. Brother Luigi, he a begins running as a fast as his a little legs will carry him, 200 metres (over the board-walks of the Astigi Undercity) towards where the Prophet is, so as to a warn him. BJ, Victor and Hawk-eye they very carefully tie a rope to the spear and thena begin running with it towards the Prophet's house too. I stay to make-a sure that the barge is-a all tied up and Isadora is a safe. 

Brother Luigi arrives but the guards of da Prophet, they not allow Luigi to go ina to see him, and using mucha profanity refuse his  entry.   But-a Luigi, he is a good at the talking and with greata persuasion convince them thata he must see the Prophet righta now. So, he goes in, and the others pulling the spear go ina with him. 

The Prophet remembers them and says "As foretold you bring the spear". He thena unwraps the spear and holds it up. 

There is mucha nervousness amongst the party as they hava seen this before, and now thinka the spear will possess him. At the same time, they a hear a crunching sound from below them and the wooden boards upon which they are a standing begin to splinter, the snakes they are arriving. A snake skull appears in the splintered hole looks around and then it begins to rusha towards the Prophet. 

He then a casually smacka it on the head with the spear and it falls into dust. His eyes they glow red, and he lifts uppa the spear and says "It is foretold!"

The party, theya now feeling a little more of the relax and so begin to talka to him, knowing that they and the spear are now all a safe. The Prophet, he aska them about Lady Florinda,  and we tella him she is safe in Corduba with most of her ladies. 

Thena he begins to swoon and rocka and rolla from side to side and says "I feel another prophecy coming on". 

The party, they watcha him enter a trance and they nota sure wadda to do but soon he stoppa and say "Florinda is no longer a slave, you have changed the course of history". 

The party shuffle their feet in embarrassment but with a greata pride. The prophet he then a says that the Sister Sylvia isa to stay with him, and then, with great power, he pours the holy water on all of the party who  have injuries and they are then-a cured. This is a great a miracle and we are all impressed. 

Able asks also to have holy water, but the prophet he a tella him that he only have the minor wound and to man up. Hawk-eye is still a little worried about the spear and so he goes and he a touch it. In a flash he sees the old members of the party, Aulius (Jamie), Vanker (Shane), and Elia  (Richard). They are a walking together through a forest. Hawk-eye is beginning to shake and the prophet gestures to his guards who then a pull Hawk-eye away from the spear, "Git" says the prophet.

Brother Luigi he then asks how we have-a changed the history, and the prophet says it is because we gotta the lady to the university, and now she is a safe from being killed.

But "I see darkness coming."

Hawk-eye then tells the prophet of whatta he see when he touched the spear, and the Prophet, he say "They still have a part to play".

Butta he not stoppa with this, he then says because we have done such a great job that he will a offer to the party a boon. We notta know what to do about this, and so he a say, "ok you comma back tomorrow and I willa grant this."

Arian Bishop Javier 
of Corduba
There are King's guards throughout the town and we see that the Arian Bishop Javier Scumeritso's coach, it is here too, and so we decide to notta go to the Arian church for the night, instead we stay in the Golden Nugget inn. We hire some guards to look after the barge and the horses, and retire to the inn to talka about what boon we would like to have a. We thinka maybe one of two, either we could asks for all of us to get a better at our skills and abilities, OR that our great reputation should a spread before us as we a travel.

Finally we go with the latter, knowing that this a boon could also be a bane, but-a we know that we are so a good this will a notta matter. So now the group, it has a name: we are now-a the group called "Companions of Abundus".

Some of us, we stay in the inn while Brother Luigi go to the Nicene church Our Lady of Radiant Hope. And Victor, he decide to a go to the Arian Church of the Sacred Flame. Bishop Javier is there, and on Victor getting there, he is-a summoned by the Bishop.

"Where is the priest of Nicene?"

"At the church"

"And Sylvia, my novice?"

"Um ... don't know we left her at Corduba"

"Any news?"

"We got rid of the spear."

"You did? How?"

"A powerful man destroyed it."

"How? Where?"

"Don't know"

"Explain yourself"

"We met a man along the way and he destroyed it."

"Where is he?"

"Don't know. He was just a mysterious man."

"He destroyed it?"


"You will remain here."

So Victor, he is a locked up inna room butta he thinks this is notta a good, so with a bit of the crafty skill, he leave, and he finds his way to the Nicene church where the Brother Luigi, he is staying. Lucky, he come in from the back a door as there are some Arian White Cloak guards at the front-a door. The White Cloaks had gone and seen Brother Luigi to tella him he is summoned by the Bishop. Luigi, he say it is too late tonight and maybe he come in the morning. So Luigi and Hawk-eye gather everyone at the Inn and we make the plan for early leaving on the barge. 

Some of the party, they go and get the boon from the Prophet, and some sort-a out the barge with supplies. Brother Luigi says it is the feast of saint Nicholas of Myrna, and he make sure that the procession is brought forward, and so give an excuse for notta coming to see the Bishop. 

Some of the party go to see the prophet for the boon, and they say "The Companions of Abundus are to be trusted honoured and respected throughout the land."

"It is foretold."

Lorica Squamata
Everyone then a meet early in the morning at the barge, but BJ, he say-a he wanna go back to Cordoba to collecta his armour [lorica squamata, 2pt, which was being fitted for him] which he has a paid for and is to make him a look a cool fighter, so we say ok and we will a meet him in Hispalis. So, we set a off and BJ, he rides off alone to Corduba. 

The trip to Hispalis is simple and takes a few days, with only the one-a problem: in a small-a town called Axati where there is some of the guards of the king, and they ask about a black man called Able (he is a hiding in the bilge of the barge), and I, Velito, use my greata sales skills to tella him not here matey, so he go away.

Then we are all a together again in Hispalis, and BJ, he has a lovely looking armour, and we await the next part of our great adventure.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Snake alert!


  • Abellinut "Able" Ugwistan, 31, Moor Arian Fighter from Septum – Jeff
  • Brave Jose "BJ", 22, Arian Visigoth Fighter from Astigi – Jamie
  • Fabius Cato, 26 Roman Nicene Temple Fighter from Rome – Richard 
  • MARMALADE Luigi Abundus Bertolini, 23, Roman Nicene Priest from Ravenna – Chris
  • MARMALADE Merkel, 24, Vandal Arian Temple-Fighter from Gades – Kevin
  • Hawk-Eye, 22, Arian Visigoth Barbarian from Astigi – Shane
  • Velito Rosso, 24, Roman Nicene Barbarian from Venice – Darryl
  • Victor Koshenko, 24, Alan Arian Thief from Gades – Ian
  • Sister Sarah, 22 Arian Visigoth Priestess from Toletum - Steven
by Jeff

Bodies littered the courtyard

The blackened spear lay in the middle of the courtyard, surrounded by the bodies of the Arian church guards who had been standing watch over it. Smoke still coiled up from the burnt-out wagon and the nearby guard tower in the perimeter wall of the bishop's country Manse.

BJ was grumbling profusely.

"Arrrgghhh, this won't fit" he complained, holding up the set of lorica squamata (studded leather armour) he had just stripped off one of the bodies, "It'll take weeks to have an armourer adjust it"

The scrumptious sister Sylvia stood near the spear, having just thrown it down to the ground.

"What hap... hap... happened here?" she stammered.
"Well" stated Victor, "You did."
"Oh Lord" Sylvia moaned, "What do we do now?"
"Let's see what Luigi says" instructed BJ, "Meanwhile let's wrap that thing up and get out of here"

Sister Sarah and BJ took scrumptious Sylvia (and the armour) and headed straight back to Corduba to report to the rest of the party, and to get scrumptious Sylvia back to her Bishop. Victor and Hawk-Eye wrapped the spear in old cloth and leather scavenged off the bodies and dragged it into the Manse.

Meanwhile, back in Corduba at Our Lady of Shining Grace, a university guard had arrived with a letter for Velito.
"Si si, I Velito" said Velito.

The guard handed it over and Velito unrolled it.
"What it say?" he asked Fabius, "I not veed so good"

Fabius turned the page up the other way, and began ...

"Pablo Cassals

Rector of La Real y Rolliza Universidad Visgótica de Corduba

4th December 748 SE

 Velito Rosso,

 I hope this letter finds you well. 

 As you might well assume, the Royal Visigothic University of Corduba has a strict no-children policy, and as such we normally refuse entry to lady students and staff. But in the case of Lady Florinda and her entourage, I have made a personal exception, subject to one condition: that the ladies be checked by the University Deacon. 

 I am writing to inform you that the Deacon Brother Tariq performed the Ecce Gravida miracle on all Lady Florinda’s ladies-in-waiting, and one of them, Lady Isidora Felicia, is with child. She has informed us that you are the only male that has liaised with her, “Daddy”.

 She will be expelled from the university immediately. Unless you wish her to join the whores of Corduba, I expect you, gentleman of Venice, to do the honourable thing.

 Yours in Christ,

Pablo Cassals"

"I be a daddy?" asked Velito with an excited squeal.
"Velito" groaned Fabius, "What have you done? You must confess and do the honourable thing."
"Si si" replied Velito, "I most honourable."

Fabius dragged Velito straight off to the confessional, and stomped backward and forward in a righteous rage as Velito entered the box and confessed his sins.

" ***, #$#, **@*&**, **********" he stated. [Come on now, you know its confidential!]

As Velito skipped happily out of the confessional box Fabius stared daggers.

"Don-a be-a so mad" instructed Velito with a wink, "It's-a sin"

The wedding is planned immediately, Fabius hastened off to the university to retrieve Isidora and bring her to the church, and a great feast was prepared. Invitations were sent out to some local parishioners,
As preparations were underway, BJ and sister Sarah, sans the distraught scrumptious Sylvia who had been dropped at the Arian cathedral, arrived back to report.

"What is this" questioned BJ, "A wedding?"

But, with his new armour forefront in his thoughts, he immediately raced off into the city to find an armourer to adjust the studded leather for his height and build.

"I'll be back" he grunted as he shot back out the door.

Velito and Isidora are married

Isidora agreed to be baptised into the Nicene faith, and the wedding was performed. Velito beamed throughout the whole ceremony, and Isidora looked radiant. 
"Si si" pronounced Velito happily, "I do"

And then they both shot off to the church cottage to consummate the event. 
"I do, I do" echoed out of the cottage a short time later. 

After the wedding, BJ and sister Sarah reported what they had found down at the country manse. Luigi was consulted, and he confirmed that the spear definitely needed to be destroyed. It was concluded that the best option would be to take it to the "prophet" back in Astigi. 

"That Arian bishop can't be trusted" Luigi stated, "We leave at first light."


Back at the country manse, Victor and BJ had barricaded themselves inside the building and were preparing to get some rest. Deciding that one of them would be awake and on watch at all times, Victor settled down on the hard floor while BJ sat in a chair next to the barricaded front door. The spear was thrown into the corner of the nearby study, heavily wrapped, and the connecting door was closed.

As BJ sat, senses tuned for any danger, he heard a strange noise outside the barricaded door. There was a slithering noise, followed by scratching and light thumps on the door.

"Victor" BJ yelled, "Awake, something wicked this way comes"

The return of the spine-snakes

Rushing up to the upstairs window, they peered down into the courtyard and saw a snakelike creature scrabbling at the door. It was a bony looking thing, literally, it was 
just made of bones!

"I know these!" recalled Victor nervously, "Tis the nasty Geryon spine-snake"
"Do not worry" calmed BJ, "Our great barricaded door will easily keep it out"
"But" recalled Victor, "They can climb!"

Hastily retreating down from upstairs, BJ and Victor closed and jammed shut a few extra doors, drew their weapons, and stood watch in the barricaded entrance lobby for the rest of the night.


As the new day's sun peaked up over the horizon of Corduba, the party were already up and active. The barge had been loaded with supplies and everyone had slipped on board to join Able. Velito masterfully wielded the punt and the barge slid quickly upstream through the city, out the eastern river entrance, and was soon moored against the riverbank somewhat near the country manse.

"This way" instructed Able as he led BJ, Fabius, and sister Sarah overland through the swamps and surrounding forest. The rest of the party stayed on the barge to ensure it would still be there when they returned with Victor, Hawk-Eye, and the wrapped spear.

Popping out of the forest onto the road, just a few minutes from the walls of the manse, Able and crew cautiously made their way up to the destroyed gates. Peering around the stone jamb of the archway, BJ made a quick scan of the courtyard and hastily stepped back behind the wall.

"Just some small snake things" he whispered, "Slithering around the door into the manse"
"Snake things?" questioned Able, "Bone-like snake things?"
"Aye" replied BJ, "Three of them, but they look to be pretty small"
"Oh no" moaned Able, "I know these. Tis the nasty Geryon spine-snake"
"Why don't you shoot one with your bow?" suggested Able, "And we'll jump it when it comes slithering out through the gate. Then we can do them one at a time."

BJ strung his mighty bow, drew, and approached the archway.

"Oh" recalled Able, "Try not to get hit, they have some poison thing going on."
"What?" squeaked BJ, just before he loosed his arrow.

Despite the distraction, BJ's arrow flew true and swept through one of the spine-snakes.
Which immediately turned and slithered quickly towards the gate.

"Perfect" crowed Able, "One at a time"

Three spine-snakes charged across the courtyard

Unfortunately, the first spine-snake was immediately followed by the other two, and there were three dangerous spine-snakes essentially charging for the open gate. But Able was partially right, that first one was definitely going to arrive first. Maybe they would get one attack into it before all three would be in combat.

Able bravely stepped to the fore as the first spine-snake slithered around the stone jamb and engaged it in melee. BJ and Fabius stepped quickly to Able's sides and prepared for their bonus hits.

[A fighter in this combat system is able to engage a single opponent, taking his blows, and effectively allowing any of his allies to step in and attack with a bonus die. This involves rolling two dice against your attack skill, taking the best, contested against the targets single attack roll against the prime attacker. In this particular case, the attacking spine-snake made a more successful attack roll against Able, hitting him, and also preventing both BJ and Fabius from hitting the spine-snake themselves.]

Able's long sword swung violently over the spine-snake's head as the spine-snake somehow leapt off the ground and bit successfully into Able's thigh. A tingle rushed through Able's body, and he staggered back as the spine-snake dropped back to the ground and prepared to attach again. Just then the other two spine-snakes rounded the stone gate jamb, one heading for BJ and the other towards Fabius.

[Able made a successful roll against his poison save skill to counter the potential death that would otherwise have resulted a few rounds later. Phew! But he still suffered significant damage]

During the following melee, with bad luck encountered by both sides, the spine-snakes were dispatched. But not without consequences! BJ suffered devastating hits by one of the spine-snakes, falling to the ground unconscious, and becoming afflicted by the nasty toxins injected by the spine-snakes bite.

[Two fumble rolls were made during this combat (a twenty), and one critical hit (a one). In the event of a fumble, the attacker almost certainly gets hit, and must expend two luck points to avoid his weapon becoming destroyed or temporarily lost, which is almost certainly fatal during combat. The critical hit results in maximum damage from the weapon, plus an additional die roll of damage, so 8 + D8 for a single-handed sword attack.]

Victor and Hawk-Eye had noticed the combat from inside the manse, and had rushed out, ready to assist and clean up any remaining spine-snakes. 

"I don't recall these spine-snake bites having such a nasty effect" mused Able.
"I just don't recall" agreed Victor.

"Quick!" yelled sister Sarah, "Let's get him inside to the chapel, and I can cast a Slow Poison miracle"

Able and Fabius quickly hoisted BJ and trotted him into the manse, lowering him to the floor in front of the alter in the chapel, where sister Sarah cast her miracle. First Aid was also given, bringing BJ to consciousness. During the intervening hour, Able and Fabius further investigated the bodies lying about the courtyard outside.

"Hey" yelled Fabius, "There are twelve bodies here without spines"
"So?" Victor called back from inside.
"Well, that means there are more of those things about" replied Fabius, stepping quickly back inside behind Able and pulling the door closed.
"Let's get out of here as soon as sister Sarah is finished then" stated Hawk-Eye nervously.

As soon as the hour was up, Slow Poison successfully cast and resisting the death poison of the spine-snake on BJ, we gathered up the spear, by its long rope, and hustled off. Across the courtyard, through the forest, around the swamp, and back towards the barge.


Velito and Isidore emerged from the small cabin below the barge's deck. Isidora's dress was quite rumpled and Velito had a huge grin stretching from ear to ear.

"Ah, dis marry life-a very exhausting" Velito boasted loudly, with a wink.
"How-a long you dink they taking?" he asked, considering another quick dive into the cabin.
"Oh look-a, comeing"

But he was actually talking about Able and the rest of the party who just then burst out of the bush beside the river and hurried up the ramp onto the barg.

"Quick" called Victor, "Let's get out of here right now!"

Velito cast off the ropes and pushed the barge off from the shore and we were soon sliding quietly downstream along the Baetis river, back towards Corduba.

"No need to be stopping" whispered Able from the cabin, as the barge slipped through the upstream river gate of Corduba, past the swinging body of a black man strung up over the river, and down through the city. Isidora wistfully watched the University walls as the barge swept past, but quickly snuggled up against Velito who draped his arm around her with another big grin.

Velito kept the barge moving and we raced through Corduba. The various groups of guards along the riverbank and at the river gates, a mix of King Roderic's, Corduban city guards, and the white-clad church guards, didn't pay us any attention at all, and we were soon well downstream. Racing along with the gentle current, Velito kept the barge moving all day, eventually pulling into the riverbank beside one of the frequent shrines that dotted the riverside track as evening approached.

As the sun lowered down below the horizon, sister Sarah cast the more difficult Neutralise Poison on BJ, and a number of Cures on the injured fighters, with mixed success. Fabius also utilised his Temple Fighter talents and cast Cures on himself and Able. Watches were set for the night and everyone settled down.

"At least we've definitely outrun those snake things" stated Hawk-Eye as he rolled into his bedroll on the deck before his assigned watch would begin at about three am.

Sister Justina and Able were on the first watch, and they glanced nervously at each other.
"They can swim can't they" stated sister Justina.
"Sure can" whispered Able, sharpening his blade with his leather strop.

Sometime during the third watch, just before dawn, Hawk-Eye and Elena both heard a small splash from off in the river. Peering over the side of the barge, they see a ripple moving towards the barge.

"What's that then?" wonders Hawk-Eye.

Hawk-Eye leaps to defend the barge
Suddenly, a long thin creature launches itself out of the river and hits the side of the barge. Leaping back, Hawk-Eye yells in fright and hastily draws his sword. The spine-snake quickly makes its way up the side of the barge towards the deck rail. Hawk-Eye shouts again as he swings his sword, cutting deeply into the rail, just beside the spine-snake, as it launches itself over the rail and straight at him.

As the rest of the party rouse from their slumber Hawk-Eye and the spine-snake engage in a violent melee.

Velito spots a second spine-snake slithering up the side of the barge, heading right towards him. Able soon spots a third, and engages bravely, without his customary armour!

Soon there are three battles raging along the side of the barge, with all the fighters engaged. Even Velito has bravely stepped into the fray and exchanges blows with one of the spine-snakes.

"Take-a dis" he yells as he hammers at the creature with his sword. 
"You-a not getting past-a me to my wife" he threatens. 

In fact, Velito is the first to down his target and the first spine-snake falls apart into its component bones on the deck in front of him. But Able, BJ, Fabius, and Hawk-Eye continue to battle on.

Hawk-Eye suddenly reeled back and fell heavily to the deck, unconscious. His spine-snake opponent then launched itself at Fabius, who also stumbled back and slumped to the deck, bitten viciously in the thigh. As the spine-snake drew back for its next attack, BJ switched targets and engaged it. His blow lopped off its head and it crumbled to its bony components.

First Aid was successfully administered to Hawk-Eye and Fabius. Fabius staggered back to his feet, leaking blood from multiple wounds and feeling woozy. Stepping past Hawk-Eye, he quickly joined BJ and Able in battling the final spine-snake. 

It was soon dispatched, but not before BJ took another huge bite wound, nearly dropping him.

Looking around the barge, Fabius was very concerned. He quickly realised that of the twelve bodies back at the country manse, only six spine-snakes had been defeated.

"There are six more somewhere" he groaned, "we better Cure ourselves immediately"
"That'll take hours" noted sister Sarah.
"Let's get going now" argued Velito, "We'll be in Astigi in a few hours"
"Yeah" echoed BJ, "We'll be safe there"

The ropes were released, and Velito punted the barge out into the main current. We were quickly slicing through the water, racing for Astigi.

Able and Fabius peered nervously over the stern into the gloom upstream.

"Will we be safe there?" wondered Able.